Vibration Platform: Elvis Study
By definition, osteoporosis is a disease that, over time, causes bones to become thinner, more porous and less able to support the body. Bones can become so thin that they break during normal, everyday activity.
I’ve written a number of articles about the importance of weight bearing exercise and a calcium and vitamin D rich diet in preventing osteoporosis. So today I’m focusing on FALL PREVENTION. So many osteoporotic fractures are caused by falls so anything that can prevent those falls should be on your radar.
An interesting fall prevention method that’s been getting a lot of attention lately is using a Whole Body Vibration platform. Research by the Russian and American space programs has long suggested that a piezo-electric effect caused by vibrating the body strengthens muscles, and may prevent bone loss. A German study ‘Erlangen Longitudinal Vibration Study (ELVIS) shows it can also greatly reduce falls.
You simply stand on the vibrating plate and shake for several minutes. How long and how vigorously you shake can be dialed to suit your personal body needs and fitness level.
Commercial versions of the vibration platform are available at gyms and rehab centers. Home versions are sold online and at sporting goods and health equipment stores. Prices for the home versions start at about $199.
And for traditionalist in all of us, it’s true, simple balance exercises can go a long way towards reducing your chances of taking a serious fall.
Stand erect near a chair or wall (in case you lose your balance) hands at your sides.
Slowly raise one foot a couple of inches off the ground while shifting your weight to your grounded foot. When you’ve got your balance slowly raise your arms in front of you and hold for 10 seconds.
As you get more comfortable, try raising your held-up foot farther up until it’s near the knee of your grounded leg. More advanced, try closing your eyes as you balance.
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Stress: Dealing With It
Stress. It’s everywhere. If you live and work on this planet it’s almost impossible to avoid. In these times of social distancing and sheltering inside it can cause us to feel even more stressed and anxious too.
Feeling stressed? Me too!
Today I’m writing about how to get rid of stress and suggest some easy ways to get that burden off your back.
To get us in the mood, let’s start with a short, guided meditation and stretch video to help reduce stress. Try it with me and see for yourself.
Now that you’re a believer, lets have a look at stress and how to get rid of it. (By the way, as you get better at becoming relaxed, you can keep your eyes open while watching the waves on the video.)
Stress has been around since the beginning of time. It started as the fight-or-flight response when early humans confronted a life-threatening situation. In that situation, stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, are produced. Your blood vessels constrict, blood pressure goes up, pupils dilate, heart rate quickens, and breathing becomes more rapid. The body is preparing itself to do battle or run. This response is essential in times of acute danger. But problems at work, crying kids, traffic, you name it can trigger the same response.
Given the pressures of daily life, chronic stress itself has become a life-threatening situation. It can cause a host of health problems including headaches, gastrointestinal issues, insomnia, trouble concentrating, anxiety, depression, increased body weight, high blood pressure and heart disease.
We can’t eliminate the stress. But we can relieve the fight-or-flight response that sends our bodies into danger mode. And we can cultivate a relaxation response over time that will reduce our physiological stress reaction.
So what do we do about chronic stress? How do we get rid of it?
How? Relax. That’s what my first yoga teacher used to say when I was all bent up in the pretzel pose with a grimace on my face. And, like that meditation you just did, it actually worked. Once I was able to relax, I was stress-free even in the pretzel pose.
Seriously, daily conscious relaxation exercises can make real difference in the way your body responds to stress. Dr Herbert Benson coined the phrase “relaxation response” in his book by the same name in 1975.
Since then he and others have conducted numerous studies, including a recent one at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind/Body Medicine, that have detailed the body’s intricate positive response to conscious relaxation exercises. In a nutshell, the relaxation response has the opposite effect of fight-or-flight. It engages the parasympathetic nervous system to counteract the effects of stress. You experience a feeling of deep relaxation and well being. And if you practice relaxation regularly you’ll feel better and help yourself avoid those stress related health issues. That’s how we get rid of chronic stress.
Meditation is just one of an almost infinite number of ways to consciously relax. Virtually anything that takes your attention away from your daily grind and makes you concentrate on just one thing can work. Doing the dishes, aerobic exercise, yoga, stretching, golf, playing a musical instrument, casting a fishing rod, playing with a cat, almost anything can work if you pay attention to only that and clear your mind. I’m partial to exercise because I get the benefits of a workout as well as the relaxation. It’s my mantra. It’s what I do to get rid of chronic stress.
Dr. Benson suggests you practice some form of conscious relaxation for 10 to 20 minutes every day to get rid of chronic stress in the long-term.
But what if you’re pressed for time? (Pressed rhymes with stressed.)
Reduce Chronic Stress with this little exercise.
Sometimes you only need a few seconds and you feel a lot better.
Sit down and close your eyes. (If you’re on the street, duck into a doorway, stand and keep your eyes open and one hand on your purse.)
Let your muscles relax. Concentrate on your breathing.
Breathe in and hold your breath for one second, count one one hundred thousand, and breathe out.
Breathe in again a little deeper and hold for two seconds — one one hundred thousand, two one hundred thousand — breathe out.
Breathe in deeper and hold for three, then four, then five seconds.
When you get to around three seconds of breath holding, your stress level should start to drop and your mind should start to clear itself of thoughts.
After five, you should feel pretty good. This works well for me particularly in moments of acute stress.
That one worked too didn’t it. I hope concentrating on reading this helped you reduce your stress and I hope you’ll make conscious relaxation a part of your life.
It’s a lifestyle change that’s easy to make because it feels so good when you do it.
Take Charge of Your Health!
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Exercise when it’s convenient for YOU with 24/7 access. View on Computer, Mobile Devices, & Your TV via HDMI cable.
Regular Price: $99 a year.
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Bone Healthy Diet
Bone healthy Diet? EEK! One more thing to worry about? What ever happened to “these are our golden years”?. Sounds like more bad news but it’s not. True, our bodies can lose up to 40% of their bone mass in the 10 years following menopause. And true, if we don’t do something we could easily end up with osteoporosis. But also true, the fix for this is both easy and delicious.
It’s important to get enough calcium, Vitamin D in your bone healthy diet. As we age bodies become less efficient at absorbing these nutrients.
Here are some recommendations.
If you’re 50 or over you should make sure you’re getting a total calcium intake of at least
1200 milligrams daily and a Vitamin D intake of at least 800 to 1000 units daily.
Here are some sources of dietary calcium:
- Dairy Products including milk, yogurt and cheese
- Nuts such as almonds and various green vegetables such as broccoli
- Fish with bones such as sardines, and mackerel and calcium fortified juices and cereals.
So, yogurt with fruit, almonds and maybe even a little cereal sounds like lunch. So does a salad with sardines, and a little raw broccoli. How about a nice piece of fish with a smaller salad. You might try some cheese and fruit with a glass of fruit juice. OK, wine. You get the idea. Get your calcium from food and you don’t have to take supplements. But if you do, most people have a better time digesting calcium citrate than calcium carbonate, but they both work fine.
Sources of Vitamin D include:
- Fatty fishes such as salmon and mackerel and Vitamin D enriched milk, juices and cereals.
- Although your skin can make vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, sun block prevents vitamin D production.
By now you’re making up your own healthy bones recipes so I don’t have to suggest a Salmon, mackerel, milk, fruit juice and cereal smoothie do I?
But if you’re like most people and wear sun block and don’t get enough D in your diet you’ll need to take a supplement to get your 800-1000 units of Vitamin D.
Research suggests nutrients such as magesium, potassium, Vitamins A, K & C found in certain vegies and fruits may help foster better bones. It is recommended to eat about 12 ounces of fruit and 16 ounces of vegies daily.
Here is a list for your concoctions:
- Magesium include: Raisins, potatoes, sweet potatoes, plaintains, squash, artichokes, beet and collard greens.
- Potassium include: Oranges, orange juice, bananas, prunes, papaya, avocados and tomatoes.
- Vitamin A: Mangoes, cantaloupe, carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach
- Vitamin K: Spinach, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, collard, turnip and mustard greens.
- Vitamin C: Oranges, pineapples, payayas, grapefruits, lemons, strawberries, red and green peppers, broccoli and brussel sprouts and cauliflower.
One bit of bad news is too much alcohol or caffeine can add to bone loss; and soft drinks particularly colas that have both caffeine and phosphorous (bad for your bones) may be a double whammy.
So that’s my quickie eating for your bones report. Don’t try that smoothie; it’s nasty.
Follow Mirabai Holland: Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
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Cancer Exercise Programs
Cancer Exercise Programs
Studies show that about one third of cancer deaths each year are related to an unhealthy diet and not enough exercise. On the other hand, not smoking, eating well, and getting plenty of exercise are the most important things we can do to prevent cancer.
Cancer Exercise programs can help to control your weight and stabilize hormones. The same 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day that reduces your risk of heart attack by 50% can also reduce risk breast and colon cancer.
Controlling your weight helps to reduce the risk of breast, colon, endometrium, esophagus, and kidney cancers. Healthy low fat diet of fiber, fruits and vegetables is also a major factor in reducing cancer risk.
Cancer Exercise Programs
Easy aerobic exercise has been shown to increase hemoglobin levels, reduce inflammation, lessen fatigue, and keep muscles in shape for better every day activities. Also you can increase self confidence, reduce depression and aid in recovery of surgery. Here are some aerobic exercise suggestions.
Other research has shown cancer exercise programs that involve strength and flexibility exercises have helped patients return to a normal activity level sooner.
Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed kind of cancer and lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among all Americans. Using sunscreen and not smoking make these two cancers largely preventable.
For women, the second most deadly cancer is breast cancer, third is colorectal cancer. Among women’s reproductive cancers, cancer of the endometrium – the tissue lining the uterus – is the most commonly diagnosed, followed by ovarian, vaginal, and vulvar cancers.
Breast cancer. Age and hormones play a big role in prevention of reproductive cancers in women. The hormone estrogen (and subtypes, such as estradiol) has a lot to do with breast cancer, although scientists are still exploring why. New research studies are finding that young girls who get plenty of exercise and eat calcium and soy foods may have lower risk for breast cancer later in their lives. Pre-menopausal women have lower risk if they have had children and breast-fed children; for this age group, being overweight seems not to be as great a breast cancer risk as it is for post-menopausal women who gain weight. Weight gain also adds risk of recurrence for overweight breast cancer survivors.
Exercise and social support seem to increase the life expectancy of breast cancer survivors, preventing recurrence. Monthly self-exams and annual mammograms are vital in detecting breast cancer early enough to treat it, so that a patient’s survival is as great as possible. More exacting screening methods, including sentinel node biopsies (removal of small bits of tissue likely to reveal cancer) and mammograms better able to penetrate dense breast tissue that can hide cancer, are improving detection and making earlier treatment and longer survival possible. Breast cancer symptoms include:
• Lump or thickening of the breast
• Breast pain
• Dimpling or puckering of the skin
• Change in skin color or texture
• Change in breast shape
• Swelling redness or heat
• Discharge from or retraction of the nipple
• Scaly skin on or around the nipple
Cervical/Uterine Cancer. Cervical cancer is one of the few types of cancer (liver cancer is another) that develops as the result of a virus. PAP smear tests to detect cervical cancer have been greatly improved in the past few years. Regularly getting a PAP smear is the best method of detecting cervical cancer. Abnormal bleeding, especially in post-menopausal women, may be a sign of these cancers, but may also be a sign of other disorders that are not cancer. Premenopausal women may have heavier than normal bleeding. Pelvic pain (except cramping) and urination difficulties also are possible symptoms.
Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian cancer is difficult to detect before it has spread to a stage where it is usually fatal. Symptoms may include constant abdominal bloating and gas in the digestive system. Other symptoms may be the same as for cervical/uterine cancer, described in the previous paragraph.
Cancer treatments are improving. Although the side-effects of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation can still be devastating and very unpleasant, all of these therapies are being more finely tuned and made less dangerous as better technology is developed. More studies are showing effective combination treatments. Many cancers are becoming more manageable over a long-term with healthy habits and watchfulness, instead of the automatic death sentence they used to be. However, some hard-to-detect cancers, including ovarian and pancreatic cancer, have often spread too far before they can be treated.
So now may be the time to try some health coaching!
If you need some help, I have your back! Here’s a short video about my Health Coaching Technique how I have helped my clients achieve a balanced and Healthy Life.
For more health and fitness information and at home exercise programs please visit
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
It is important to keep up with new developments in cancer treatment and other care options. Here are some reliable resources on cancer, exercise, nutrition & support for women:
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition
American Breast Cancer Association
American Institute for Cancer Research
National Women’s Health Foundation
Osteoporosis: What Does Buying A Purse Have To Do With It?
We all have a lot to lose if we take a serious fall. Assuming we survive, the effects can be life altering. And if you have osteoporosis, what would have been a minor slip and fall for others, could have devastating consequences for you.
Fall Prevention Video
Here’s a fall prevention video that should be of interest to anyone interested in staying upright.
Osteoporosis Fall Prevention Video
There’s a story that prompted me to post this video and write this article. Here it is.
I have a friend who had been eyeballing this cute little red purse for a couple of months. She didn’t need it but she wanted it and sort of became obsessed with it.
She’d visit it online and wave to it in the store. But, there’s no way she was going to buy that purse because wanting it that bad made her feel a little stupid.
Well, the darn thing went on sale the other day at 40-percent off and another 10-percent off with her store card. Now, of course, she had to have that red bag.
Apparently, so did every other woman in the United States. Because, she had it in her online shopping cart and by the time she got her credit card out, it was no longer available. It had been snatched right out of her cart.
She was furious. She felt violated. “How dare they sell MY red purse?”
She called the company. They apologized and looked for one in their inventory anywhere. They gave her stores and a warehouse to call and reserve it before the last one could be sold. She called around for over an hour and finally got to someone who found one in California and ordered it for her.
As she was patting herself on the back for her investigative skills and persistence my friend had an aha! moment. She had recently been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Her doctor had given her a list of endocrinologists he’d be comfortable recommending but she hadn’t even looked at it, let alone researched it.
“I had been meaning to but I had been putting it off for no good reason. I thought why on earth don’t I apply that same purse passion to taking charge of my own health care?”
Health Care Not Sexy?
She thought about it for a minute and the answer she came up with unnerved her a little. “Health care is not sexy,” Purses are sexy! Purses are sexier than being healthier and maybe living longer? Eek!
But health is sexy! Quality of life is sexy!
As she started to Google the doctors on the list, she began to sing a parody to that old rock song.
“I’m too sexy for my purse, too sexy for my mouse pad, but not too sexy for my doctor’s office. Maybe a little bit too sexy, but I’m goin’ anyway.”
I think perhaps my friend has touched a nerve in many of us. Would we really rather look good than to feel good?
Sure seems like it. I think it’s that very premise that prompted an ad agency to come up with a TV commercial for a dietary supplement featuring a sexy dancing X-ray skeleton of a baby boomer model that’s protecting her looks by protecting her bones.
It got my attention. If you can’t get them to do it for health, get them to do it for beauty. Twistedly brilliant!
So I guess, if beauty is your motivation, go for it; especially when the health comes with it.
But what do you do if you already have osteoporosis like my friend, or have low bone mass, or you just have the good sense to want to take of your bones?
Osteoporosis And Calcium
- Under age 50 need a total of 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium* every day.
- Women: Age 50 and older (or any women who is not menstruating) need a total of 1,200 mg of calcium* every day.
- Men: Under age 71 need a total of 1,000 mg of calcium* every day.
- Age 71 and older need a total of 1,200 mg of calcium* every day. Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF)
Weight Bearing Exercise
Weight bearing exercise actually builds bone in youth and will help maintain bone.”As we get older the type of exercise changes a little bit. We still have to do some impact work but it has to be safe to avoid injury and falls so you want to add balance training, flexibility training, and safe movement to make sure the individual is able to stay active and healthy.”
So what’s the takeaway here? My takeaway is if you like standing on your own two feet, taking care of your bones is about as sexy as it gets.
by Mirabai Holland MFA Certified Health Coach, Certified Exercise Physiologist.
Osteoporosis Prevention Diet
Osteoporosis Prevention Diet? EEK! One more thing to worry about? Sounds like more bad news but it’s not. True, our bodies can lose up to 40% of their bone mass in the 10 years following menopause. And true, if we don’t do something we could easily end up with osteoporosis. But also true, the fix for this is both easy and delicious.
It’s important to get enough calcium, Vitamin D in your bone healthy diet. As we age bodies become less efficient at absorbing these nutrients.
Here are some recommendations.
If you’re 50 or over you should make sure you’re getting a total calcium intake of at least
1200 milligrams daily and a Vitamin D intake of at least 800 to 1000 units daily.
Osteoporosis Prevention Diet
Here are some sources of dietary calcium:
- Dairy Products including milk, yogurt and cheese
- Nuts such as almonds and various green vegetables such as broccoli
- Fish with bones such as sardines, and mackerel and calcium fortified juices and cereals.
So, yogurt with fruit, almonds and maybe even a little cereal sounds like lunch. So does a salad with sardines, and a little raw broccoli. How about a nice piece of fish with a smaller salad. You might try some cheese and fruit with a glass of fruit juice. OK, wine. You get the idea. Get your calcium from food and you don’t have to take supplements. But if you do, most people have a better time digesting calcium citrate than calcium carbonate, but they both work fine.
Sources of Vitamin D include:
- Fatty fishes such as salmon and mackerel and Vitamin D enriched milk, juices and cereals.
- Although your skin can make vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, sun block prevents vitamin D production.
By now you’re making up your own healthy bones recipes so I don’t have to suggest a Salmon, mackerel, milk, fruit juice and cereal smoothie do I?
But if you’re like most people and wear sun block and don’t get enough D in your diet you’ll need to take a supplement to get your 800-1000 units of Vitamin D.
MORE Osteoporosis Prevention Diet DO’s
Research suggests nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, Vitamins A, K & C found in certain veggies and fruits may help foster better bones. It is recommended to eat about 12 ounces of fruit and 16 ounces of veggies daily.
Here is a list for your concoctions:
- Magnesium include: Raisins, potatoes, sweet potatoes, plaintains, squash, artichokes, beet and collard greens.
- Potassium include: Oranges, orange juice, bananas, prunes, papaya, avocados and tomatoes.
- Vitamin A: Mangoes, cantaloupe, carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach
- Vitamin K: Spinach, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, collard, turnip and mustard greens.
- Vitamin C: Oranges, pineapples, payayas, grapefruits, lemons, strawberries, red raspberries
Osteoporosis Prevention Diet NO’S
One bit of bad news is too much alcohol or caffeine can add to bone loss; and soft drinks particularly colas that have both caffeine and phosphorous (bad for your bones) may be a double whammy.
So that’s my quickie eating for your bones report. Don’t try that smoothie; it’s nasty.
For more info on at home exercise programs visit
Stretching Routines: Gogi Tendon Organs ?
Stretching Routines: What Do Your Gogi Tendon Organs Have to do with it?

Sounds like decrepitude is setting in. Or maybe you’ve just lost some Flexibility.Flexibility is range of motion around your joints.
There are two types. Static flexibility – how far you can stretch and hold a body part, and dynamic flexibility – how much range of motion you have when you move.
Both are important. In fact I consider Flexibility one of the 3 main components of fitness, along with Aerobic Capacity and Muscle Strength.
I recommend a flexibility program that incorporates slow dynamic movements like Tai Chi, as well as static stretches like Yoga.But in my experience, Flexibility is the most ignored component of fitness. We do our Cardio and our Strength training but, unless we’re regular Yoga or Tai Chi, practitioners, Flexibility is not on the menu.
Why not? I think there are a couple of reasons. First, I think we don’t get it.It doesn’t make our muscles stronger or our figures shapelier. We don’t realize how valuable flexibility is until we try to do something we used to take for granted, like reach around to the back seat to get our sunglasses. Even then we toss it off with, “Well, I guess I’m getting older”. We somehow don’t connect with the thought, ” If I’d been doing a little stretching all these years, it wouldn’t have felt like I was going to rip something just then”.Secondly, there’s been lots of press about conflicting studies on the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of stretching.
Some studies say stretching improves athletic performance. Others say they’ve proved the exact opposite. Some studies say stretching helps prevent injury. Others say it has no effect on injury prevention. There’s enough conflicting buzz to make you not want to bother.That’s too bad because all that buzz masks the fact we do know stretching does help you gain and maintaining flexibility.
Does stretching help prevent injury or aid athletic performance? I DON’T CARE.
I want to stay flexible as I age. I want to be able to pick up coins, tie my shoes and grab my sunglasses. Give me my dose of flexibility training!Even if we were flexible as kids, as we get older, connective tissues, our tendons and ligaments, tend to lose water, shorten, and become stiffer. So we get less flexible. But it’s not too late.Even if you’re not interested in the fine practice of Yoga or Tai Chi, barring some medical issue, there’s a simple way to help hang on to the flexibility you have, and work on getting some of that youthful flexibility back. A few easy stretching exercises may be the difference between living tight and living flexible.I stretch every day. Easy for me to say, I teach a stretch class. But just a few minutes, three times a week, can make a real difference. I’ve seen students of mine go from really stiff to pretty darn flexible in a few months, without trying hard.Stretching, when done right, feels delicious while you’re doing it, and even better when you’re done. The kind of stretching I do is relaxing and meditative. I find it melts my stress and energizes me while keeping me flexible. I’ve developed a stretch exercise technique I call Moving Free. It’s evolved some over the 30 years I’ve been teaching it. I use a fusion of modified static stretches from Dance, Yoga and classic fitness as well as dynamic movements adapted from Dance and Tai Chi and Kinesiology.Here’s a video with some lower body stretches you can try at home. As if that weren’t enough, There’s more to stretching than just flexibility. I think stretching is a form of meditation that creates a sense of well-being and promotes peace of mind. When I finish my stretching routine I have a more positive outlook as well as the feeling that my body is more alive, more accessible to me. Try it and see.
Chances are that pretty soon you’ll be able to find your shoes simply by looking down.
Heart Healthy Valentine
Heart Healthy Valentine: Eat Berries, Drink and Be Fit! Here is a heart healthy formula that just might help save your heart and the one that you love!
February is Heart Month. Since heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women and men in the U.S., I thought I’d focus on prevention. After all, if you prevent heart disease, you’re very unlikely to die from it.
Heart Healthy Research
A Harvard study says women who eat three or more servings of strawberries or blueberries a week can lower their risk of heart attack by 32 percent. The study also said grapes, eggplant and blackberries may work too. It’s those flavonoids again. The antioxidants you find in red wine, dark chocolate, green tea, apple skin, etc. Rule of thumb: The darker the color, the more flavonoid content. They slow down your aging clock and prevent disease by keeping free radicals from damaging cells in your body.
Free radicals are incomplete molecules looking for an electron so they can complete and stabilize themselves. Sounds like something you’d hear in therapy. They steal an electron from a neighboring molecule, turning it into a free radical and setting off a chain reaction. They contribute to the aging process and a wide range of diseases.
We form them naturally when we breathe and metabolize. Free radicals don’t wreak havoc with your body until you have too many of them. They can be formed by oxidative stress, like intense exercise, smoking and exposure to environmental toxins.
Enter the flavonoids. They give the free radicals one of their electrons and stop them in their tracks. They help prevent heart disease by stopping LDLs (bad cholesterol) from breaking down and forming plaque in your arteries.
Nowadays, you can get berries year round, and they are a perfect low-calorie food, alone, in yogurt, or sprinkled on your cereal. So let’s have a few servings of berries, some eggplant, a glass of cabernet and maybe a square of dark chocolate for dessert. Not such a major lifestyle change and it came help you stay heart healthy too!
Since we are talking about prevention, how about stress?
A series of studies by Columbia University Medical Center says whether or not we perceive ourselves as stressed can be a measure of whether or not we’ll have a heart attack in the future. So from now on, I’m not going to perceive myself as stressed. Yeah. Good luck with that.
Seriously: My clients who exercise regularly, particularly aerobic exercise, tend to think of themselves as being more relaxed. And they are more relaxed. Aerobic exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural tranquilizer, and they know they’re getting the heart benefits of all that cardio. To get the maximum benefit from cardio exercise, most people should build up to 45 or more minutes at 60 to 80 percent of your max heart rate. If you’re just starting out, you can ease in with a few minutes a day at a comfortable pace and add more as it gets too easy. But here’s the rub: Aerobic exercise, because it requires so much oxygen, is an oxidative stressor. It produces free radicals.
People who exercise once in a while or really hard only on the weekend are more at risk for producing harmful levels of free radicals. But studies have found that people who exercise regularly tend to adapt and produce enzymes that create antioxidants minimizing free radicals’ negative effect so that it helps them stay heart healthy.
So here’s the formula to be heart healthy: Eat berries, drink wine and get regular cardio so you don’t perceive yourself as stressed. It’s an eclectic concoction, but I think it’s tastier than one of those midnight vegetable smoothies. Don’t you?
CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE & JOIN by Mirabai Holland MFA Certified Health Coach, Certified Exercise Physiologist.
In these times of social distancing and sheltering in place is a perfect time to focus on your health and well-being. It can make a big difference to keep your immune system strong. If you need some help, I have your back! Here’s a short video about my Health Coaching Technique how I have helped my clients achieve a balanced and Healthy Life. If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results or have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!
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Holiday Exercise!
With the holidays around the corner again those old familiar fears are rearing their ugly heads. For me it’s: how am I going to get through this with my sanity and how am I going to keep from gaining a ton?
Exercise has always been my catchall solution, like Windex for the father of the bride in that movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
As those of you who read my column know, during the holidays I pretty much throw up my arms and prudently sample every goodie that comes my way. But I emphasize the word SAMPLE. If I come to the table hungry those samples could get quite large, so I use my Windex (I mean holiday exercise; I don’t use real Windex) to help me through.
Holiday Exercise Tips:
Here is a short video to kick start your Holiday Exercise:
Endorphins make you feel like all is right with the world. Maintaining sanity becomes much easier after a good workout. They also tend to suppress your appetite. 30 minutes or so of aerobic exercise is enough to get your body to release those endorphins and it burns about 200- 300 calories. Strength training about a half hour every other day burns about 200 calories. It also raises your metabolism and keeps it up for hours after you’ve finished exercising. You see where I’m going here?
If you get started now you can stay sane, get in shape, reap all the health benefits daily holiday exercise has to offer, maintain or even lose weight, and get a jump on the 2 most popular New Year’s resolutions: Get in shape and lose some weight. Not bad.
NEW! Mirabai Holland’s Online On-Demand
ALL ACCESS Video Workout Club for 50+
You get 35 videos including NEW Ballet Barre Workout With Chair. We will be adding more videos as we complete themExercise when it’s convenient for YOU with 24/7 access. View on Computer, Mobile Devices, & Your TV via HDMI cable or Apple video
Regular Price: $99 a year
For more health and fitness information and at home exercise programs please visit
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist
Orthopedic Injuries: Prehab To Avoid Rehab
Orthopedic Injuries. Here’s one of mine. This picture is real. It was taken by my husband a few years ago. That’s me unable to lower my arm without passing out. I’m on the phone with my orthopedist. Orthopedic Injuries are a real drag. This one took me 3 months to rehab.
Nobody wants to grow old, least of all boomers. But we’re turning 65 at the rate of 10,000 a day, and will be for the next 17 years.
We’re running a little scared. We want longevity, but we’re scared of losing our mobility and independence. So we’re trying to stay active, or get active, in order to avoid decrepitude. With that many older bodies on the move, orthopedic injuries are on the rise. Once you’re injured, there’s excellent treatment and rehab available
But there is a lot you can do to prevent orthopedic injuries. If you want to stay active and mobile in the second half of your life, consider prehab today to avoid rehab tomorrow. Here’s a quick video to tell you more:
Who gets up in the morning thinking: I feel like getting a nice orthopedic injury today. What can I do to help that along? But we have them anyway, even if we’re disease free. We over use our bodies or use them wrong. We break hips and legs. We get strains and sprains. We get hurt at work, at home or playing sports.
Vintage Bodies Prone For Orthopedic Injuries
No matter how active we’ve been, our bodies are not the same as they were when we were younger. They’ve got miles on them. And like vintage cars, it’s not wise to drive them flat out. Those of us, who’ve used our bodies for a living, know we’ve had to make adjustments for our aging muscles and joints. Many of us are favoring old injuries that have left those body parts weakened and vulnerable.
We may be nursing over use injuries from repetitive actions. These can be anything from back problems from years of standing all day, to shoulder issues from years of manual labor, to carpal tunnel syndrome from constant mouse pushing. But it doesn’t have to take years. Raking leaves, shoveling snow or playing tennis all weekend when you’re out of shape can be an express ticket to Overuse Ville. And being overweight puts extra stress on your musculoskeletal system. But, there’s a simple fix that can reduce your risk for orthopedic injuries, give you more energy, stamina and even help you live longer
Prehab to Avoid Orthopedic Injuries
Two Types of Prehab
There are two main types: general and sport-specific.
General Prehab for Daily Life
Every day, we run for the bus or the phone, load groceries in the car, pick up children or pets and a million other things we take for granted. These all carry a risk for injury and I’ll bet we can all remember being injured doing them. Luckily for most of us the, injuries were limited to a little pull or sprain. But people do fall and break bones, dislocate limbs, have heart attacks and worse because they’re not fit enough for that activity at that moment. Being inactive and overweight adds to the mix. A simple fitness and weight management program may be all you need to help prevent orthopedic injuries during everyday activities.
General rehab for daily living as part of a personal wellness program: looks at the body as a whole, and develops it as a whole to maximize quality of life. This often includes strength training, cardio conditioning and core training, as well as some proprioceptive exercises.
Avoid Orthopedic Injuries with Fall Prevention
Falls are the number one cause of injury death in people over 65. One in three people 65 plus will experience a fall each year. And poor proprioception, not knowing where your body is in space is a leading cause of falls. Proprioception degrades with age but proprioceptive exercise can slow that down and help prevent falls. Add exercises like Tai Chi, and balancing exercises to your fitness routine. They feel great to do and can help keep you vertical into old age.
Sport-Specific Prehab is designed to get you ready for the rigors of a particular sport or physical endeavor. Good activity specific exercises pay special attention to the body parts most involved in that activity or sport with regard to use and form without ignoring the concept of training the body as a whole. Sport specific training is available at many gyms and community centers.
So I hope you’ve become a believer in the little proverb I’ve coined to remind my clients “An ounce of prehab is worth a pound of rehab.”
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Body Types: Best Exercises For You!
Body Types
Whether you are just beginning to exercise, getting back to exercise or wanting to refine your exercise routine, your body type should play a role in how you exercise.
If you eat right and exercise religiously, you can transform that body of yours into the perfect shape, right? Well, not exactly.
The truth is, there is no perfect shape except in our dreams. Any of the women you’d gladly trade bodies with will tell you about the parts they hate, and the parts they constantly work on. Genetics has determined us all to be basically one of three body types. You made be one of these or a combination. They are:
Mesomorph: Thick bones and generally muscular physique. It is easier to develop muscle and the look of a body builder. Meso’s muscles are shorter and tend to be bulkier. Great for heavy work and bodybuilding. Best type for sports that require quickness and strength like tennis. Not as naturally suited to long distance endurance sports like marathon running. Also, tends to be less flexible; stretching can help.
Ectomorph: Slender, thinner, longer bones, more difficult to build muscle mass but easy to sculpt a model-like body. Ecto’s muscles fibers are longer and well defined. Best for endurance and cardiovascular activities like aerobics, long distance running, or swimming. Ecto’s are generally more fragile and more prone to injury in contact sports.
Endomorph: Rounder or more pear shaped body. Easy enough to build muscle but more tendency to gain and retain body fat, which often obscures musculature. This body type needs constant physical activity to maintain a healthy weight and an attractive physique. However, because of the uneven distribution of body fat, endo’s can be more prone to lower body injury. Be careful with activities like high impact aerobics.
When NOT To Exercise
When Not To Exercise, I ask myself.
Well, for a couple of days now I have been nursing the flu. I’ve been mostly in bed and its very frustrating. I can feel the fitness juice draining out of me. Several times I’ve thought of getting out of bed, putting on my sneakers and each time, my body, my lungs and my head have said “whoa maybe this is a bad idea”.
So, resting on an elevated pillow, feet up, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that there are times when not to exercise because being physically active can do more harm than good.
Now that I have nothing else to do I’m making a list.
When Not To Exercise
When You Are Sick
If you’ve got a cold and it’s not severe you CAN exercise without making yourself sicker. Your body will probably tell you to back off the intensity and you should listen. So just do a maintenance workout.
The Flu however is not to be messed with. Influenza kills several thousand people a year. Your body is under siege from a virus and you need to win that battle. Rest. Don’t exercise.
With A Fever The Flu is often accompanied by a fever because your immune system is fighting off infection. Any time you have a fever you need to be resting to give your body a fighting chance. No exercise.
When You’re Tired
How tired? It you’ve got the fatigue and brain-block that comes from a long day at the office, some moderate exercise after work may help you relax and recharge. But if your body is telling you go home and go to bed, that’s what you need to do.
When A Chronic Condition Flairs Up
Most people with chronic conditions or injuries can exercise with doctor’s permission between flair-ups. But many make the mistake of trying to exercise when their condition is acute. When your condition flairs up, wait it out. Don’t exercise. It only takes a moment to cause permanent damage. If your flair-up persists, go see your doctor.
When You’re Pregnant
Most pregnant women can exercise but ability to exercise varies greatly from person to person. Make sure you talk to your doctor about any exercise you’re planning to do.
When You Have Pain
Patient: “Doctor it hurts when I do this.”
Doctor: “Don’t do that!”
It really IS that simple. Pushing through the pain is nonsense even for most professional athletes. If you’ve got pain don’t exercise. See your doctor.
This list is a work in progress and since I’m lying here, I’m sure I can think up some more stuff. How about you? If you’ve got some good reasons not to exercise, please send me your comments.
NEW! Mirabai Holland’s Online On-Demand
ALL ACCESS Video Workout Club for 50+
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Clicking Joints: Should I Worry?
Clicking Joints: Should I worry? What are those clicking, popping and crackling sounds in my joints? Is it Arthritis? Have I overdosed on breakfast cereal? No, it’s probably Crepitus. Sounds like a precursor to decrepitude, but it’s not. Crepitus is just the word used to describe the clicking sounds.
In fact, in most cases, if there’s no pain associated with those sounds, it’s nothing to worry about. Many people live their whole lives with some clicking joints and popping without any ill effects.
Clicking Joints?
Clicking Joints have closed bags of synovial fluid, called bursa, between them. They cushion joint movement so we can walk and work painlessly. That fluid has a little bit of air or gas dissolved in it. Through our daily movement, that gas can form a bubble or cavity in the bag. The fancy term is Cavitation.
When you move your knee, elbow or shoulder, the bubble bursts and makes a click or popping sound. Cracking your knuckles is a good example of breaking those bubbles on purpose. So, the rule of thumb is: no pain, no problem.
Snapping however is another story. That rubber band-like sound is often accompanied by pain. It’s a sign you have an injury, or that some muscle, nerve or connective tissue is out of place.
In this case you should see your doctor. A good way to promote healthy joints in general is to strengthen the muscles around them. Regular strength training can make a difference at any age. If you haven’t been exercising in a while, start slowly and build up. Last thing you want to do is hurt the joints you’re trying to strengthen.
So, what’s the takeaway here? Well, next time your friends have clicks and pops in their joints, you can tell them they probably have Crepitus!
by Mirabai Holland MFA Certified Health Coach, Certified Exercise Physiologist.
For more health and fitness info, Health coaching and in home exercise club and videos please visit
Can Sleeping Less Equal Weight Gain?
Can Sleeping Less Equal Weight Gain
Eating fewer calories, exercising more and still having a hard time getting those extra pounds off? Here’s a question for you: How’s your sleep?
I for one, every time I travel, seem to gain a couple of pounds just when I want to look my best.
I noticed that I tend to sleep less and intermittently when I am on the road. Once I settle again in a place, my sleep gets more regulated and I am able to drop those pounds.
I’ve adjusted my sleep pattern, as I have gotten older to help myself sleep better. The earlier I get up in the morning the better chance I have of getting to sleep that night and staying asleep for a longer period of time. I’m more energized, and when I eat, I eat less and feel more filled.
Can Sleeping Less Equal Weight Gain
It turns out that there are many studies that indicate that sleeping less then 7 hours can increase body weight. One recent study with several pairs of twins, found that the twin who slept more than 9 hours was about half as likely to gain weight as the one that slept only 7.
Sleep deprivation affects your hunger urge. If you sleep less, you feel like eating more and you probably do. That’s because not sleeping increases your body’s level of gherlin, the hunger hormone and decreases leptin the “I’m full” hormone.
A sleep study in Finland with middle-aged adults who had sleep problems found that women had greater sleep related weight gains than men. Though men were also affected. The study indicated that it seems the fewer hours you sleep the more calories you tend to eat the next day.
If you want a good night sleep here’s are some things to consider:
- Exercise: Don’t exercise too late in the day. So many of us go to the gym after work but it can keep you up at night. Late exercise can prevent the body from making sleep-inducing melatonin for several hours.
- Caffeine: It can take 6 or more hours to wear off. Having that cup of coffee after dinner, even with a low fat dessert, may not be such a good idea.
- Alcohol: A couple of drinks with dinner can wake you up in the middle of the night and make it hard to get back to sleep. I have a friend who swears by a glass or two of wine at lunch but never alcohol after 2pm. She says she sleeps like a baby at night. I think if I had a glass or two at lunch, I’d sleep like a baby at 2pm and be up for the night at 5.
- Stress: And then there is our old buddy stress. We all have some level of stress and how we deal with it can keep us up at night. Getting yourself relaxed in quiet, dark, temperature controlled environment can relieve stress and induce a desire and ability to sleep.
So what’s it going to be, wide awake at 3am or getting that beauty sleep and waking up lighter and brighter on your toes? Learning to get a good night’s sleep is a process.
Don’t stress over it, it may keep you up at night.
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As far as the latest in my world of health and wellness, please check out this health coaching video. If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results. Do you have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues,
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Aerobics May Improve Memory
Aerobics May Improve Memory.
I became interested in exercise and memory several years ago when my older students began to tell me that their memories seemed to improve after they took my class.
I was teaching mostly dance-exercise in those days. I started with simple steps and built up to a pretty complex routine.
There has to be a connection I thought, between the physical movement, making your brain learn this routine, and improved memory.
I’m no scientist but I was curious. So I started to break it down.
What I was having people do is learn short phrases of movement and then link them together. The cardio dance routine required them to move forward and back, side to side, remember specific steps; and stay in rhythm.
This was a real challenge for many of my students who had never done anything like this before. As they got more proficient, the class became a social gathering; because of this shared experience.
My students felt energized afterwards, not exhausted. They told me that besides getting a good body workout they were getting a memory workout as well. They said they could actually remember things better.
I wondered if there was science to support our anecdotal experience.
I contacted a couple of local Alzheimer’s specialists (there was no internet back then) and they told me – you’re probably right but there weren’t any specific studies on this more than 20 years ago.
Even now the research is not conclusive. But, technology in the last 15 years has allowed science to discover a lot more about the brain.
Aerobics May Improve Memory.
Vascular memory loss has been linked to heart disease and cardio fitness is a major factor in preventing and managing that issue. Aerobic exercise increases the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain improving mental function. Cardio fitness has been shown to reduce loss of brain cells in older adults.
A study of 1,449 older adults shows those who in middle age exercised vigorously enough to perspire and breathe hard for 20 to 30 minutes at least twice a week reduced their risk of later developing Alzheimer’s disease by about 60 percent.*
But cardio is just part of the equation.
Aerobics May Improve memory because research published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that certain types of dance, particularly with routines to learn and remember, may help prevent age-onset memory loss and diseases like Alzheimer’s. “…. cognitive activity may stave off dementia by increasing a person’s “cognitive reserve.” **
And a study conducted at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, says activities that combined mental and social as well as physical stimulation offered the greatest protection against dementia***
Activity is the active word. Be physically active, mentally active and socially active, preferably all at once. Taking a Cardio Dance class or getting together with friends to do a Cardio Dance DVD is a good place to start. And to this day, when I start my cardio dance class I say,
“It’s time to workout our hearts and minds!”
*Rovio, Suvi; Kareholt, Ingemar; Helkala, Eeva-Liisa; Viitanen, Matti; Winblad, Bengt; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Soininen, Hilkka; Nissinen, Aulikki; and Kivipelto, Miia. “Leisure-time physical activity at midlife and the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.” The Lancet Neurology; published online Oct. 4, 2005.
** Dr Joe Verghese, lead author of study conducted at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, N Engl J Med, 2003; 348:2508-2516.
***Karp, Anita; Paillard-Borg, Stephanie; Wang, Hui-Xin; Silverstein, Merrill; Winblad, Bengt; and Fratiglioni, Laura. “Mental, Physical and Social Components in Common Leisure Activities in Old Age in Relation to Dementia: Findings from the Kungsholmen Project.” Presented at the Alzheimer’s Association 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, Philadelphia, Penn., July 17 – 22, 2004. Abstract published in Neurobiology of Aging, July 2004, Vol. 25, S2: p. S313.
Compared with the control group, the exercise group significantly improved in verbal fluency (p = 0.048), word list delayed recall (p = 0.038), word list recognition (p = 0.007), and total CERAD-K score (p = 0.037)
Metabolic syndrome (MS) is associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment.
Aerobic exercise improves cognitive function in elderly people and contributes to the prevention of degenerative neurological disease and brain damage. Dance sport is a form of aerobic exercise that has the additional benefits of stimulating the emotions, promoting social interaction, and exposing subjects to acoustic stimulation and music.
In the present study, dance exercise for a 6-month period improved cognitive function in older adults with MS. In particular, positive effects were observed in verbal fluency, word list delayed recall, word list recognition, and the total CERAD-K score.
Our data suggest that the implementation of dance exercise programs may be an effective means of prevention and treatment of cognitive disorders.
For more info on health and wellness programs please visit
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Fall Prevention.
Fall Prevention. Is your vision putting you at risk for a deadly fall? The answer may surprise you. Falls are a leading cause of death in older adults.
Do you really want to go out with that kind of a bang? Not being able to distinguish, or maybe just being less likely to notice a hazard that causes a fall, is a problem that sneaks up on you.
The quality of our vision diminishes with age slowly, and often goes unnoticed; or we may just rationalize symptoms away.
Fall Prevention
Starting at around 40 the lenses in our eyes become less elastic making it hard to focus up close. We eventually admit it and fix the problem with reading glasses. But that’s just the beginning. By around 50 we may think there’s not enough light in a room, or daylight conditions are immediately too bright when we go outside. In fact our pupils have gotten smaller, and our ability to adjust to changing light has slowed with age. So we require more light indoors, and transitions from dim to bright conditions become more difficult. We don’t usually think of aging eyesight as the cause. It’s easy to shrug off.
As we get older and contrast perception diminishes, making it harder to perceive stairs, curbs and other dangers, we blame shadows or glare. And worsening vision throws off our balance and proprioception (knowing where our bodies are in space). Combine imperfect vision with age related orthopedic issues and we’re set up for a life altering or life-ending event.Most of the time, the vision problem is easily corrected with a visit to an ophthalmologist and prescription for glasses. And if you do have a more serious issue, it can be detected and treated before vision loss occurs or gets worse. But remember, it sneaks up on you. So get a checkup even if you don’t think you need one.
In these times of social distancing and sheltering in place is a perfect time to focus on YOU and YOUR Health & Well-Being.
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It can make a big difference to keep your immune system strong. If you need some help, I have your back! Here’s a short video about my Health Coaching Technique how I have helped my clients achieve a balanced and Healthy Life. If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results or have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!
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Weight Loss Panic
Whenever the weather gets warmer, the idea of putting on summer clothes generates a ton of weight loss panic! I get a lot of panicky emails asking about quick weight loss. Here are a couple of familiar ones.
Weight Loss Panic Solutions
Q: I need to lose 20 pounds. I am doing aerobics three times a week and watching my calories but I am losing so slowly, I was wondering if there is any other type of exercise that could help me lose weight faster? I am really getting frustrated and I am almost ready to just give up.
A. Try adding 2-3 days of weight training to the mix.
Studies show the winning formula is a combination of aerobic and weight training exercise. Moderate aerobic exercise burns calories while you are doing it and for a short time afterwards. Weight training burns calories too but it also increases your lean muscle mass. So as you add more muscle, you’ll burn more calories all day long. Research from Tufts University found that after 12 weeks of weight training, total calorie burning increased by about 15 percent which for an average adult, could amount to an extra 240 to 400 calories a day.
A: As we get older, particularly after menopause, women tend to carry extra weight around the middle. This change in body shape puts you at higher risk for heart disease and cancer. So, it’s even more crucial to do something about it.
Fortunately, it’s not as difficult as you think.
If you lose a pound a week, you’ll still have 2 weeks to spare, just in case you get a little hungry.
So, here’s a formula for losing the weight and toning up at the same time.
One pound = 3500 calories. So to lose one pound a week eliminate 500 calories each day (500 X 7 days = 3500 calories)
Eat 300 calories less, and do one half hour to one hour of aerobic exercise, like brisk walking, to burn the other 200. You might want to write down everything you eat for the next 3 days or so to help you figure out what you can do without. Or, simply cut your portions in half.
As for aerobic exercise, you don’t have to do the whole workout at once. Three 10-minute walks are just as effective as one half hour walk.
You should also do some abdominal exercises about 20 a day to help tone up that belly as you lose weight. And, exercise actually picks up your metabolic rate so you burn more calories even after you’ve finished exercising.
Now, just try not to trip on your way up the aisle!
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Wellness Mandala
Wellness: Life is a balancing act.
So I started thinking about wellness. What is wellness anyway?
It’s the absence of disease. If you are not sick you are well.
But it’s more than that isn’t it? It’s quality of life and for some it’s a balancing act; the balance of all things. I like this balance concept so I dug out one of my favorite balancing act tools:
Wellness Balancing Act Tool
The Mandala: the wheel of life. I wrote down all the types of wellness I could think of and ended up with 6 categories that I stuck on my Mandala to enable us to live well.
Here they are:
Physical Wellness
· Taking care of your body, eat right, exercise
· Visit your doctor regularly
Mental Wellness
· Keeping an open mind and trying to see other’s point of view
· Allowing your curiosity to take you to new places and learn new things.
Emotional Wellness
· Trying to keep a positive state of mind
· Cultivating self esteem
· Reaching out to others for support
Spiritual Wellness
· Recognizing your beliefs.
· Allowing your core values to direct your actions.
Social Wellness
· Developing positive inter-personal relationships at home and work
· Allowing yourself to give and receive love: to and from everyone that means that much to you including animals
· Participate in social situations; try not to stay on the sidelines.
Environmental Wellness
· Making your home environment peaceful, pleasant, safe and comfortable.
· Choosing an occupation and a workplace that doesn’t drive you nuts.
· Try to have a positive impact on our natural environment.
Recycle more, pollute less.
When the wheel is in balance it spins evenly. When even one of these categories is out of whack, the whole wheel starts to wobble.
So as a certified health coach I respectfully suggest you get rolling, get your balancing act together so you can live well.
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Exercising With Asthma
Asthma is a chronic disease of the airways. Bronchial passages become inflamed and narrowed in response to triggers like cold air, exercise, smoke, pet dander, dust mites and stress. Breathing becomes labored and difficult and in extreme cases, asthma attacks can be fatal. Asthma affects about 25 million people in the US according to the National Institutes of health, and 300 million worldwide.
Check out this video on Exercising With Asthma!
In these times of social distancing and sheltering in place is a perfect time to focus on your health and well-being. It can make a big difference to keep your immune system strong. If you need some help, I have your back! Here’s a short video about my Health Coaching Technique how I have helped my clients achieve a balanced and Healthy Life.
EASE IN, BECOME MOBILE, GET STRONG, LIVE LONG! LIVE LONG! For more info on health and wellness programs please visit
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Exercise And Diabetes
Exercise and Diabetes! Getting regular exercise is key to preventing and managing diabetes. Exercise decreases insulin resistance and helps to metabolize sugar. It also helps circulation, which can be a problem for diabetics. Other benefits include having more stamina, stronger muscles and bones, burning calories and even elevating your mood.
Exercise and Diabetes: Here are some tips to help you get the best results out of your exercise program.
- Before starting anything new, check with your doctor to see what your normal blood sugar range should be and if there are any types of exercise you should avoid. For instance, weight training may be contraindicated if you have eye problems because it may raise blood pressure and rupture blood vessels in the eye.
- Before starting anything new, check with your doctor to see what your normal blood sugar range should be and if there are any types of exercise you should avoid. For instance, weight training may be contraindicated if you have eye problems because it may raise blood pressure and rupture blood vessels in the eye.
- Test your blood sugar before and after exercising. Don’t start unless it’s in your normal range.
- Activities that take you outside during hot or cold weather can affect blood sugar levels. If you find your levels are too low or too high, stop, and wait until they are in the appropriate range. Some diabetics find that exercise brings their blood sugar level too low (hypoglycemia). Some of the symptoms are sweating, anxiety, or feeling hungry. It’s important to always keep fruit juice handy just in case.
- Wear shoes and socks that are supportive and comfortable. Make sure you have enough room to wiggle your toes so as to not to stop circulation.
- Clothes like breathable cottons or micro fibers help wick away the sweat and keep you from overheating. In colder weather, dress in layers that you can peel off or put on as needed.
- Drink water before, during and after exercise. You may not even feel that thirsty but not getting enough fluids can affect your blood sugar level.
- Warm-up and cool-down at least five-ten minutes before and after exercise. Start your warm-up by doing low intensity movement like walking and end with it. Cool-down is a great time to stretch because your muscles are still warm.
Exercise can increase quality of life for most diabetics and in many cases help keep the disease in check. Easy aerobics, easy strength or easy stretch exercise can help.
About Diabetes
People may be born with diabetes (Type 1), but most people who have it developed it after birth (Type 2). Overweight and obesity, a diet high in sugar and fat and low in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans and lack of regular exercise are major contributors to diabetes. Although Type 2 used to be diagnosed mostly in adults, it now is diagnosed frequently in children and teenagers.
According to the American Diabetes Association diabetes occurs when the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. Getting your blood glucose level tested as part of your annual checkup is important, particularly if you have pre-diabetes, a condition that occurs when a person’s blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. There are 41 million Americans who have pre-diabetes, in addition to the 20.8 million with diabetes. Research shows that exercise decreases body fat and helps normalize insulin levels.
CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE & JOIN by Mirabai Holland MFA Certified Health Coach, Certified Exercise Physiologist.
In these times of social distancing and sheltering in place is a perfect time to focus on your health and well-being. It can make a big difference to keep your immune system strong. If you need some help, I have your back! Here’s a short video about my Health Coaching Technique how I have helped my clients achieve a balanced and Healthy Life. If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results or have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!
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I’d like to remind you if you are still in that winter slump, to get moving again if you want to “live long and prosper”.
So to make it easy on you to spring into shape, do these 5 Most Important Workouts at least 4-5 days a week even if you begin with a little as 5 minutes a day working up to about 30 minutes.
Tip: Plan your workout:
Try to exercise as much as you can at the same time every day.
Have your workout clothes and accessories ready ahead of time so you can grab and take them with you or put on and go!
1. Aerobic Training
Feeling sluggish? Believe it or not a daily dose of aerobic exercise can help provide you with more energy and stamina. Aerobics is any activity that uses your large muscle groups like brisk walking, swimming, jogging, biking, climbing stairs, or low impact cardio dance. Starting out with as little as 5 minutes a day and building up to 30 minutes will help lower your blood pressure, increase your good cholesterol, HDL, improve your lung function, strengthen your heart, burn calories and elevate your mood.
2. Muscle Strength
Flab is one of those things we all really hate. What’s worse than wearing something that will reveal that little wiggle.
Studies show that if we do nothing we will steadily increase body fat as we get older.
So an inactive 25 year old woman may be at 23% (normal range of %body fat) but if she stays inactive by the time she is in her 60’s she can be as high as 43%.
The good news is this is completely reversible by adding some strength training exercises. And it doesn’t take much: just twice a week for 30 minutes or so.
Make sure you leave 24-48 hours in between for muscles to recover and grow.
Use your own body weight with push-ups (beginners can do them against a wall and modified squats or lunges. Start with a few and build up to 15 reps.
Or use resistance bands or hand and ankle weights. For this, you may need some professional help like purchasing an exercise video with a certified instructor, joining a gym or working with a certified personal trainer. Once you learn a simple routine you can do you can slowly increase the weight as you get stronger.
Tip: Start with 8 reps for each exercise. If you can’t finish the set the weight is too heavy. And if you can do a few more, you need more resistance. The key is to listen to your body.
3. Flexibility Training
When was the last time you could touch your toes? Or in the morning when you wake up do you feel stiff? If this sounds like you then doing a few stretches every day could help you move more freely and even reduce muscle aches and pains.
Here are 4 easy exercises that targets some those tight muscles:
Neck Stretch (try doing it in the shower when your muscles are warming up)
Back Stretch
Hamstring stretch
Calf stretch
Try holding the stretch for at least 10-20 seconds!
Try doing an easy stretch or yoga video or class even once a week can help increase your flexibility.
4. Balance training
Because we see in older adults a loss of balance, which results in more falls,” noted Holland.
— You can do this standing in line at the grocery store
— Stand on one leg and see if you can let go of the shopping cart
— Hold for about 10 seconds
— Also try standing on your tippy-toes and holding for a few seconds
— Balance should be done everyday — all you need is two to three minutes
5. Core training
“We see so many people as they get older avoiding their abs, which results in a bad back,” said Holland. “They’re not really supporting upper torso.”
— Try a few minutes of abdominal exercises
— Reverse curl while you’re lying in back and pull your knees into you
— Hold for five seconds and release
— Start with 10 reps a day and work your way higher
— Crunches are key — not full sit-ups — because some people can do more damage than good
— Keep back on the floor and don’t go all the way up
— Really concentrate so you can feel you’re abdominal wall contracting
— This will help support your back
CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE & JOIN by Mirabai Holland MFA Certified Health Coach, Certified Exercise Physiologist.
In these times of social distancing and sheltering in place is a perfect time to focus on your health and well-being. It can make a big difference to keep your immune system strong. If you need some help, I have your back! Here’s a short video about my Health Coaching Technique how I have helped my clients achieve a balanced and Healthy Life. If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results or have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!
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For more health and fitness info and in home exercise videos please visit
Follow Mirabai Holland: Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
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Lose Weight Now: Talking Off The Pounds!
Lose Weight Now: Talking Off The Pounds!
Was it Einstein who said “I talk to myself in order to have an intelligent conversation”?
Maybe it was Buddha.
Anyhow, I’m in a conversation with myself right now. I’m trying to lose weight and knock off a few pounds. (If you think being a fitness pro makes you immune think again) and I find talking to myself is not so crazy. We all need a support system. Mine happens to be me.
Lose Weight Now: Talking Off The Pounds!
Here a Talking Yourself Thin Video
Lose Weight Now: Talking Off The Pounds!
Every night before I go to bed, I have a little chat with myself. I plan my meals for the next day and approximate calories, and the type of exercise I am going to do. I like to switch it up so I’m not doing the same thing every day, which sometimes requires a little more planning.
I get my workout clothes and other stuff ready the night before so I have no excuse and I tell myself what a good idea that was.
Although I teach exercise classes and coach clients, my body has gotten use to that, so when I want to lose weight, I need to do more.
For motivation, I talk to myself about a piece of clothing I’m determined to get into.
I put myself on a realistic, achievable timeline. So, if I’m trying to lose five pounds I give myself about 5-6 weeks.
Now this sounds like I’m really in charge doesn’t it? But I’ve learned to expect the unexpected which might deter me and get me off my weight loss plan.
For instance, this morning my husband brought home a bag of bagels for breakfast.
As soon as I saw them, calorie numbers started to flash in my brain. So instead of denying myself all together, I told myself I could have a serving that would equal the calories, if not the nutrition, of the oatmeal I was about to prepare. And I must say I savored every bite.
As I ate my half a bagel watching my husband eat a bagel and half, I told myself that I made the right choice. I had my taste, and I was thankful for it, and I wanted to lose weight and get those pounds off more than I wanted the rest of that bagel.
So put your own Weight Loss Plan in place and lose weight now.
If you are looking for some support, why not try talking to your best friend, you!
Check out my New Year, New You Specials at
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TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH! GET STRONG, LIVE LONG! For more info on health and wellness programs please visit
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
New Year New You: Top Ten Fitness Tips
New Year, New You; right? Well it is January again, and are you wondering if you can really stick with your New Year’s fitness resolutions? If getting in shape, and staying in shape is one of yours, it’s probably not the first time you’ve tried it. I’ve spent a lot of my career studying why fitness programs succeed or fail and developing methods to help people succeed. So, Happy New Year, here are my Top 10 Tips to help you ward off decrepitude.
New Year New You Top Ten Tips
• Start slowly and go at your own pace. Staying in your comfort zone separates the pain from the gain. You’ll get the most benefit with the lowest risk of injury, especially if you’ve been inactive for some time.
• Find the right kind of exercise for you. Choose activities you like or at least don’t hate. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as taking a brisk walk.
• Pick a time of the day that is most convenient for you to exercise. Try to stick with that schedule. Studies show that people who exercise at the same time every day are more likely to stick with it.
• Before getting out of bed each day, take a moment to visualize yourself fit. Thinking of yourself as a fit person will help make it happen. Professional athletes do this daily.
• Keep an exercise log. You’ll get a feeling of accomplishment when you stick to your program and will be able to chart your progress.
- Wear comfortable clothing and shoes with good support. Cotton is a breathable classic. But check out the super lightweight fabrics like cool-max that wick the sweat from your skin. When buying shoes, don’t feel weird about actually exercising in them in the store before plunking down the big bucks. I can’t tell you how many pairs of sneakers I have thrown against the wall before I learned this.
• Exercise with a friend or family member. Supporting each other’s efforts helps keep you on track. One of my students loves to go mall walking with her friend in the early morning at speed and then coming back later for some retail therapy.
• Music is a powerful motivator. Pick music you love that makes you want to move. There are fitness music companies that sell CDs and downloads with popular tunes played at specific beats per minute. They’ll tell you what speed works for particular types of exercise.
• Consider professional guidance, especially if you’ve been inactive. If you don’t want to join a gym or can’t afford a trainer, consider a beginner-level exercise video by a certified teacher so you’ll see the exercises demonstrated properly.
• Set short-term, easily attainable goals, such as doing some form of exercise two or three days a week to start. Change your goal when it becomes too easy.
It’s rare when anyone succeeds at anything right out of the gate. That’s why “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” is a classic proverb. So if you fall off the wagon one day, just climb back on board the next. And remember you’re not a failure, you’re a success story in progress.
Check out my New Year, New You Specials at
TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH! GET STRONG, LIVE LONG! For more info on health and wellness programs please visit
For more information about Health & Wellness coaching contact
TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH! GET STRONG, LIVE LONG! For more info on health and wellness programs please visit
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
New Year Fitness Resolutions: 5 Myths
New Year Fitness Resolutions often fail!
Many of today’s fitness programs are all about the quick sell and even quicker results. Many are based on dangerous fitness myths.
To success in fulfilling those New Year Fitness Resolutions here are 5 fitness myths to steer away from:
New Year Fitness Resolutions: Myth #1: Pain Equals Gain
It is a popular misconception that only when you feel the pain are you gaining anything from your workout.
“The “no pain, no gain” mentality contributes to more injuries and more burnout than any other fitness factor, especially among my age group (baby boomers). It is wiser to exercise sustainably over a longer term, than to push yourself to the breaking point.
New Year Fitness Resolutions: Myth #2: A Taskmaster Equals the Best Teacher
Reality Exercise Shows that have recently become popular portray drill-sergeant-style trainers as being the most effective fitness mentors.
While leveraging fear and using intimidation techniques may mean instant short-term fitness results, they’re sending the wrong message about how to get and stay fit for a lifetime. Attainable short-term goals and positive reinforcement are more likely to create good fitness habits that are sustainable for life
New Year Fitness Resolutions: Myth #3: Pumping up the Volume Equals Pumping up Your Physique
It seems some fitness instructors think screaming louder and blasting the bass is motivational. It’s time to think again.
While high-decibel workouts might be temporarily motivational, over time these techniques become draining and stressful leading to faster fitness burnout. Look instead for uplifting music and gentle coaching in your workouts.
New Year Fitness Resolutions: Myth #4: Fitness Equals a Fight Against Your Body
Sales pitches that encourage “shaving off the pounds” and busting your abs or your butt have solidified the image of fitness as a battle against your body.
Fighting is not a sustainable activity or philosophy. Instead, think of partnering with your body. Meet it where it is at right now and provide the environment and tools to reveal your body’s best potential. When you take this approach you are setting yourself up for success every step of the way.
New Year Fitness Resolutions: Myth #5: Force Equals Fit
Today’s popular exercise routines promote pounding your body into shape. But ancient fitness modalities, such as Yoga and Tai Chi had it right.
Fitness is not about pumping the most iron or performing the most reps, it is about teaching your body how to move efficiently, using all of your muscles groups, and sustaining these movements over time. Exercise including strength training should be approached as a gradual lifetime process. This way, exercise becomes a pleasure not a chore and you have a much better chance in having your New Year Fitness Resolutions succeed.
Check out my New Year, New You Specials at
NEW! Moving Free Ballet Barre Workout With Chair
No need to be a dancer to enjoy Mirabai Holland Moving Free® Ballet Barre Workout with a Chair instead of a barre for support. Get a serious ballet style workout like the pros do daily. Her easy to follow instruction and gentle coaching takes a Yin-Yang approach. Dance is Work-Dance is Play. She ends with a short routine based on the moves you just learned so you can free your inner dancer.
For more info on women health coaching and fitness at home exercise programs come and visit me at and be Fabulous Forever!
TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH! GET STRONG, LIVE LONG! For more info on health and wellness programs please visit
For more information about Health & Wellness coaching contact
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Ready to test your Fabulous Forever Health IQ?
As we are into a new year, it’s time to remind ourselves to be vigilant about our health and fitness so you can be Fabulous Forever. Test your Fabulous Forever health IQ with this at home quiz. Answers are at the end.
Fabulous Forever Health I.Q. Test Yourself Now!
Fabulous Forever Health IQ Self-Quiz
(answers at end)
1. What is the number one killer disease of women?
a. Osteoporosis
b. Breast Cancer
c. Heart Disease
d. Diabetes
2. What does osteopenia mean?
a. Low muscle mass
b. Low bone mass
c. Another word for osteoporosis
d. Strong bones
3. What is the normal % of body fat?
a. 15-20%
b. 22-30%
c. 25-35%
d. 30-35%
4. Which one of the following blood pressure readings is considered a risk factor for heart disease?
a. 110/70
b. 115/80
c. 118/75
d. 140/90
5.What helps to pick up metabolism?
a. Lean muscle mass
b. 1000 calorie a day diet
c. Sleeping 8 hours a night
d. Meditation
6. How much body fat does the average 65 year old woman have?
a. 30%
b. 37%
c. 43%
d. 50%
7. What is sarcopenia?
a. high muscle mass
b. low bone mass
c. high bone mass
d. low muscle mass
8. What is interval training best for:
a. Picking up the metabolic rate
b. Adding variety to your routine
c. Making it easy to get a drink of water
d. Both a & b
9. An optimal program for older people would include activities to improve:
a. strength, flexibility and coordination
b. eyesight
c. digestion
d. jogging
10. What body shape is the one that puts you at less risk for both heart disease and breast cancer?
a. apple
b. pear
c. banana
d. pineapple
11. To be at less risk for heart disease your total cholesterol should be:
a. Above 200
b. Below 200
c. Between 200-220
d. Between 220-225
12. Which is the “good” cholesterol
a. HDL
b. LDL
c. NDL
d. Margarine
13. How much exercise should you do?
a. At least 3-4 times a week, 30 minutes at 60-90% max heart rate.
b. At least twice a week, 60 minutes at 70-90% max heart rate
c. At least once a week, 60 minutes at 80-85% max heart rate
d. At least twice a week, 30 minutes at 70-90% max heart rate
14. What is the equation of finding your target heart rate?
a. 220-age x %
b. 200-age x %
c. 220 x age – %
d. 200 x age – %
15. What does aerobic exercise do?
a. Helps to stimulate metabolism and reduce LDL
b. Helps to develop stronger abdominals and back muscles
c. Helps to build a stronger heart muscle
d. a & c
16. What are the risk factors for heart disease that you can control:
a. Family history, age, menopause
b. Inactivity, excessive alcohol, and high blood pressure
c. Smoking, high cholesterol and triglycerides
d. b & c
17. How often should you weight train?
a. Every day
b. 3 days in a row, 2 days rest
c. 2-3 times a week, alternating days
d. None of the above.
18. How often should you perform a Breast Self-Examination?
a. every other week
b. Once a month (if still menstruating best time a week after the start of your period)
c. Once every week
d. None of the above.
19. When should you start getting annual mammograms?
a. After age 40
b. After age 45
c. After age 50
d. After age 55
20. What are the best types of exercise if you have had breast cancer?
a. Light strengthening and stretching exercises.
b. Walking and swimming.
c. High intensity strength training
d. a & b
21. 54 million Americans at risk for Osteoporosis; what % are women?
a. 60%
b. 70%
c. 80%
d. 90%
22. By the time women are 70 they can lose up to
a.15% bone mass
b. 20% bone mass
c. 30 % bone mass
d. 45% bone mass
23. As a woman goes through menopause what is the main factor that causes bone loss?
a. loss of estrogen
b. fatigue
c. hot flashes
d. light headed
24.What are the 3 areas at most risk for osteoporotic fracture?
a. Spine, neck, foot
b. Hip, shoulder, foot
c. Spine, hip, wrist
d. None of the above.
25. What type of exercise is not particularly effective for loading your bones
a. Weight training
b. Walking
c. Swimming
d. Jogging
ANSWERS: 1. c, 2. b, 3. b, 4. d, 5. a, 6. c, 7. d, 8. d, 9. a, 10.b,11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. d, 16. d, 17. c, 18. b, 19. a, 20. d, 21. c, 22. c, 23. a, 24. c, 25. c
Feel free to share your Fabulous Forever Health IQ.
NEW! Moving Free Ballet Barre Workout With Chair
No need to be a dancer to enjoy Mirabai Holland Moving Free® Ballet Barre Workout with a Chair instead of a barre for support. Get a serious ballet style workout like the pros do daily. Her easy to follow instruction and gentle coaching takes a Yin-Yang approach. Dance is Work-Dance is Play. She ends with a short routine based on the moves you just learned so you can free your inner dancer.
For more info on women health coaching and fitness at home exercise programs come and visit me at and be Fabulous Forever!
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Holiday Eating No Weight Gain?
Can you really enjoy holiday eating with no weight gain?
Well, when we think of the holidays the first thing that comes to mind is holiday eating and the fear of weight gain. That’s because we always have a few treats up our sleeves. And we do gain weight.
But, preventing this phenomenon of holiday eating is not as hard as you think. You don’t have to starve, deny yourself favorite holiday dishes or do heavy-duty compensation workouts.
Holiday Eating With No Weight Gain: Some Pointers
If you are the one cooking, you are more in control of what is going to be placed on the table.
So you can choose equally delicious lighter recipes. But, if you are visiting friends and family all bets are off and your radar needs to be on. It’s all about portion control.
Don’t wait till the second piece of pie gets offered. Pre-planning is key. In some cases you’ll know from past experience what the menu will be. Even if you don’t, assume there will be a barrage of excess temptations. Excess is the operative word. Enjoy but not to excess.
Whether you count calories, points, or eyeball your portions, eat half of what you think you should eat. If you are not sure of a particular food or treat, pass on it, or just take a bite to see if it is worth the calories. If you find yourself hungry after all of this, you can eat a little more or maybe you’ve actually saved room for that dessert.
You can visit, enjoy the company, make merry and have a smug sense of self-assurance that this whole season will pass without you gaining even a pound. Who knows, you might lose weight.
That brings me to your insurance policy. If you don’t exercise regularly this is definitely the time to start and get a jump on your New Year, New You. If you do, make time for it. You don’t have to do extra but don’t make the excuse you’re too busy at this time of year.
Cardio exercise is great calorie burner, and we all know that a half hour of moderate aerobic exercise a day can reduce one’s chance of heart attack by a whopping 50%.
See how I snuck in my pitch for exercise? I am not suggesting anything that I don’t do myself. It works for me and I bet it will work for you.
Give it a try and let me know what you think. And let me know if you were able to enjoy holiday eating without weight gain.
Happy Holidays! For at home exercise programs check out my site Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
For more health and fitness info and in home exercise videos please visit
Relieve Holiday Stress
Relieve holiday Stress
When I think of the holiday season as joyous as it is, I can’t help thinking about stress.
Feeling the stress of the season? Me too!
Stress has been around since the beginning of time.
It started as the flight-or-fight reflex when early humans confronted a life-threatening situation, and now, stress itself has become a life-threatening situation.
Well, if we can’t eliminate all causes of stress, which is the way to go if you can do it, but good luck with that, what CAN we do about it?
Relieve holiday stress starting with my personal favorite.
with a dog or cuddle with a cat
or cats!
Relax. No really, conscious relaxation is a form of Yoga or Meditation. Sometimes you only need a few seconds and you feel a lot better.
Try this at home or at work:
Sit down and close your eyes (if you’re on the street, duck into a doorway and keep your eyes open and one hand on your purse)
Let your muscles relax
Concentrate on your breathing
Breathe in and hold your breath for 1 second – 1 one hundred thousand, Breathe out
Breathe in again a little deeper and hold for 2 seconds – 1 one hundred thousand, 2 one hundred thousand – Breathe out
Breathe in deeper and hold for three, then four, then 5 seconds
When you get to around 3 seconds of breath holding your stress level should start to drop and your mind should to clear itself for thoughts.
After 5, you should feel pretty good. This actually works and can relieve holiday stress.
Eat better. Substituting good food like fruit for sugary snacks and drinking less caffeine and less alcohol can make a big difference
At home, put on some music and dance around for a song or two.
If you have the time, keep going, After a few minutes, as your heart rate goes up your mood will improve. This is because you’re now doing aerobic exercise, a great mood elevator, after about 20 minutes you’ll feel even better because the endorphins, your body’s natural anti-depressant drugs will kick in and all will be right with the world for a while.
By the way a half hour brisk walk or putting on an aerobics video also works great to relieve holiday stress.
Another great way to relieve holiday stress is to get a massage. Professional massage therapists are great, but for just plain stress, getting your significant other or a close friend to give you a massage works just as well, maybe better. Be sure to return the favor.
Hope you’ll try these and relieve holiday stress. Happier Holidays!
For more health and fitness info and in home exercise videos please visit
For more info on health and wellness programs please visit Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Exercise Can Help Relieve Back Pain
Although specialists once thought that resting was the best prescription for a bad back, it is now shown that exercise relieves back pain. And carefully designed exercises may be even more effective in reducing back pain. A sedentary lifestyle and unnatural alignment of the spine have a lot to do with back pain, a condition that affects 31 million Americans at any given time, according to the American Chiropractic Association. One study found that half of all working Americans report back pain symptoms whether they are seated or standing on the job.
Exercise Relieves Back Pain
If you spend most of your time sitting at a desk, it’s easy to hunch your shoulders and neck forward to look at a computer screen without even noticing. And if you hold that position for hours at a time, especially with your legs crossed at the knees, your spine can really suffer. For women, wearing high-heeled shoes can add to spine stress.
By the time we reach our fifties, many Baby Boomers have created bad habits and bad backs.
What Makes Your Back Especially Sensitive to Pain?
The back is a complicated structure of nerves, bones, joints, ligaments and muscles. The sensitive triangular area of the lower back, between the hips and above the tailbone, is called the sacrum. From the sacrum up through your neck, your spine is linked to a large portion of your nervous system, which controls and coordinates every function of your body. Spinal nerves are routed from the vertebrae in your spine and connect with various parts of your body, including your internal organs. Exercise helps to keep your back healthy and avoid injuries or accidents that may occur even from simple movements like bending over to pick up something that dropped on the floor. It also prevents the back pain that can result from conditions like arthritis, obesity and psychological stress.
*Vallfors B. Acute, Subacute and Chronic Low Back Pain: Clinical Symptoms, Absenteeism and Working Environment. Scan J Rehab Med Suppl 1985; 11: 1-98.
Luckily, it’s possible to change your posture for the better, standing or sitting, and relieve that chronic pain – as well as the restricted breathing, digestion and circulation that holding an unhealthy posture may cause.
The most effective way to improve your posture is by stretching your spine and strengthening your back and abdominal muscles so that your whole core area gets stronger. Exercise also works to remedy sudden injury to back tissue and muscles.
One of the most effective ways to relieve back pain is back extension. Back extension helps to reset your vertebrae into proper alignment and to relieve nerve pressure. You can do it standing, sitting or lying face down (yoga cobra pose).
Exercise Relieves Back Pain
Stand feet comfortable apart. Place your two hands behind you at the lumbar area. Gently arch your back and look upward without stretching the neck too far back. Hold for 10-20 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Try this anytime your back feels fatigued. You’ll be surprised at how much relief it gives you. But don’t do it if you are in severe back pain. In that case it’s time to call your doctor.
It can make a big difference to keep your immune system strong. If you need some help, I have your back! Here’s a short video about my Health Coaching Technique how I have helped my clients achieve a balanced and Healthy Life. If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results or have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!
For more info on Women over 50 Health and Fitness and at home exercise programs for visit
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Walking Workout In September
Starting a walking workout in September is a special experience. September is the perfect time to walk, and a walking workout is about as perfect a human exercise as we’ve got. It’s a great combination. Beginning your walking workout in September is good because it’s not too hot, not too cold, and there’s lots to look at. And, doctors always want us to walk when they tell us to get some exercise. I wonder if they walk themselves. So your doctor should be very pleased when you call and say “I’m starting a walking workout program, what do you think”? Do check with your doctor to make sure you don’t have any issues that will keep you from brisk walking, and then if all’s good, get to it.
Besides getting a great cardiovascular workout you’ll strengthen and sculpt your legs and butt. If you swing your arms you’ll get some shoulder action too; all this while nature watching, or people watching if you’re in the city. Start slowly and build up. American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of walking per week
Vary Your Walking Workout
Try interval walking. Walk for 3 minutes at a moderate pace. Then walk faster for 1 minute.
Walking Workout Develops Core Strength
There’s been plenty of buzz lately about core exercise and how a strong core, the abs, back, butt and upper thigh muscles, can keep you mobile into old age. There’s a lot of truth to that. The core muscles hold you torso erect and promote good posture and general body strength. If you do it right, walking can strengthen your core and improve the way you walk at the same time.
A weak core makes you slouch and walking slouched messes up your gait and can even give you back injuries. Start by standing tall with your head over your shoulders, shoulders over your hips, hips over the feet, abs pulled in. If you’re not used to it, it’ll feel like work at first. But, try keeping that posture while you walk, even for 5 minutes at a time. It will become more and more comfortable. You’ll start to realize it’s the natural way for humans to stand and walk. Your gait will improve, your core will get stronger, you’ll be less fatigued and you’ll enjoy your walking workout in September more. And won’t you look cool and snappy out there with that perfect gait.
In these times of social distancing and sheltering in place is a perfect time to focus on your health and well-being. It can make a big difference to keep your immune system strong. If you need some help, I have your back! Here’s a short video about my Health Coaching Technique how I have helped my clients achieve a balanced and Healthy Life. If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results or have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!
Mirabai Holland On DVD, Hands Weights & Exercise Bands – FREE USA SHIPPING CLICK HERE
NEW! MEMBERSHIP ON-DEMAND WORKOUT CLUB CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE & JOIN by Mirabai Holland MFA Certified Health Coach, Certified Exercise Physiologist.
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Healthy Life Tips
What do we want for the second half of our lives? Health and mobility are at the top of my list. It boils down to a healthy life!
Keeping all my marbles into my old age is right up there too. Financial security is nice but without those other three, it’s a distant fourth. So how do we do it, maximize our chances of health into our old age?
We all know how. Eat healthy, exercise, get regular checkups, reduce stress. It’s a simple formula. So why is it so hard to do?
You know, I don’t think it’s hard to do, but I do think not doing it is a lot easier. The path of least resistance is paved with delicious processed foods, wines and spirits that hit the spot at the end of a day, lounge chairs that give you a massage and play your favorite tunes, remotes and DVRs that offer sedentary adventure with the push of a button, games that appeal to your inner super hero. It’s a long list and it’s become our way of life. Who wants to eat healthy, exercise, yada yada yada when you’ve got all that?
Well, if you want a healthy life, or maybe a second half at all, I suspect you do.
So, I’d like to offer a method that may take some of the sting out of making the necessary lifestyle changes.
Healthy Life Tips
· Start by adding one good thing. Don’t take away anything just yet. Just add one good healthy thing and try to make it something important enough to keep it going for a lifetime.
Make your own list of good things. But may I suggest starting with exercise as the first good thing. It worked for me and I’ve found getting moving, and eventually fit, helps my clients feel motivated to make all the other changes on their list.
Healthy Life Steps
· Ease in to adding that new good thing.
Too much of a good thing tends to be short lived. Pamper yourself a bit. Stay in your comfort zone while moving gently but steadily forward
· Add a second.
Once the first healthy thing is solidly a part of your life, add another. It can be anything good like eating more fruit or stopping for a slow count to 10 and a few deep breaths when you feel stressed.
· Cut one bad.
Once you’ve got two going try cutting out an unhealthy or less healthy thing. See where I’m going here. Gradually add two good, cut out one bad. Substitute old favorite foods for new healthier favorite foods. Add taking a walk; get rid of sitting around watching as much TV.
· Easy does it.
There’s no need to go to extremes. Keeping it up is the key. Little by little you’ll be substituting a healthy lifestyle for a less healthy lifestyle. It’s a constant journey. You’ll never arrive because your destination keeps changing. The more you do the more you’ll want to do. You set a goal and achieving it puts you in sight of a new goal.
· Expect speed bumps
Lifestyle changes are not an exact science and one size does not fit all. You’ll need to experiment and find the methods that work best for you. Attitude is key. If you can stay relaxed enjoy ever little victory and shrug off every little setback, the road should feel smoother.
It may be hard to see your progress except in retrospect. Looking back at where you started after a year, you may marvel at the changes you’ve made. Feel free to congratulate yourself.
In these times of social distancing and sheltering in place is a perfect time to focus on your health and well-being. It can make a big difference to keep your immune system strong. If you need some help, I have your back! Here’s a short video about my Health Coaching Technique how I have helped my clients achieve a balanced and Healthy Life. If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results or have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues,YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!
NEW! MEMBERSHIP ON-DEMAND WORKOUT CLUB CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE & JOIN by Mirabai Holland MFA Certified Health Coach, Certified Exercise Physiologist.
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Water Ballet Exercise
We are filming for several hours a day starting at the crack of dawn. The weather is cooler but not for long. My only relief has been to strip off my workout clothes, which are almost pasted to my body, jump into a swimsuit and plunge into the pool. After about 45 minutes of laps back and forth I get an idea. What if I try some exercises in the water, holding on to the side of the pool? Doing some Water Ballet Exercise in the water, while cooling off is not such a bad idea I’m thinking. So I try one of my on land favorites for my legs and butt. I like it! I can really feel it working. It may be even more effective with the water for added resistance. This Aqua Ballet Workout not only tones your lower body but it also helps to elongate your muscles while you are doing it. And because you are in the water, you are adding resistance to strengthen your legs and butt while at the same time using your core muscles to help keep your body upright and balanced.
Try this Water Ballet Exercise to Tone Up Your Legs and Butt
Stand facing front, heels together, feet turned out. Hold on to the edge of the pool with your right hand. Slowly bend left knee, bringing foot up to right knee forming a triangle. Slowly stretch leg in front of body. Then bring foot back to the knee of the standing leg and return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times to the Front, Side, and Back.
Turn around and repeat exercise on the other leg holding on with your left hand. Enjoy this Water Ballet Exercise.
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In these times of social distancing and sheltering in place is a perfect time to focus on your health and well-being. It can make a big difference to keep your immune system strong. If you need some help, I have your back! Here’s a short video about my Health Coaching Technique how I have helped my clients achieve a balanced and Healthy Life.
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Aqua Exercise: A Splash of Fabulous!
Aqua Exercise: A Splash of Fabulous!
Water babies, that’s us. We’re at home in liquid from pre-birth and we seem to naturally gravitate to it. We love the ocean, the lake the pool, the hot tub, and the bathtub.
What is it about water that means so much to us? It surrounds us, it cradles us, and it supports us. We’re nearly weightless in water. The largest of us can glide with ease and grace, feeling minimal resistance. And, I think it’s those endearing properties of water that make aqua exercise pleasant and effective.
Swimming is the most common form of Aqua Exercise. It’s good for all ages. It uses all your major muscle groups, strengthens, tones, and helps build aerobic capacity. There’s almost no impact, so it’s kind to your joints while it gets you in shape.
I swim laps for 30 to 40 minutes four or five times per week. I find it relaxing and stimulating at the same time. Some days it melts my stress and puts me in a meditative state. Other days I do some of my best thinking during my swim workout. In any case, I always get out of the water with that energized good-tired feeling. Mornings are my favorite time to swim. But I’ll take a swim any time I can fit it in. I mostly swim outside so, as pretty as dusk is; I’m usually done before that, because mosquitoes love me.
If you’re a beginner, start slowly with a few minutes a day. Stay in your comfort zone and build up. I can swim for an hour or so now, when my body’s in the mood. But it took me over a year to get that conditioned, and I had a head start as a fitness professional. Take your time and keep it fun.
Aqua Exercise
Can’t swim? No worries. There are classes at the local rec. centers everywhere. There’s aqua cardio, aqua strength, aqua stretch, just about aqua everything. It’s done in about four feet of water so there’s no need to swim. You can get a great workout. It’s no-to-low impact, so it’s easy on your joints. And, if you have access to a pool or calm water, now you can stream a workout on to your tablet, prop it on a chair and exercise your brains out.
There’s some cool equipment to use in the water, too; aqua dumbbells, paddle gloves, jogging vests. Obviously if you’re going deep water running you’ll need one of those deep water jogging vests. But otherwise, you don’t need that stuff to get started. Many aqua cardio classes don’t use any equipment.
Here is an Aqua exercise you might try for cardio:
And, you can do Aqua Strength exercises using aqua dumbbells or a couple of empty plastic water bottles filled with air for resistance. Here’s a video with a few Aqua Strength exercises:
PT and Rehab
Immersion in water was used for healing by ancient civilizations more than 3,000 years ago.
They were on to something, though they probably didn’t know quite what. Immersion in water provides a supportive, low impact, low resistance environment for modern, medically based, physical therapy and injury rehab. A doctor usually prescribes this type of exercise.
Aging Fit
Someone really smart, and probably pretty old, once said: “Aging is not for the faint of heart.” Can I say I can relate to that without giving away my age? Guess not.
Luckily water is also a great medium for vintage bodies that simply can’t take the impact of other types of exercise, at least not every day.
Even if you’re pretty active getting older can make it hard to do land-based exercise on a regular basis. And water is fun. You don’t know you’re exercising until you get out and your body tells you “Oh, that was a workout.”
As our health-conscious population lives longer and longer, I think aqua, with it’s ability to surround and support our aging bodies while we keep them operational, is the wave of the future. Get those creaky bodies in the water. Try it, you’ll like it.
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Getting Fit: Find Fabulousity!
Getting Fit: Find Fabulousity!
I was back in my home town recently, where I taught for over 20 years. I missed my ladies so I decided to take some of my former students out for tea and dessert.
I thought for a minute the dessert part was a bad idea when a couple of them wouldn’t eat a piece of cake in front of me. But when I dug in, moderately of course, the party got started in earnest. Ever the moderator, I asked them each to share things that were important in their lives over the past year.
As we went around the circle, they spoke of getting pregnant, daughter’s weddings, losing your job, becoming a gym rat, outliving heart disease, surviving menopause, the joy of grandchildren, and a trip to China.
Maybe because I was their host, the conversation drifted toward how getting fit had changed their lives.
They shared stories about feeling invisible, not sexy, not pretty, having no energy and feeling like a lump. One remembered showing up in my office, tearing her hair out saying my doctor told me I need to do something, I’ve got serious health issues, but I hate to exercise. What do I do?
She said, I told her “I’m going to give you exercise you can look forward to instead of dread.”
Getting Fit: Find Fabulousity!
Most of my work is done with women who haven’t been active in a while. My coaching style is to start people wherever they may be physically and emotionally and get them moving, gently, and pleasantly. If the first experience is pleasant, you’ll want a second and the third and so on. Sustainability is the key to getting fit and staying fit successfully. And that’s what happened with these ladies. But something else remarkable happened too.
They told me getting fit had given them the self confidence to pursue things they would never have dared to try; that the change in their bodies had kindled a change in the way they saw themselves. Instead of feeling invisible they felt fabulous and that Fabulosity had spilled over into the rest of their lives. As much as I would love to take all the credit for this transformation, I think that it boils down to healthy body, healthy mind;
Getting fit was the key that unlocked the door to their potential.
Pretty cool huh?
As far as the latest in my world of health and wellness, please check out this health coaching video. Are you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results? Do you have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues?
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Walking Exercise
Scientists are still debating exactly when, where, how, and why the species that became us stopped scampering around on all fours, and began to walk erect.
But, with gradual anatomical changes over six or so million years,
we’ve gotten used to it, and at this point it, it feels quite natural. We can walk erect all day now and get from place to place, as people in many regions of the world do daily.
Although our current anatomy made it harder for us to climb trees, walking erect has spawned other things we’ve come to enjoy, like baseball, basketball, tennis, stand-up paddle-boarding, track and field, soccer, ice hockey, roller derby, walks in the park, hiking mountain trails, carrying a colicky baby around the room for hours. Okay, scratch that last one. How about dancing?
For better and worse, nowadays, most of us only have to walk from the car to the elevator, and walking has been relegated to recreation, or simply, exercise.
This brings me to the fact that walking is good for you. We all know that. But, just as a reminder, here’s a partial list of the health benefits of walking from Mayo Clinic
Some people think walking is so good for you they almost never sit. People work at standing desks and wear pedometers to count their steps. 10,000 is a common daily goal.
Others can’t stand to just stand. They’ve built desks onto treadmills and take meetings, type emails, and do their office work while walking. I’ve heard numbers like 10 miles a day in a treadmill while at work. Some believe treadmill desks boost productivity.
I’m a walking advocate and a walking enthusiast. However, as you may know, I believe in the ease in, start with a little, stay in your comfort zone, set attainable short term goals, build up to your ultimate goal over time, method of exercise.
Studies show that vigorous exercise has the most positive effect on the list of health benefits. The same studies also show that moderate exercise shows measurable benefits.
And, I know from personal experience that it’s more sustainable when it’s fun.
This, as you may have guessed, brings me to my pleasure principal. If I like something I do it because I like it. If it’s good for my health, so much the better.
It’s easy to like walking if it’s easy. Start with a pleasant gentle stroll, and if you build up at your own pace over time, it stays easy, even when you eventually build up to vigorous.
I think pedometers and heart rate monitor watches are good tools if you keep them fun. The prices have come down and they give you some valuable information.
But some of the fittest people I can think of, the people who walk everywhere every day because walking is their only mode of transportation, don’t use them. So you don’t absolutely need them.
Shoes are good, walking, running, cross training, or hiking shoes, if you can afford them. But I’ve been to countries where some of the fittest people can’t afford them. Some of the people I’m thinking of don’t have shoes at all. But, I do suggest activity appropriate shoes if you can afford them. Otherwise, just shoes will have to do. You can get plenty fit in just plain shoes if they’re comfortable to walk in.
Good posture is essential for walking. Stand and walk with your head over your shoulders, your shoulders over your hips, and the whole body line-up centered over the base of the feet. Don’t slouch forward or lean back. Try to keep your abs pulled in when you think of it. If you’re used to less the good posture, it may feel awkward at first. But, once you get used to it, I don’t think you’ll want to stand or walk any other way.
Music is the plane that flies you to your destination. So if you like music, plug in your ear buds and walk to your favorites. Try to pick music that helps you walk at a comfortable pace, not too fast or too slow. Stay in your comfort zone.
Do walk. Please make time in your day for it. Whether it’s outside, in a mall, on a treadmill, or in place. It’s in your nature. And, I think you’ll thank yourself for the effort.
Last but not least walking is an adventure. Here’s a video of something that actually happened to me while out walking. The camera just happened to be there.
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Does Low Bone Mass Mean Osteoporosis?
Nearly 30 years ago when I was in school, I wrote an exercise physiology paper on exercise and osteoporosis.
At that time there wasn’t much research available. But even then, the studies I found on tennis players, astronauts, and bed rest pointed in the direction that weight-bearing exercise could help maintain the bone density you have and even promote bone growth. I was intrigued. I’ve followed the research over the years and even created an osteoporosis exercise program.
In working with my clients, I often hear the question “what’s the difference between osteoporosis and low bone mass? (osteopenia) And what can I do about it?
Well to answer these questions, I have to start at the beginning.
Osteoporosis is a disease, which, over time, causes bones to become thinner, more porous and less able to support the body. Bones can become so thin that they break during normal, every day activity. Osteoporosis is a major health threat. 54 Million are at risk, nearly 80% are women.
Postmenopausal women are particularly at risk because they stop producing estrogen, a major protector of bone mass.
As we age some bone loss is inevitable. Women age 65 or men age 70 should get a bone mineral density test. If you have a family history of osteoporosis or other risk factors you may need a BMD much earlier.
The test is completely painless, non-invasive and takes only a few minutes.
It compares your bone mineral density to that of an average healthy young person. Your results are called your T score. The difference between your score and the average young person’s T-score is called a standard deviation. (SD)
Here is how to interpret your T score:
- Between +1 and –1: normal bone density.
- Between -1 and -2.5: low bone density (osteopenia).
- T-score of -2.5 or lower: osteoporosis.
Until recently it was thought that if you had low bone mass (osteopenia) you were well on your way to getting osteoporosis. But it’s now known even at this stage bone loss can be slowed down, stopped and even reversed. You and your doctor will have a number of options depending upon your particular condition.
Many MDs like to start with a calcium and vitamin D rich diet coupled with weight bearing exercise. For many of us, that’s all we need. Others will require medication and there are many bone-building medications available.
Remember it’s never too early to start taking care of your bones. The more bone density you have as a young person the less likely to end up with osteoporosis later in life.
May is Osteoporosis Prevention Month! It’s Never Too Late To Take Care Of Your Bones!
by Mirabai Holland MFA Certified Health Coach, Certified Exercise Physiologist.
Belly Fat: How to Lose It!
Belly Fat: How to Lose It!
Once upon a time, not so long ago, belly fat was a sign of prosperity. Much to our chagrin, that little, or not so little belly, it’s actually a sign that you may be at risk for some serious health issues like Heart Disease, Diabetes, and High Blood Pressure, among others.
Also many women after menopause see a thickening of their waistline due to hormonal changes.
Whatever the cause, the evidence is clear. Apple shaped people are more at risk!
So, how much is too much belly fat?
It’s all about your waist size. For women it’s a waist measurement of 35 or more.
So, okay you say, I’ve got too much belly fat. What can I do about it? I’ve heard there’s no such thing as spot reducing.
While that’s scientifically true, there’s a lot you can do to target any specific area of you body for work.
Aerobic exercise can burn calories and help you lose weight in general. Targeted ab exercises can help you develop lean muscle mass in that area and help flatten your tummy.
Full body strength training can raise your metabolism and help you return your body to its youthful shape.
Belly Fat: How To Lose It Exercises
Here are a couple of exercises you can do to strengthen and firm up that area to help you whittle away belly fat and replace it with muscle.
- Try using the old army exercise of sucking in your tummy during every day activities, pulling your navel back to your spine.
And you can try this exercise to help you firm up faster. It tones the center as well as the sides of your abdominals.
- Lie down on your back and bend one knee up towards your chest.
- At the same time, turn you torso and point your opposite elbow toward the knee.
- Start with a few: work up to 20 repetitions over several weeks.
- Then do 20 reps, take a short break and do another 20.
Putting weight on around your middle is easy. Taking belly fat off is hard. Unfortunately there’s no secret formula. Take a no nonsense look at your diet. Reduce your potion size and cut out empty calories. Start exercising slowly, and progress in your comfort zone. Chances are that pretty soon you’ll be able to find your shoes simply by looking down.
If you need some help, I have your back! Here’s a short video about my Health Coaching Technique how I have helped my clients achieve a balanced and Healthy Life.
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Easy Cardio Workout Combats Depression. I find myself as you may too, for no apparent reason, feeling a little blue. So I dust off my sneakers and get ready to move because I know cardio exercise improves mood.
Research shows that cardio exercise improves mood because it increases levels of serotonin and endorphins in the brain. These are important neurochemical transmitters, which help to elevate and stabilize your mood.
In fact one of the known causes of depression is a lowered level of serotonin. Aerobic exercise can be as effective as medication for relieving mild to moderate depression in many cases.
Easy Cardio Workout: More Reasons Why Cardio Exercise Improves Mood
There is more to cardio exercise than serotonin and endorphins. It helps lower adrenaline, a chemical associated with stress to help promote relaxation. And as you become more fit you feel better about how you look and feel. This can give you a positive outlook in general. Try some easy aerobics. You may just cardio dance your troubles away. I make sure I’m exercising aerobically most days of the week, at least for 30-60 minutes. I not only feel my spirits lift while I’m exercising but for many hours afterwards. However if you are just starting to exercise or haven’t been exercising for awhile here is a easy cardio Workout video to help you get going:
Are You Depressed?
The standard symptoms for depression are:
- Persistent feelings of sadness or “emptiness”
- Sense of hopelessness, worthlessness, and guilt
- Inability to enjoy ordinary pleasurable activities, including sex
- Noticeable change of appetite, possibly accompanied by significant weight loss or weight gain
- Shifts in sleeping patterns, such as insomnia or sleeping too much
- Difficulty concentrating, persistent irritability, excessive crying
- Preoccupation with thoughts of death or suicide
- Decreased energy, fatigue
- Persistent aches and pains
Many things can cause depression. They range from some medications to low levels of light during the winter months. Alcohol and a poor diet, as well as inherited predisposition, can lead to the condition as well. Before you decide on asking your doctor for an anti-depressant prescription, adopt the healthy lifestyle habits of a nutritious diet, regular exercise and enough sleep. If things don’t improve, of course, seek medical help.
So try my take on the old Arlen & Koehler song lyric that Judy Garland sang, “forget your troubles, come on get happy” you can exercise your blues away with this easy cardio workout!
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Cardio Dance: Healthy Heart Healthy Mind
Cardio Dance: Healthy Heart, Healthy Mind!
I became interested in cardio dance and memory several years ago when my older students began to tell me that their memories seemed to improve after they took my class.
I was teaching mostly cardio dance in those days. I started with simple steps and built up to a pretty complex routine.
There has to be a connection I thought, between the physical movement, making your brain learn this routine, and improved memory.
I’m no scientist but I was curious. So I started to break it down.
What I was having people do is learn short phrases of movement and then link them together. The cardio dance routine required them to move forward and back, side to side, remember specific steps; and stay in rhythm.
This was a real challenge for many of my students who had never done anything like this before. As they got more proficient, the class became a social gathering; because of this shared experience.
My students felt energized afterwards, not exhausted. They told me that besides getting a good body workout they were getting a memory workout as well. They said they could actually remember things better.
I wondered if there was science to support our anecdotal experience.
I contacted a couple of local Alzheimer’s specialists (there was no internet back then) and they told me – you’re probably right but there weren’t any specific studies on this more than 20 years ago.
Even now the research is not conclusive. But, technology in the last 15 years has allowed science to discover a lot more about the brain.
Vascular memory loss has been linked to heart disease and cardio fitness is a major factor in preventing and managing that issue. Aerobic exercise increases the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain improving mental function. Cardio fitness has been shown to reduce loss of brain cells in older adults.
A study of 1,449 older adults shows those who in middle age exercised vigorously enough to perspire and breathe hard for 20 to 30 minutes at least twice a week reduced their risk of later developing Alzheimer’s disease by about 60 percent.*
But cardio is just part of the equation.
Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that certain types of dance, particularly with routines to learn and remember, may help prevent age-onset memory loss and diseases like Alzheimer’s. “…. cognitive activity may stave off dementia by increasing a person’s “cognitive reserve.” **
And a study conducted at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, says activities that combined mental and social as well as physical stimulation offered the greatest protection against dementia***
Activity is the active word. Be physically active, mentally active and socially active, preferably all at once. Taking a Cardio Dance class or getting together with friends to do a Cardio Dance DVD is a good place to start. And to this day, when I start my cardio dance class I say,
“It’s time to workout our hearts and minds!”
*Rovio, Suvi; Kareholt, Ingemar; Helkala, Eeva-Liisa; Viitanen, Matti; Winblad, Bengt; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Soininen, Hilkka; Nissinen, Aulikki; and Kivipelto, Miia. “Leisure-time physical activity at midlife and the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.” The Lancet Neurology; published online Oct. 4, 2005.
** Dr Joe Verghese, lead author of study conducted at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, N Engl J Med, 2003; 348:2508-2516.
***Karp, Anita; Paillard-Borg, Stephanie; Wang, Hui-Xin; Silverstein, Merrill; Winblad, Bengt; and Fratiglioni, Laura. “Mental, Physical and Social Components in Common Leisure Activities in Old Age in Relation to Dementia: Findings from the Kungsholmen Project.” Presented at the Alzheimer’s Association 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, Philadelphia, Penn., July 17 – 22, 2004. Abstract published in Neurobiology of Aging, July 2004, Vol. 25, S2: p. S313.
Compared with the control group, the exercise group significantly improved in verbal fluency (p = 0.048), word list delayed recall (p = 0.038), word list recognition (p = 0.007), and total CERAD-K score (p = 0.037)
Metabolic syndrome (MS) is associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment.
Aerobic exercise improves cognitive function in elderly people and contributes to the prevention of degenerative neurological disease and brain damage. Dance sport is a form of aerobic exercise that has the additional benefits of stimulating the emotions, promoting social interaction, and exposing subjects to acoustic stimulation and music.
In the present study, dance exercise for a 6-month period improved cognitive function in older adults with MS. In particular, positive effects were observed in verbal fluency, word list delayed recall, word list recognition, and the total CERAD-K score.
Our data suggest that the implementation of dance exercise programs may be an effective means of prevention and treatment of cognitive disorders.
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Heart Health News
Heart Health News: Eat Berries, Drink and Be Fit! It just may help to save your heart and the one that you love!
Since heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women and men in the U.S., I thought I’d focus on prevention. After all, if you prevent heart disease, you’re very unlikely to die from it.
Heart Health News Research
A Harvard study says women who eat three or more servings of strawberries or blueberries a week can lower their risk of heart attack by 32 percent. The study also said grapes, eggplant and blackberries may work too. It’s those flavonoids again. The antioxidants you find in red wine, dark chocolate, green tea, apple skin, etc. Rule of thumb: The darker the color, the more flavonoid content. They slow down your aging clock and prevent disease by keeping free radicals from damaging cells in your body.
Free radicals are incomplete molecules looking for an electron so they can complete and stabilize themselves. Sounds like something you’d hear in therapy. They steal an electron from a neighboring molecule, turning it into a free radical and setting off a chain reaction. They contribute to the aging process and a wide range of diseases.
We form them naturally when we breathe and metabolize. Free radicals don’t wreak havoc with your body until you have too many of them. They can be formed by oxidative stress, like intense exercise, smoking and exposure to environmental toxins.
Enter the flavonoids. They give the free radicals one of their electrons and stop them in their tracks. They help prevent heart disease by stopping LDLs (bad cholesterol) from breaking down and forming plaque in your arteries.
Nowadays, you can get berries year round, and they are a perfect low-calorie food, alone, in yogurt, or sprinkled on your cereal. So let’s have a few servings of berries, some eggplant, and maybe a square of dark chocolate for dessert. Not such a major lifestyle change.
Heart Health News: Since we are talking about prevention, how about stress?
A series of studies by Columbia University Medical Center says whether or not we perceive ourselves as stressed can be a measure of whether or not we’ll have a heart attack in the future. So from now on, I’m not going to perceive myself as stressed. Yeah. Good luck with that.
Seriously: My clients who exercise regularly, particularly aerobic exercise, tend to think of themselves as being more relaxed. And they are more relaxed. Aerobic exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural tranquilizer, and they know they’re getting the heart benefits of all that cardio. To get the maximum benefit from cardio exercise, most people should build up to 45 or more minutes at 60 to 80 percent of your max heart rate. If you’re just starting out, you can ease in with a few minutes a day at a comfortable pace and add more as it gets too easy. But here’s the rub: Aerobic exercise, because it requires so much oxygen, is an oxidative stressor. It produces free radicals.
People who exercise once in a while or really hard only on the weekend are more at risk for producing harmful levels of free radicals. But studies have found that people who exercise regularly tend to adapt and produce enzymes that create antioxidants minimizing free radicals’ negative effect.
So here’s the formula: Eat berries, dark chocolate and get regular cardio so you don’t perceive yourself as stressed. It’s an eclectic concoction, but I think it’s tastier than one of those midnight vegetable smoothies. Don’t you?
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Reading Food Labels
I was hiking in the mountains and the Fall color was astonishing.
I went along for about two hours at a brisk pace enjoying the fresh air.
Much of my exercise is teaching fitness classes and creating new routines for online exercise videos and for my Health coaching clients. So, it was refreshing to just free my mind, move my body and drink in all those trees dressed in gold and green. Sometimes its good to mix up your exercise routine. I felt renewed.
When I finished my hike we went into a little country food market.
Reading Food Labels
So cute with all those red and white checkered tabletops filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, homemade jams, honey, maple syrup and cider. I spotted a bottle that said “Fresh Apple Cider” thinking how fresh it would taste, this being apple season and all. I continued my walk and I’d gotten a considerable distance from the store when I decided it was time for swig of cider. As I was about to sip, I remembered about reading food labels. I glanced at the ingredients expecting to see APPLES. But instead it read
APPLES, and Potassium sorbate, a preservative.
I wanted to throw that cider against a wall! That’s wht reading food labels is key.
I was thirsty so I drank a little and whether it was in my mind or not, it seemed to taste not as fresh as I imagined it would. So the lesson here, is just because you are in an adorable country market, don’t take for granted that all the foods will be fresh and adorable too.
So caveat emptor: let the buyer beware
ALL ACCESS Video Workout Club for 50+
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Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Aqua Ballet Lower Body Workout
We are filming for several hours a day starting at the crack of dawn. The weather is cooler but not for long. My only relief has been to strip off my workout clothes, which are almost pasted to my body, jump into a swimsuit and plunge into the pool. After about 45 minutes of laps back and forth (I’m so motivated from watching all these Olympic swimming trials on TV) I get an idea. What if I try some ballet barre exercises in the water, holding on to the side of the pool? Aqua Ballet Barre, not such a bad idea I’m thinking. So I try one of my on land favorites for my legs and butt. I like it! I can really feel it working. It may be even more effective with the water for added resistance.
Try it yourself.
Stand facing front, heels together, feet turned out. Hold on to the edge of the pool with your right hand. Slowly bend left knee, bringing foot up to right knee forming a triangle. Slowly stretch leg in front of body. Then bring foot back to the knee of the standing leg and return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times to the Front, Side, and Back.
Turn around and repeat exercise on the other leg holding on with your left hand.
Below are Aqua Ballet Workout Photos
As far as the latest in my world of health and wellness, please check out this health coaching video. If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results. Do you have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues,
by Mirabai Holland MFA Certified Health Coach, Certified Exercise Physiologist.
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Chronic Stress: How To Get Rid Of It
Chronic stress. It’s everywhere. If you live and work on this planet it’s almost impossible to avoid.
Feeling stressed? Me too!
Today I’m writing about how to get rid of chronic stress and suggest some easy ways to get that burden off your back.
To get us in the mood, let’s start with a short, guided meditation and stretch video to help reduce chronic stress. Try it with me and see for yourself. You can do this at home or at your desk at work. (I use my ear buds at work.)
Stress has been around since the beginning of time. It started as the fight-or-flight response when early humans confronted a life-threatening situation. In that situation, stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, are produced. Your blood vessels constrict, blood pressure goes up, pupils dilate, heart rate quickens, and breathing becomes more rapid. The body is preparing itself to do battle or run. This response is essential in times of acute danger. But problems at work, crying kids, traffic, you name it can trigger the same response.
Given the pressures of daily life, chronic stress itself has become a life-threatening situation. It can cause a host of health problems including headaches, gastrointestinal issues, insomnia, trouble concentrating, anxiety, depression, increased body weight, high blood pressure and heart disease.
We can’t eliminate the stress. But we can relieve the fight-or-flight response that sends our bodies into danger mode. And we can cultivate a relaxation response over time that will reduce our physiological stress reaction.
So what do we do about chronic stress? How do we get rid of it?
How? Relax. That’s what my first yoga teacher used to say when I was all bent up in the pretzel pose with a grimace on my face. And, like that meditation you just did, it actually worked. Once I was able to relax, I was stress-free even in the pretzel pose.
Seriously, daily conscious relaxation exercises can make real difference in the way your body responds to stress. Dr Herbert Benson coined the phrase “relaxation response” in his book by the same name in 1975.
Since then he and others have conducted numerous studies, including a recent one at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind/Body Medicine, that have detailed the body’s intricate positive response to conscious relaxation exercises. In a nutshell, the relaxation response has the opposite effect of fight-or-flight. It engages the parasympathetic nervous system to counteract the effects of stress. You experience a feeling of deep relaxation and well being. And if you practice relaxation regularly you’ll feel better and help yourself avoid those stress related health issues. That’s how we get rid of chronic stress.
Meditation is just one of an almost infinite number of ways to consciously relax. Virtually anything that takes your attention away from your daily grind and makes you concentrate on just one thing can work. Doing the dishes, aerobic exercise, yoga, stretching, golf, playing a musical instrument, casting a fishing rod, playing with a cat, almost anything can work if you pay attention to only that and clear your mind. I’m partial to exercise because I get the benefits of a workout as well as the relaxation. It’s my mantra. It’s what I do to get rid of chronic stress.
Dr. Benson suggests you practice some form of conscious relaxation for 10 to 20 minutes every day to get rid of chronic stress in the long-term.
But what if you’re pressed for time? (Pressed rhymes with stressed.)
Reduce Chronic Stress with this little exercise.
Sometimes you only need a few seconds and you feel a lot better.
Sit down and close your eyes. (If you’re on the street, duck into a doorway, stand and keep your eyes open and one hand on your purse.)
Let your muscles relax. Concentrate on your breathing.
Breathe in and hold your breath for one second, count one one hundred thousand, and breathe out.
Breathe in again a little deeper and hold for two seconds — one one hundred thousand, two one hundred thousand — breathe out.
Breathe in deeper and hold for three, then four, then five seconds.
When you get to around three seconds of breath holding, your stress level should start to drop and your mind should start to clear itself of thoughts.
After five, you should feel pretty good. This works well for me particularly in moments of acute stress.
That one worked too didn’t it. I hope concentrating on reading this helped you reduce your stress and I hope you’ll make conscious relaxation a part of your life.
It’s a lifestyle change that’s easy to make because it feels so good when you do it.
For more info on at home exercise programs and health info visit
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New Beginnings
As I grow older I realize I need to remember those moments that continue to have meaning and help all of us recreate ourselves!
Here’s a poem I wrote many years ago about myself as a very young girl experiencing Spring. I am sure you have your own experiences that are transformational too. Happy Easter & Passover!
New Beginnings
Her small hands reach into the garden
for pansies.
She strokes them against each cheek
black and purple velvet.
She lies on the ground
face up
mouth open
ready to swallow
the maple tree.
Butterflies kiss her sleeves
as she nose-dives
into the roots
and inhales
the smell of birth.
The yard is safe.
Her legs kick
swinging dirt
digging deeper
for a secret
from the darkness.
She finds none.
Follow Mirabai Holland: Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Fight Upper Arm Flab
My inbox is trying to tell me something. I’ve gotten several versions of this question in the past week alone.
Q: I’m starting to feel that flabby arm anxiety again. Spring is coming and I don’t want to face my sleeveless blouses with these 54 old arms a year flabbier than they were last year. Is there anything short of surgery for me to do to fight upper arm flab?
A: Sedentary women in general and women at a certain age in particularly are faced with this problem every year when the weather gets warmer. And it does get worst, as you get older.
In fact we can lose up to 40% of our muscle cells by the time we hit 70. This is called sarcopenia. Weight resistance exercise can reverse this process and can help you regain some muscle you have lost.
Here are two easy site-specific exercises that target those problem areas in your upper arm and fight upper arm flab.
Fight Upper Arm Flab: Two Exercises
Bicep Curl for the Front Arm:
Grab a set up hand weights and stand erect with your feet about shoulder width apart. Weights down at your sides, palms forward. Remaining erect, bending only at your elbows bring the weights up towards you until they reach your shoulders.
Slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8-15 reps.
Pick a weight that will just barely allow you to complete the final rep in good form.
Triceps Extension for the Back of the Arm:
You will probably need a lighter weight for this exercise because those muscles are often weaker.
Stand erect, weights at your sides, palms in towards your thighs. Remaining erect step forward with one foot and slightly bend the knee. Keeping arms straight, bring both arms behind you just at or above waist height. You should feel the contraction on the back of your arms. Gently lower down to starting position.
Repeat 8-15 reps.
Do these exercises every other day. You should expect some soreness. It’s common when you are building muscle. Doing the exercises every other day gives your muscles a chance to recover and grow. You should see results in about 3-4
weeks. You will be on your way to fight upper arm flab.
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Enjoy Holiday Treats Without Weight Gain
Can you really enjoy holiday treats without weight gain?
Well, when we think of the holidays the first thing that comes to mind is fear of weight gain. That’s because we always have a few treats up our sleeves. And we do gain weight.
But, preventing this phenomenon is not as hard as you think. You don’t have to starve, deny yourself favorite holiday dishes or do heavy-duty compensation workouts.
Enjoy Holiday Treats Without Weight Gain: Some Pointers
If you are the one cooking, you are more in control of what is going to be placed on the table.
So you can choose equally delicious lighter recipes. But, if you are visiting friends and family all bets are off and your radar needs to be on. It’s all about portion control.
Don’t wait till the second piece of pie gets offered. Pre-planning is key. In some cases you’ll know from past experience what the menu will be. Even if you don’t, assume there will be a barrage of excess temptations. Excess is the operative word. Enjoy but not to excess.
Whether you count calories, points, or eyeball your portions, eat half of what you think you should eat. If you are not sure of a particular food or treat, pass on it, or just take a bite to see if it is worth the calories. If you find yourself hungry after all of this, you can eat a little more or maybe you’ve actually saved room for that dessert.
You can visit, enjoy the company, make merry and have a smug sense of self-assurance that this whole season will pass without you gaining even a pound. Who knows, you might lose weight.
That brings me to your insurance policy. If you don’t exercise regularly this is definitely the time to start and get a jump on your New Year, New You. If you do, make time for it. You don’t have to do extra but don’t make the excuse you’re too busy at this time of year.
Cardio exercise is great calorie burner, and we all know that a half hour of moderate aerobic exercise a day can reduce one’s chance of heart attack by a whopping 50%.
See how I snuck in my pitch for exercise? I am not suggesting anything that I don’t do myself. It works for me and I bet it will work for you.
Give it a try and let me know what you think. And let me know if you were able to enjoy holiday treats without gaining weight.
Happy Holidays!
Of course staying on your exercise routine can always help thru the holidays. If you need a little help please feel free to use this coupon code HOLIDAY and save on any of my exercise videos at
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Holiday Gift Certificates from Mirabai
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Sharing Fitness Workouts
Sharing Fitness Workouts
This is the time of year we all get distracted. Seasons are changing, holidays are around the corner and we don’t need much of an excuse to stop exercising.
If you don’t want to fall into this trap you might want to consider getting by with a little help from your friends.
For example, I’ve been teaching my Moving Free ® strength conditioning class called Pumping the Prime™ for about 15 years. It’s a big class and most of the women have been with me from the beginning.
And I have to say, though I would love to take all the credit, what seems to have happened is that these women come to share an experience with other women as much as they do for the fitness.
Sharing Fitness Workouts
When I come into the studio to get ready to start the class, there are always several clusters of women chatting with one another. They’re gotten there early and staked out “their real estate” with their mats, weights and towels. They mostly ignore my presence until I take my designated place and speak my first word.
The chatting comes to a halt and you can hear a pin drop. As we go through our routine the banter starts to pick up and we laugh and comment our way through an otherwise pretty serious workout. At the end, the class disperses, fitness fulfilled, into small groups with lunch plans.
So if you are having trouble sticking with an exercise program try a class or get together with a friend or two, take a walk or do an exercise video.
Sharing Fitness Workouts is the way to go!
SPECIAL 25 % OFF ALL DVDS, & EQUIPMENT UNTIL October 31, 2018 Put in code FABYOU AT CHECKOUT Try one of my exercise DVDs: I won’t step on your chest, I’ve got your back!
By Mirabai Holland MFA Certified Health Coach, Certified Exercise Physiologist.
Follow Mirabai Holland: Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Strength Exercises Outdoors
Try these strength exercises outdoors to jump start your strength exercise program this Fall.. You can enjoy the weather while getting leaner and stronger with these easy strength exercises. No equipment necessary!
Take a look at these easy strength exercises on video!
And here are all the exercises written out!
Strength Exercises Outdoors
Here are five easy exercises to tone you up; no equipment necessary. Try doing them every other day. For the first three start with eight reps and build up to 16. For the last two (isometric exercises) hold for 10 seconds and build up to 30 seconds. With all these exercises, remember to exhale on the exertion.
In a matter of a few weeks you should feel your body getting stronger and see it get shapelier.
Warm-up by taking a 10-minute walk. By the tenth minute, it should be brisk enough for you to just barely carry on a conversation.
Stop at a wall, a tree or a fence, and do these five exercises: two for your upper body and three for your lower.
Standing Push-ups: Stand facing a surface, with legs hip width apart and place hands shoulder width apart. Keeping your body straight, lower yourself down to the surface and then push back
SQUATS: Face surface, legs hip with apart. Hold on for balance. Shift weight back into heels. Keeping back straight, abs pulled in; gently bend at the knees and squat to about a 90-degree angle. Hold for a moment, then, using just your leg muscles, return to an upright position.
Muscles worked: Front of thigh (Quads), Back of thigh, (Hamstrings) Buttocks, Abs
Wall Sit: Stand against surface for back support. Holding on as needed for balance, slide down to a sitting position against wall, knees at about a 90-degree angle. Pull your abs in and hold for 10 to 30 seconds.
Muscles worked: Thighs and Abs
Calf Raises: Face surface and hold on for balance. With feet together pointing straight ahead, slowly lift your body up on to your toes, while tightening calf, abs and buttocks muscles. Then slowly lower yourself back down again. Muscles worked: calves, abs, and buttocks.
Upper Back Squeeze: Stand with your back to the surface, feet shoulder width apart. Place hands behind you on surface. Straighten your arms behind you and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds.
Muscles worked: Back, Shoulders, Back of arms (Triceps)
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Interval Training Workouts
Interval Training Workouts Can Spice Up Your Exercise Routine!
If your exercise routine is getting a little stale it’s time for some interval training workouts. These interval training workouts combine periods of lighter exercise with bursts of more intense exercise. You get faster results without knocking yourself out. It’s a great way to jump-start your body again and keep your exercise program fresh.
You can apply the same interval training workouts in the water as well as on land. Here’s a simple interval-walking, jogging or swimming program that will help you get and stay in shape. You will need a watch. (waterproof if used in the water.)
Start walking, or swimming at a slow pace for the first 5 minutes to warm-up, help elevate your core body temperature and increase blood flow to your working muscles.
Then pick up the pace for the next 3 minutes so you start to feel more effort but you can still carry on a conversation comfortably. Then pick up more speed for a 1-minute interval; either faster walking, a light jog or faster swim. Then go back to your comfortable conversation pace for 3 minutes. Alternate between 3 and 1 minute of faster walking or swimming intervals until you are able to sustain about 30-40 minutes 4-5 days a week.
I like to mix up my own interval training workouts alternating the days to get the most variety and training. For instance, do the walking /jogging interval workout on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Then do the swimming interval workout on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Either way, you’ll find yourself enjoying your interval workouts more, increasing your fitness level, and looking forward to your next interval training workout. Have fun and remember you can be Fabulous Forever!
Follow Mirabai Holland: Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Arthritis Exercises: Aqua and Land
Here’s a question about Arthritis Exercises.
Recently, I got a question from a woman who said, “The arthritis in my hips has progressed to the point where I’m really feeling it after my half hour walks. I want to stay mobile as I age. Are there any Arthritis exercises that will help me do this?”
It so happens, my husband also has osteoarthritis in his hips and I have been helping him with a couple of gentle stretches after his treadmill workouts.
Arthritis Exercises: Land
Here are two exercises that flex and extend the hip as well as stretch the front and back of your thigh muscles.
1. Lie on your back with one knee bent with your foot firmly on the floor to help support your back. Wrap a towel around the arch of your other foot. Hold the ends and pull back as you extend the leg towards the ceiling flexing your foot. Hold for 10-30 seconds. Feel the stretch in the back of the thigh (hamstring) and in your hip. Repeat on the other leg.
2. Lie on your side with both knees bent Take your top hand and grab your top foot at the ankle. Tilt your pelvis forward and pull in your abs as your bring the ankle towards your buttocks. Hold 10-30 seconds. Feel the stretch in the front of your thigh (quadriceps) and in your hip. Turn over and repeat on the other leg.
Arthritis Exercises: Aqua
Also, if you have access to a pool, light aquatic aerobics or swimming is great. Your buoyancy in the water will help take the pressure off your joints and allow you to work on increasing your range of motion. The warmer the water the better. If the water seems cold to you, invest in a neoprene shorty weight suit. You can find them in a sporting goods store or dive shop. Here’s is a short aqua video that you can use to get started:
Of course always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
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Arm Flab Exercises
My inbox is trying to tell me something. I’ve gotten several versions of this question in the past week alone.
Q: I’m starting to feel that flabby arm anxiety again as it gets hotter. I don’t want to face my sleeveless blouses with these 54 old arms a year flabbier than they were last year. Is there anything short of surgery for me to do? Are there any arm flab exercises I can do to firm me up?
A: Sedentary women in general and women at a certain age in particularly are faced with this problem every Summer. And it does get worst, as you get older.
In fact we can lose up to 40% of our muscle cells by the time we hit 70. This is called sarcopenia. When we lose muscle mass what’s left over is flab. Weight resistance exercise can reverse this process and can help you regain some muscle you have lost.
CHECK OUT THIS EXERCISE VIDEO FOR two easy arm flab exercises that target those problem areas in your upper arm so YOU CAN BE FABULOUS FOREVER!
Arm Flab Exercises
Bicep Curl for the Front Arm:
- Grab a set up hand weights and stand erect with your feet about shoulder width apart. Weights down at your sides, palms forward. Remaining erect, bending only at your elbows bring the weights up towards you until they reach your shoulders.
- Slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8-15 reps.
- Pick a weight that will just barely allow you to complete the final rep in good form.
Triceps Extension for the Back of the Arm:
- You will probably need a lighter weight for this exercise because those muscles are often weaker.
- Stand erect, weights at your sides, palms in towards your thighs. Remaining erect step forward with one foot and slightly bend the knee. Keeping arms straight, bring both arms behind you just at or above waist height. You should feel the contraction on the back of your arms. Gently lower down to starting position.
- Repeat 8-15 reps.
Do these arm flab exercises every other day. You should expect some soreness. It’s common when you are building muscle. Doing the exercises every other day gives your muscles a chance to recover and grow. You should see results in about 3-4
For more arm fab exercises visit
Fall Prevention Exercises
May is Osteoporosis month and I can’t say enough about this debilitating yet largely preventable bone disease.
By definition, osteoporosis is a disease that, over time, causes bones to become thinner, more porous and less able to support the body. Bones can become so thin that they break during normal, everyday activity.
I’ve written a number of articles about the importance of weight bearing exercise and a calcium and vitamin D rich diet in preventing osteoporosis. So today I’m focusing on FALL PREVENTION. So many osteoporotic fractures are caused by falls so anything that can prevent those falls should be on your radar.
An interesting fall prevention method that’s been getting a lot of attention lately is using a Whole Body Vibration platform. Research by the Russian and American space programs has long suggested that a piezo-electric effect caused by vibrating the body strengthens muscles, and may prevent bone loss. A recent German study ‘Erlangen Longitudinal Vibration Study (ELVIS) shows it can also greatly reduce falls.
You simply stand on the vibrating plate and shake for several minutes. How long and how vigorously you shake can be dialed to suit your personal body needs and fitness level.
Commercial versions of the vibration platform are available at gyms and rehab centers. Home versions are sold online and at sporting goods and health equipment stores. Prices for the home versions start at about $199.
And for traditionalist in all of us, it’s true, simple balance exercises can go a long way towards reducing your chances of taking a serious fall.
Fall Prevention Exercises Try this simple exercise:
- Stand erect near a wall (in case you lose your balance) hands at your sides.
- Slowly raise one foot a couple of inches off the ground while shifting your weight to your grounded foot.
- When you’ve got your balance slowly raise your arms over your head and reach for the sky.
As you get more comfortable, try raising your held-up foot farther up until it’s near the knee of your grounded leg.
For More info on health and fitness visit
Diabetes Exercise
Diabetes Exercise Can Help!
Getting regular exercise is key to preventing and managing diabetes. Exercise decreases insulin resistance and helps to metabolize sugar. It also helps circulation, which can be a problem for diabetics. Other benefits include having more stamina, stronger muscles and bones, burning calories and even elevating your mood.
Here are some tips to help you get the best results out of your exercise program.
Diabetes Exercise
- Before starting anything new, check with your doctor to see what your normal blood sugar range should be and if there are any types of exercise you should avoid. For instance, weight training may be contraindicated if you have eye problems because it may raise blood pressure and rupture blood vessels in the eye.
- Test your blood sugar before and after exercising. Don’t start unless it’s in your normal range.
- Activities that take you outside during hot or cold weather can affect blood sugar levels. If you find your levels are too low or too high, stop, and wait until they are in the appropriate range. Some diabetics find that exercise brings their blood sugar level too low (hypoglycemia). Some of the symptoms are sweating, anxiety, or feeling hungry. It’s important to always keep fruit juice handy just in case.
- Wear shoes and socks that are supportive and comfortable. Make sure you have enough room to wiggle your toes so as to not to stop circulation.
- Clothes like breathable cottons or micro fibers help wick away the sweat and keep you from overheating. In colder weather, dress in layers that you can peel off or put on as needed.
- Drink water before, during and after exercise. You may not even feel that thirsty but not getting enough fluids can affect your blood sugar level.
- Warm-up and cool-down at least five-ten minutes before and after exercise. Start your warm-up by doing low intensity movement like walking and end with it. Cool-down is a great time to stretch because your muscles are still warm.
Exercise can increase quality of life for most diabetics and in many cases help keep the disease in check. Easy aerobics, easy strength or easy stretch exercise can help.
About Diabetes
People may be born with diabetes (Type 1), but most people who have it developed it after birth (Type 2). Overweight and obesity, a diet high in sugar and fat and low in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans and lack of regular exercise are major contributors to diabetes. Although Type 2 used to be diagnosed mostly in adults, it now is diagnosed frequently in children and teenagers.
According to the American Diabetes Association diabetes occurs when the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. Getting your blood glucose level tested as part of your annual checkup is important, particularly if you have pre-diabetes, a condition that occurs when a person’s blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. There are 41 million Americans who have pre-diabetes, in addition to the 20.8 million with diabetes. Research shows that exercise decreases body fat and helps normalize insulin levels.
As far as the latest in my world of health and wellness, please check out this health coaching video. Are you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results? Do you have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues?
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Exercise Videos for Women with age on site issues like Osteoporosis, Menopause, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer and more!
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New Year Resolutions: Exercise For Health!

Take New Year Resolutions that focuses on getting fit resolutions instance. Ever start an exercise program in the New Year, maybe this year, only to quit after a couple of weeks?
Me too! Why is exercise so hard to stick with?
I’ve been health coaching and teaching classes for over 20 years and the reason I’ve heard most often from my clients is, it’s too hard. You want to do it. You know fitness equals longevity.
You know you should do it. You know you have to do it, but you hate it. It’s not fun. You push yourself for a couple of weeks and then you can’t do it any more, so you quit. You’ve tried this a bunch of times over the years and quit every time. Sound familiar? Why do so many of us get stuck in that cycle of fitness failure, and how can we break that cycle?
I’ve given this a lot of thought over the years, and I’ve developed a structure that works for most of my clients. I’m happy to share it with you.
New Year Resolutions Bullet Points
· Exercise shouldn’t feel like getting your teeth drilled! Don’t do anything you hate because you think you should. I think that’s an express ticket to Quitsville. Exercise should be a pleasure, not a chore. If it feels good today, you’ll want to get up and do it again tomorrow. Embrace the movement experience. Get up and do a couple of minutes of limbering and stretching or take a short easy walk.
Here is a video to help get you started.
Be conscious of how good it feels while you’re moving and how nice it feels afterwards. Find a time in the day when you can do it daily. I like mornings, but any time that works is fine.
— Recognize where you are now and adjust your immediate expectations accordingly. Ease in to exercise. Remember that you quit last time because you pushed it and it was no fun. You’ll need to craft a program for yourself that starts you where you are and builds you up to where you want to go in easily doable steps. Set readily attainable very short-term goals like “I’m going to move three days this week for five minutes.” At the end of the week you can look back and say: ” I just went from not exercising to exercising three times a week.”
— Trust the process. It doesn’t matter if you exercise for five minutes each day. The week before last you did nothing. Continue to set these easily attainable short-term goals forever. Find activities you like. Keep it pleasant and you’ll want more. Leave your body wanting more every time you exercise.
— Progress at your own pace. You’re on nobody’s timetable but your own. Don’t give in to peer pressure, however subtle, and forget those TV ads for instant success. My rule of thumb for progress is this: add a little more only when it gets too easy, not because it’s been a week and you feel like it’s time to do more.
— Be patient. That sounds pretty darn counter intuitive I know. I think today’s society wants instant gratification and immediate success. Sorry, not going to happen if you’re looking at success as immediately achieving your ultimate goal. That’s where adjusting your immediate expectations comes in. You probably won’t be able to run a marathon right away. And, those high-intensity, total immersion, 12-weeks-to-a-Greek-body-if-you-don’t-die-trying programs probably won’t work for you either. Not yet.
That’s the plan. It’s a simple plan. It takes longer to get there, but it’s a pleasant journey, not a grunt. Most importantly, it’s sustainable for a lifetime. So hop on the slow train and take it as far as you want. I think it might be your ticket to Successville.
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Dance Exercise: The Magic of Movement
Dance exercise!
America is experiencing a dance renaissance. Thanks to the success of TV shows like “Dancing With The Stars” and “So You Think You Can Dance”, people are starting to dance again.
In this era of personal trainers and hi-tech exercise equipment, dance exercise classes and videos are re-surging to new heights of popularity.
From ancient times people enjoyed coming together to move and communicate non-verbally. Looking back at the history of dance virtually every community gained togetherness by dancing to insure a good harvest, asking for rain, or celebrating a season. There are folk dances representing movement styles from every part of the world.
Expressive movement comes from a natural place within us. We’re all born knowing how to move. It’s innate, part of our humanity. As kids, we stamp our feet when angry, flail our bodies when frustrated and jump for joy. Humans have been expressing themselves through movement since the beginning of time. That movement has a purpose. It was never suppose to go away. But somehow, our so-called modern culture saw that release of tension, that form of human expression as primitive. So we have been repressing it for hundreds of years.
Dance Exercise
Our technology has brought us some great things. But it negates that part of who we are. We hardly have to move anymore and so we don’t-until we see ourselves falling apart at middle age. Turns out, movement was never primitive at all!
It’s primal! Primal is natural. Primal is good. It’s part of who we are, what we’re meant to be.
Studies show that expressive movement can help heal physical ailments and relieve psychological trauma. It can also get you fit, and Fitness=Longevity.
Get back in touch with that part of yourself that knows how to move, and feel better because of it. Tap into that mind-body connection that’s been there waiting for you. Release yourself from the conventional hard-body exercise experience.
Get back to your roots at this important time in your life. It’s as simple as turning on some music and dancing to the beat. Go ahead. Try a dance exercise class and dance yourself fit!
Get 25% off all Mirabai Holland Exercise Videos, Equipment & T-shirts. Put in HOLIDAY at Checkout. Good until December 30, 2017.
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A Gift of Fitness Gives Forever. Your Gift Certificate is sent by email IT NEVER EXPIRES!
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Fashion Flash Halloween Edition
Today’s Fashion Flash host is Barbara from
Barbara Hannah Grufferman, lives and breathes the positive living lifestyle.
She is the author of “The Best of Everything After 50: The Experts’ Guide to Style, Sex, Health, Money and More” And her blog is full of relevant info as well as beauty products to make us look and feel our best.
We Fashion Flash Bloggers as always give you our best tips and deals in beauty, fashion, health, fitness and retail therapy. Click in, check us out.
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Daily Sugar Intake: How Much Is Too Much
Daily Sugar Intake. How Much Is Too Much?
With the holidays approaching sugar is on my mind. Here’s a little daily sugar intake video that may make you pause before that second piece of pie.
For at home exercise programs check out my site
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH! If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results. Do you have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues. Are you peri or post menopausal and struggling: YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE! GET 50% OFF YOUR FIRST HEALTH COACHING SESSION FOR WOMEN: CONTACT MIRABAI AT
25% OFF ALL DVD PRODUCTS UNTIL 11-30-17 Put in coupon code FABFALL at Checkout! PLUS Free USA Shipping at
Cancer and Exercise
Cancer and Exercise: Best exercises for Cancer Patients?
In my health coaching practice, I consult with women who want to exercise but have health issues that make them uncertain as to how much they should do. Recently I had a client who said, “I am recovering from breast cancer. I finished my chemotherapy a few weeks ago and though I still feel weak, I was wondering if I should start exercising again?” And this is what I told her.
If your doctor says you’re up to it, you can get started. Best Exercises For Cancer Patients: according to ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine)
Cancer and Exercise
The best exercises for cancer patients is a combination of the three major components of fitness: Cardio, Strength and Flexibility. These types of exercise can have a positive impact on cancer patients and survivors. Easy aerobic exercise for cancer patients, has been shown to increase hemoglobin levels, reduce inflammation, lessen fatigue, keep muscles in shape for better every day activities, increase self confidence, reduce depression and aid in recovery of surgery.
Other research has shown strength and flexibility exercises to be good exercises for cancer patients helping them return to a normal activity level sooner.
Exercise and social support seem to increase the life expectancy of breast cancer survivors, preventing recurrence.
At the beginning, gently move a few minutes at a time, and build up at your own pace. Try walking, light aerobics or swimming. As you get stronger, add a couple of days a week of light resistance training. On days you feel more tired, try doing a few stretches.
Personal Note: It has been my privilege and joy to use my skill as a Certified Health Coach & Exercise Physiologist Specialist to help women manage their cancer with the healing properties of movement and exercise. It is from my own experience, that exercising on a regular basis, eating healthy food and reducing your stress can help prevent and/or manage cancer and many other life threatening diseases.
Click on Cancer and Exercise for more info. Visit
for in home exercise programs for women over 50.
Bernadine’s Crusade
My mother died in 2005 from Ovarian Cancer. Here is a poem I wrote about her.
Time it was when she found out how sick she was.
Like a Gladiator she got in her wheel chair and with her cane she fought against her illness.
Month after month she strived and relished every peach, every plum.
Moment by moment from lunch to lunch, she road the streets and shopped for food, clothes and jewelry as if she would live forever.
Her doctors were amazed at the way she road into their offices waving her cane
in stylish hats.
For her it was just the way she lived.
Opinionated, visually acute; her sense of aesthetics keen.
Expressive, she once cooed for me like a bird then clicking her teeth like a sparrow eating a tiny meal.
So it went.
Until the last, she raged with her cane beside her in the bed.
Little sips of ice mocha and chocolate malts
Slowing down.
Barely breathing,
her eyes flew open, to take one last peek
getting ready for the next to come.
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Fashion Flash Monday

Fashion Flash
Today’s Fashion Flash host is Jackie Silver.
Fabulous Jackie researches the best solutions for anti-aging and brings them to you without the hype.
The rest of us Fashion Flash Bloggers apply our varied 40 plus expertise on beauty, fashion, health, fitness and retail therapy. Click in, check us out.
Feeling stressed? Here’s an easy short meditation that should bring you right back down to sea level. Close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Watch the ebb and flow of your own breathing pattern. As thoughts come in, let them come in, but don’t hold on to them, let them flow out.
Now take a breath and hold, 1, 2, 3, then exhale. Continue to focus on your breathing, in (1, 2, 3 to yourself ) and out, (1, 2, 3 to yourself ) in (1, 2, 3 to yourself ) and out. (1, 2, 3 to yourself) (Pause for 10 seconds) Keep breathing normally. Try to keep your mind a blank. Slowly open your eyes.
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
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As far as the latest in my world of health and wellness, please check out this health coaching video. If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results. Do you have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues,
For at home exercise programs check out my site
Fashion Flash Fall Edition

Fashion Flash
Mirabai Holland, Health & Wellness Blogger from welcomes you to Fashion Flash FAB FALL Edition!
Fall is a time to start new endeavors and get organized for the upcoming busy holiday season.
Our team of expert Fashion Flash Bloggers inspire and give you the best in Fashion, Beauty, Health, and Lifestyle.
Glamour Granny Travels looks already beyond fall to an exciting new destination for skiing: Japan. Why not ski in Japan’s Powder Snow? We baby boomers love sports and exotic locations. Combine both and go skiing in Japan.
Fall is a good time to shine up your jewelry! Allison from Never Say Die Beauty has been cleaning her extensive jewelry collection with new gentle and easy to use jewelry cleaning products from Connoisseurs.
Society Wellness shares what is really important to know when it comes to vegan nutrition.
Particularly rough east coast hurricane season this year, which is not officially over. (June 1 to November 30 with a peak in August and September.) It brings up memories for Maryl, experiencing superstorm Sandy from an unusual perspective…aboard a cruise ship on the high seas.
Sheila from Painted Ladies is hosting a giveaway featuring excellent nail and lip products from cruelty-free beauty line Makeup America. $1 from each product sold goes toward paying down the US national debt!
Beauty Info Zone is obsessed with taking care of our eyes since they show the signs of aging so easily. Lisa has been using two eye products from Eminence Organic Skin Care that she recommends to keep those signs away.
These Farmhouse Fresh Whole & Goats Milk Soaps are rich and creamy and leave your skin feeling incredibly moisturized! Perfect for over 40 gals! Plus, they are packaged as cheese wedges so Individually or in a set, they great gifts.
Deb of No-Nonsense Beauty Blog explores the health and beauty benefits of pears— falls perfect fruit.
Jackie Silver Style has tips and secrets to looking and feeling your best, even if you’ve been diagnosed with this very common condition.

It’s October, and the leaves are sweetly turning. It’s also a time people start to move indoors and munch out. So before things get out of hand, I thought I’d take this opportunity to offer you this sweet little video on ADDED SUGAR. Please subscribe to my channel for more healthy bytes of info.
Follow Mirabai Holland: Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Walking From The Core
I’ve been shooting some walking sequences in the Colorado Rockies these past couple of weeks and it’s been spectacular. We planned it just right. The aspens are turning gold, and that clean crisp flavor of Fall is in the air.
It’s a perfect time to walk, and walking is about as perfect a human exercise as we’ve got. It’s a great combination, Fall and walking: not too hot, not too cold, lots to look at. And, doctors always want us to walk when the tell us to get some exercise. I wonder if they walk themselves. So your doctor should be very pleased when you call and say “I’m starting a walking program, what do you think”? Do check with your doctor to make sure you don’t have any issues that will keep you from brisk walking, and then if all’s good, get to it.
Besides getting a great cardiovascular workout you’ll strengthen and sculpt your legs and butt. If you swing your arms you’ll get some shoulder action too; all this while leaf peeping, or people watching if you’re in the city, and enjoying the fall air.
Walking Video Tips
Walking From The Core
There’s been plenty of buzz lately about core exercise and how a strong core, the abs, back, butt and upper thigh muscles, can keep you mobile into old age. There’s a lot of truth to that. The core muscles hold you torso erect and promote good posture and general body strength.
If you do it right, walking can strengthen your core and improve the way you walk at the same time.
A weak core makes you slouch and walking slouched messes up your gait and can even give you back injuries. Start by standing tall with your head over your shoulders, shoulders over your hips, hips over the feet, abs pulled in. If you’re not used to it, it’ll feel like work at first. But, try keeping that posture while you walk, even for 5 minutes at a time. It will become more and more comfortable. You’ll start to realize it’s the natural way for humans to stand and walk. Your gait will improve, your core will get stronger, you’ll be less fatigued and you’ll enjoy your walks more. And won’t you look cool and snappy out there with that perfect gait.
I’ve got another week of walking in the Rockies for a living and I’m enjoying every minute of it; being out in the open air, checking out the fall color and looking cool and snappy.
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Strength Workout Outdoors
Strength Workout Outdoors; get strong with this easy strength exercise program. It’s time to jump start your exercise program. You can enjoy the September weather while you get into shape.
Here are five easy exercises to tone you up; no equipment necessary. Try doing them every other day. For the first three start with eight reps and build up to 16. For the last two (isometric exercises) hold for 10 seconds and build up to 30 seconds. With all these exercises, remember to exhale on the exertion.
In a matter of a few weeks you should feel your body getting stronger and see it get shapelier.
Warm-up by taking a 10-minute walk. By the tenth minute, it should be brisk enough for you to just barely carry on a conversation.
Strength Workout Outdoors Video
Stop at a wall, a tree or a fence, and do these five exercises: two for your upper body and three for your lower.
Standing Push-ups:
Stand facing a surface, with legs hip width apart and place hands shoulder width apart. Keeping your body straight, lower yourself down to the surface and then push back upright again. Muscles Worked: Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders

Face surface, legs hip with apart. Hold on for balance. Shift weight back into heels. Keeping back straight, abs pulled in; gently bend at the knees and squat to about a 90-degree angle. Hold for a moment, then, using just your leg muscles, return to an upright position. Muscles worked: Front of thigh (Quads), Back of thigh, (Hamstrings) Buttocks, Abs

Stand against surface for back support. Holding on as needed for balance, slide down to a sitting position against wall, knees at about a 90-degree angle. Pull your abs in and hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Muscles worked: Thighs and Abs

Stand with your back to the surface, feet shoulder width apart. Place hands behind you on surface. Straighten your arms behind you and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Muscles worked: Back, Shoulders, Back of arms (Triceps)
Have fun and get strong with this strength workout outdoors!
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As far as the latest in my world of health and wellness, please check out this health coaching video. If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results. Do you have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues,
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Fashion Flash Online NEW
Fashion Flash is hosted this week by Sheila, creator of Painted Ladies empower its readers with makeup information and techniques they can utilize to look and feel their very best.
She and the rest of us Fashion Flash Bloggers are just a click away. Come get your insider’s look at the latest info and greatest deals in 40+ Fashion, Beauty, Skincare, Fitness, Travel & Lifestyle.
25% OFF ALL DVD PRODUCTS UNTIL 8-30-17 Put in coupon code AUGFAB at Checkout! PLUS Free USA Shipping at
As far as the latest in my world of health and wellness, please check out this health coaching video. If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results. Do you have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues,
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Workout: Can You Gain Without The Pain?
Workout? Spring has sprung and I’ve been getting those emails for a month or so asking for advice on how to get on and stay on an exercise program. I get questions about commitment, pushing one’s limits, pain, and quick results. I go a little crazy at this time of year because I’m at odds with a very vocal segment of my industry about how to get started on an exercise program. They’re sincere, well-educated trainers, but I don’t think they remember what it felt like to be de-conditioned. They expect beginners to do to much too soon. I’m beginning to think that over-vigorous exercise dulls one’s sense of empathy.
I’ve seen it time and time again: determined beginners pushing so hard and either getting hurt and quitting or just quitting because they couldn’t take it any more. If this sounds like you, don’t feel bad. It’s not your fault. We’ve heard no pain no gain all our lives. We’ve watched contestants push themselves to the brink of disaster on television. We’re inundated with infomercial promises of big results in no time. It’s enough to make anyone think ” I’ve got to beat myself senseless immediately so I can hurry up, get fit, have the body of my dreams and live happily ever-after.”
By the way, I’m not against vigorous exercise. On the contrary, I love vigorous exercise. But I wouldn’t have loved it nor would I have been safe doing it as a beginner. In my experience, that approach only works for a few stoic types and sets the rest of us up to fail.
I believe in moderation, easing in, starting with a little and building up to a lot, staying in your comfort zone. You may get to super-vigorous exercise eventually, or maybe you’ll like moderate exercise better. And moderate may be just as good as vigorous, maybe better. Really.
Just so you know this isn’t some favorite rant of mine, there are people, scientists even, who actually agree with me. Here’s study conducted at the University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health
I think, the best way to get fit and make exercise a part of your life forever is to keep it pleasant. If you haven’t been exercising in a long time, don’t start lifting weights right away. Don’t try to jog or even walk for a half an hour right away. Do something easy. Do something pleasant. If you enjoy it today you’ll want to get up and do it again tomorrow. It’s the pleasure principal. I believe in it. This study published in the Journal of Health Psychology believes it, too
So, how do you get started? I suggest starting by standing up and doing about five minutes of gentle limbering movements. Do the same for a few days in a row. You may be surprised at how good this feels and what a wonderful state of mind these simple, natural movements put you in. You may find yourself exercising longer than five minutes after a few days because you like it. Don’t question it. Simply do it. You may find the more you do it the more you’ll want to do it, and the more you’ll do.
You may want to go for a little walk, then a brisk walk, then a half hour brisk walk. Don’t rush it. It doesn’t matter if it takes a couple of weeks, or a couple of months. Listen to you body. You’re on nobody’s schedule but your own.
Once you’re enjoying a half hour brisk walk most days of the week, try adding light weight training for your major muscle groups a couple of times a week. Increase the weight, number of reps and number of exercise days only when it feels too easy. Build up slowly to weight training about three days a week with a day off in between sessions.
Remember to keep it pleasant. If it’s too intense, it ceases to be fun and there’s a good chance you’ll quit. This approach takes longer. But I’ve found it to be much more sustainable than those quick fix pump you up methods. Most of those intense immersion exercise programs remind me of the guy who beats his head against a brick wall. When asked why on earth he does that, he says: “because it feels so good when I stop”
Ease-in. Invest in your body. It will pay you back in quality of life.
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Do you have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues,
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Follow Mirabai Holland: Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Fashion Flash: Best News For Women 40+

Fashion Flash
Here is the latest issue of our Fashion Flash News For Women 40 plus. Our fab host is Shelia from paintedladies Her Painted Ladies beauty blog empowers readers the latest makeup information and techniques so they can feel and look their very best.
So join us Fashion Flash bloggers and read all about the latest info and deals for make-up, skincare, fitness, fashion and lifestyle trends.
We will help you be and stay Fabulous!
As our health-conscious population lives longer and longer, I think aqua, with it’s ability to surround and support our aging bodies while we keep them operational, is the wave of the future. Get those creaky bodies in the water. Try it, you’ll like it.
Learn more: WATCH NOW!
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Fashion Flash Monday
Its Fashion Flash Monday, the best online weekly for women 40 plus.
Barbara Grufferman is our fabulous host and the creator of her outstanding website Best of Everything After 50.
Fashion Flash
We are a fantastic team of expert bloggers giving you the most up-to-date fashion, beauty, fitness, and lifestyle info, tips and products. Click here to get the latest.
For more info on women health and fitness and at home exercise programs for women over 50 visit
Also if you need help getting started check out my Health Coaching Service specially designed for women over 50
Get ready for summer with this Aqua and Land Workout!
SPRING HAS SPRUNG! 25% OFF ALL FEEL GOOD DVDs UNTIL 6-30-17 Put in coupon code FAB at Checkout! PLUS Free USA Shipping!
Follow Mirabai Holland: Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Personal Training Abuse
Are you experiencing personal training abuse? A friend was describing her personal training sessions to me and said,“ there’s a fine line between coaching and abuse”.
The whole idea is to find someone who you like, and who likes you to be your teacher and motivator.
Your trainer should teach you to exercise safely and effectively. She/he can motivate you to love exercise by making it fun.
And if you love exercise, you can get and stay fit for a lifetime.
Personal Training Certs
Certification by a national certifying organization and experience are also key. Make sure your trainer is certified and has several years of experience. Meet the person, and make sure you click. If you’re not sure, keep looking.
Don’t be shy about asking to see her/his personal training certification. Ask for client references too, (and call them).
Here are some of the top certifying bodies in the USA:
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA)
National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
American Council on Exercise (ACE)
Aerobics & Fitness Association of America (AFAA)
If you are living in another country check out the top Personal Training certs in your area
and make sure your trainer is certified by one of them.
Finding the right trainer can be a daunting task but when it’s right, its music.
By the way, this training partnership is a two way street. No trainer wants to be treated like a servant or even an employee. Treat your trainer as you’d like to be treated and you may make a lifelong friend,
Follow Mirabai Holland: Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
For more information on exercise and exercise videos for Women Over 40 please visit MirabaiHolland
Fabulous Forever Health IQ Mirabai Holland
Ready to test your Fabulous Forever Health IQ?
As we are into a new year, it’s time to remind ourselves to be vigilant about our health and fitness. Test your Fabulous Forever health IQ with this at home quiz. Answers are at the end.
For more info on women health and fitness and at home exercise programs come and visit me at
Any questions contact me at
Fabulous Forever Health I.Q. Test Yourself Now!
Fabulous Forever Health IQ Self-Quiz
(answers at end)
1. What is the number one killer disease of women?
a. Osteoporosis
b. Breast Cancer
c. Heart Disease
d. Diabetes
2. What does osteopenia mean?
a. Low muscle mass
b. Low bone mass
c. Another word for osteoporosis
d. Strong bones
3. What is the normal % of body fat?
a. 15-20%
b. 22-30%
c. 25-35%
d. 30-35%
4. Which one of the following blood pressure readings is considered a risk factor for heart disease?
a. 110/70
b. 115/80
c. 120/80
d. 140/90
5.What helps to pick up metabolism?
a. Lean muscle mass
b. 1000 calorie a day diet
c. Sleeping 8 hours a night
d. Meditation
6. How much body fat does the average 65 year old woman have?
a. 30%
b. 37%
c. 43%
d. 50%
7. What is sarcopenia?
a. high muscle mass
b. low bone mass
c. high bone mass
d. low muscle mass
8. What is interval training best for:
a. Picking up the metabolic rate
b. Adding variety to your routine
c. Making it easy to get a drink of water
d. Both a & b
9. An optimal program for older people would include activities to improve:
a. strength, flexibility and coordination
b. eyesight
c. digestion
d. jogging
10. What body shape is the one that puts you at less risk for both heart disease and breast cancer?
a. apple
b. pear
c. banana
d. pineapple
11. To be at less risk for heart disease your total cholesterol should be:
a. Above 200
b. Below 200
c. Between 200-220
d. Between 220-225
12. Which is the “good” cholesterol
a. HDL
b. LDL
c. NDL
d. Margarine
13. How much exercise should you do?
a. At least 3-4 times a week, 30 minutes at 60-90% max heart rate.
b. At least twice a week, 60 minutes at 70-90% max heart rate
c. At least once a week, 60 minutes at 80-85% max heart rate
d. At least twice a week, 30 minutes at 70-90% max heart rate
14. What is the equation of finding your target heart rate?
a. 220-age x %
b. 200-age x %
c. 220 x age – %
d. 200 x age – %
15. What does aerobic exercise do?
a. Helps to stimulate metabolism and reduce LDL
b. Helps to develop stronger abdominals and back muscles
c. Helps to build a stronger heart muscle
d. a & c
16. What are the risk factors for heart disease that you can control:
a. Family history, age, menopause
b. Inactivity, excessive alcohol, and high blood pressure
c. Smoking, high cholesterol and triglycerides
d. b & c
17. How often should you weight train?
a. Every day
b. 3 days in a row, 2 days rest
c. 2-3 times a week, alternating days
d. None of the above.
18. How often should you perform a Breast Self-Examination?
a. every other week
b. Once a month (if still menstruating best time a week after the start of your period)
c. Once every week
d. None of the above.
19. When should you start getting annual mammograms?
a. After age 40
b. After age 45
c. After age 50
d. After age 55
20. What are the best types of exercise if you have had breast cancer?
a. Light strengthening and stretching exercises.
b. Walking and swimming.
c. High intensity strength training
d. a & b
21. 54 million Americans at risk for Osteoporosis; what % are women?
a. 60%
b. 70%
c. 80%
d. 90%
22. By the time women are 70 they can lose up to
a.15% bone mass
b. 20% bone mass
c. 30 % bone mass
d. 45% bone mass
23. As a woman goes through menopause what is the main factor that causes bone loss?
a. loss of estrogen
b. fatigue
c. hot flashes
d. light headed
24.What are the 3 areas at most risk for osteoporotic fracture?
a. Spine, neck, foot
b. Hip, shoulder, foot
c. Spine, hip, wrist
d. None of the above.
25. What type of exercise is not particularly effective for loading your bones
a. Weight training
b. Walking
c. Swimming
d. Jogging
ANSWERS: 1. c, 2. b, 3. b, 4. d, 5. a, 6. c, 7. d, 8. d, 9. a, 10. a,11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. d, 16. d, 17. c, 18. b, 19. a, 20. d, 21. c, 22. c, 23. a, 24. c, 25. c
Feel free to share your Fabulous Forever Health IQ.
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Skeletal Fitness: 3 Important Exercises
Skeletal Fitness is important throughout our lives.
With 12,000 boomers a day turning 65, that’s one every 8 seconds for the next 18 years; and with 50% of women over the age of 50 projected to have an osteoporosis related fracture in their lifetime, I thought I’d be a little practical this year and give you a mini workout to help you protect your bones.
Skeletal Fitness
Our bones are living tissue and grow stronger with weight bearing and resistance exercise. This is called Bone Loading and can help us maintain our skeletal fitness.
And since the three areas most at risk for Osteoporotic fracture are the Spine, the Hip and the Wrist, here are 3 easy Bone Loading exercises, one for each of those areas, you can do using a pair of hand weights or a couple of soup cans. Use a weight that makes the exercise feel somewhat hard after 8 reps. Remember to always exhale on the exertion. Do 8-15 reps of each of these exercises. Start where you’re comfortable and build up.
And of course always consult your doctor before beginning this Skeletal Fitness exerciseprogram.
- Start with arms in front of you, weights together.
- Slowly row arms back, bending elbows bringing weights to chest height.
- Squeeze shoulder blades together, without shrugging your shoulders.
Lunge – Loads Hip and Femur (thigh bone)
- Stand tall, feet about shoulder width apart, hands and weights at your sides.
- Keep body erect and lunge forward with left foot, bending both knees to help facilitate the move. (Right heel comes off the floor). Your front knee should be aligned over the second toe of that foot and your weight should be centered between your front and back foot.
- Hold for 8 seconds, (remember to breathe) return to starting position and repeat lunging with right foot.
Wrist Curls
- Hold arms in front of you palms up.
- Using only your wrists, curl weights toward your body until knuckles are facing the ceiling.
- Slowly lower and repeat.
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For more info on Women over 50 Health and Fitness and at home exercise programs and Osteoporosis exercise videos please visit
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Exercise Physiologist:
And for more info visit
Fashion Flash! Holiday Edition
Welcome to another NEW Holiday Week Edition of Fashion Flash! I’m your host, Health & Wellness Blogger, Mirabai Holland from Join us Fashion Flash! Bloggers for some Holiday Fabulousness. We’ve got Fashion, Beauty, Health, Lifestyle and a Partridge in a Pear Tree. Enjoy.
Erika, blogger in chief at Notes from My Dressing Table is sharing Beautiful Holiday Gift Ideas from Evine She also has a special discount code for first time customers and a fabulous giveaway open through 12/16.
Deb of No-Nonsense beauty Blog has a holiday gift of health for the whole family. Find out more.
Can the state of your personal space affect your health? Jackie Silver Style shares interesting findings.
After 40, eyelashes and brows can get sparse and brittle. Allison from Never Say Die Beauty introduces you to the Art Natural Advanced Eyelash and Brow Enhancer that’s helping her achieve longer, fuller, softer lashes and brows fast!
Melanie from Society Wellness teaches us that the health and tone of the muscles in our face are the keys to a youthful glow, and a balanced body.
Inka of glamourgrannytravels goes green in exotic Bogor/Indonesia.
Okay, she’s no Diana Nyad but Claude Noelle Toly is a swimmer and she recently swam around the Statue of Liberty, a long time dream. Not too shabby for an antique dealer by day. Do you have a similar dream?
Barbara Hannah Grufferman, author of THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AFTER 50 and AARP Contributor, shares her best tips to stay strong . . . for life.
Marcia from Beauty Info Zone is crazy about concealers. She obsessively collects them but some get used more than others. What 3 concealer brands are high on her radar these days.
The holidays are in full swing. Thanksgiving just passed us and now Christmas is in a couple of weeks. Tania from 50 Is Not Old styles a holiday outfit today that will be sure to put you in the Christmas spirit.
Looking for a high quality gift for a special woman? Prime Beauty is giving away this Tahaitan South Sea Pearl Necklace from The Pearl Source.
And if you need a little nudge to help avoid gaining those extra pounds try my Holiday Workout Kit: A Great Buy!
For more info on health and wellness programs please visit
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Holiday Workouts
Just about now, you may have gotten too busy to think about exercise or what I call “Holiday Workouts” . But with New Year’s resolutions just around the corner it might just make some sense to hedge your bets.
Well, I’d like to remind you to get moving again if you want to “live long and prosper”.
So to make it easy, do these 5 Most Important Holiday Workouts at least a few days a week even if you begin with as little as 5 minutes a day working up to about 30 minutes.
Tip: Plan your workout:
Try to exercise as much as you can at the same time every day.
Have your workout clothes and accessories ready ahead of time so you can grab and take them with you or put on and go!
Holiday Workouts: Aerobic Training No. 1
Feeling sluggish? Believe it or not a daily dose of aerobic exercise can help provide you with more energy and stamina. Aerobics is any activity that uses your large muscle groups like brisk walking, swimming, jogging, biking, climbing stairs, or low impact cardio dance. Starting out with as little as 5 minutes a day and building up to 30 minutes will help lower your blood pressure, increase your good cholesterol, HDL, improve your lung function, strengthen your heart, burn calories and elevate your mood.
Holiday Workouts: No. 2: Muscle Strength
Flab is one of those things we all really hate. What’s worse than wearing something that will reveal that little wiggle. Studies show that if we do nothing we will steadily increase body fat as we get older. So an inactive 25 year old woman may be at 23% (normal range of %body fat) but if she stays inactive by the time she is in her 60’s she can be as high as 43%.
The good news is this is completely reversible by adding some strength training exercises. And it doesn’t take much: just twice a week for 30 minutes or so.
Make sure you leave 24-48 hours in between for muscles to recover and grow.
Use your own body weight with push-ups (beginners can do them against a wall and modified squats or lunges. Start with a few and build up to 15 reps.
Or use resistance bands or hand and ankle weights. For this, you may need some professional help like purchasing an exercise video with a certified instructor, joining a gym or working with a certified personal trainer. Once you learn a simple routine you can do you can slowly increase the weight as you get stronger.
Tip: Start with 8 reps for each exercise. If you can’t finish the set the weight is too heavy. And if you can do a few more, you need more resistance. The key is to listen to your body!
Holiday Workouts: No. 3: Flexibility training
When was the last time you could touch your toes? Or in the morning when you wake up do you feel stiff? If this sounds like you then doing a few stretches every day could help you move more freely and even reduce muscle aches and pains.
Try doing an easy stretch or yoga video or class even once a week can help increase your flexibility.
Holiday Workouts: No. 4: Balance training
Because we see in older adults a loss of balance, which results in more falls,” noted Holland.
— You can do this standing in line at the grocery store
— Stand on one leg and see if you can let go of the shopping cart
— Hold for about 10 seconds
— Also try standing on your tippy-toes and holding for a few seconds
— Balance should be done everyday — all you need is two to three minutes
Holiday Workouts: No. 5: Core training
We see so many people as they get older avoiding their abs, which results in a bad back,” said Holland. “They’re not really supporting upper torso.”
— Try a few minutes of abdominal exercises
— Reverse curl while you’re lying in back and pull your knees into you
— Hold for five seconds and release
— Start with 10 reps a day and work your way higher
— Crunches are key — not full sit-ups — because some people can do more damage than good
— Keep back on the floor and don’t go all the way up
— Really concentrate so you can feel you’re abdominal wall contracting
And if you need a little nudge my Holiday Workouts Kit is a Great Buy!
For more info on health and wellness programs please visit
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
Golf Exercises Improve Your Game
Golf Exercises
There are over 20 million golfers in the United States alone. And those who play frequently, including the pros, are often plagued by over-use injuries.
It’s the repetitive motion of the golf swing that’s the culprit. And if your form is less than perfect you can hurt yourself on a single swing.
It uses the same muscles every time: mainly shoulder (rotator cuff) core (side of the waist, abdominals), and arms (elbow, forearm and wrist)
Also, like any other physical activity, it’s good to warm-up your body at least 5-10 minutes before starting to play. A brisk walk, a few arm circles and practice swings with a towel will help to elevate your body temperature, lubricate joints and increase blood flow to your working muscles.
As for the current aches and pains, you probably have to rest those muscles until they heal.
The good news is, there are Prehab golf exercises to help you play injury-free in the future and they will also help improve your game.
Here are some essential exercises.
Essential Golf Exercises:
Towel warm-up
Roll up a towel lengthwise and take a few practice swings to warm-up the muscles you’ll use when you add the weight of the club.
Golf Exercises: Side Bend
If you have hand weights, great. Otherwise, grab some cans from your pantry.
Stand feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, arms at your sides. Without bending forward or back, bend directly to one side, while sliding the weight in your opposite hand up the side of your body to your armpit. Do the same on the other side. 8-12 reps on each side, alternating side to side. Areas Worked: Side of the Waist
Golf Exercises: Core Strength & Stretch
Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position.
Gently stretch your right arm out in front of you till it’s level with your torso. At the same time raise your left leg and straighten it behind you. Hold for 10-20 counts and slowly return to starting position. Switch sides and repeat. Areas Worked: Abdominals, shoulder, hip and back of leg
Golf Exercises: Oblique Twist
Lie down, knees bent, feet hip width apart. Place your hands behind your head.
Lift and turn your torso to point your right elbow towards your left knee (keep your elbow back in line with your shoulder) and return to start. Do 8 reps. Switch sides and repeat. Areas Worked: Abdominals, particularly the side abs.
Holding cans or hand weights bend arms at the elbows to 90 degrees in front of you. Keep your elbows bent and bring your arms out to your sides.
Repeat 8-12 reps.
Areas Worked: Shoulders
Golf Exercises: Wrist Curls
Hold hand weights at your sides, elbows at 90-degree angles, palms down. Keep arms stationary, and using only your wrists, slowly curl the weights towards you until your knuckles are facing the ceiling. Repeat 8-15 reps
Flip weights palms up. Do 8-15 reps in this position.
Areas Worked: Forearms and wrists.
Golf Exercises: Diamond Stretch
Raise arms over-head, linking hands together. Slightly bend elbows and gently move them back.
Hold for 10-20 counts.
Areas worked: Shoulders, chest and upper back.
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Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:
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Better Sleep
Looking to get better sleep? We all love a good night’s sleep. But did you know that not getting one not only makes you dull and stressed, it can also make you pack on the pounds.
Health experts recommend eight hours of sleep a night for most adults. Yet so many of us get fewer than six-and-a-half hours during the work week.
Too little physical activity is clearly part of why we’re overweight. But a lack of sleep may make weight loss and weight control more difficult by altering your metabolism. It may also be changing your eating and exercise patterns.
In a Japanese study, children sleeping less than eight hours a night were almost three times as likely to be overweight.
Lack of sleep may change hormone levels and thus influence weight gain. Higher levels of the hormone insulin have been linked to a shortage of sleep.
Because insulin promotes fat storage and controls blood sugar, extra insulin could make weight loss more difficult.
Studies also show that a lack of sleep leads to lower levels of the hormone leptin, which can cause an increased appetite. Sound familiar?
A third hormone affected by too little sleep is cortisol, linked by research to stress. When people feel threatened or stressed, their cortisol levels rise in a “fight or flight” reaction. In one study, people whose cortisol levels rose highest in response to stress had more waistline fat – and fat at the waist is related to the greatest number of risks for heart disease and other ailments. So what can you do to get better sleep?
Better Sleep With Aerobic Exercise
Results from a Stanford University study show exercise, particularly aerobic exercise in the late afternoon or right after work can turn this all around.
The physical stress of aerobic exercise produces fatigue and a rise in body temperature. A few hours later, your body temperature drops. That coupled with the fatigue from your exercise triggers your brain to induce a deeper, longer better sleep.
What time of day you do is as important as doing it. If you exercise too close to bedtime you may be up for hours climbing the walls. Getting a half hour brisk walk is all it takes.
If you belong to a Gym, get there and mix it up on the cardio machines.
Or get yourself a good cardio dance video by a certified instructor.
In any case quality zzzzzs equals quality of life and may even increase longevity.
For more health and fitness information and at home exercise programs please visit
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Cardio Exercise Improves Mood
Now that the weather is getting colder and the days are getting shorter, I find myself as you may too, for no apparent reason, feeling a little blue. So I dust off my sneakers and get ready to move because I know cardio exercise improves mood.
Research shows that cardio exercise improves mood because it increases levels of serotonin and endorphins in the brain. These are important neurochemical transmitters, which help to elevate and stabilize your mood.
In fact one of the known causes of depression is a lowered level of serotonin. Aerobic exercise can be as effective as medication for relieving mild to moderate depression in many cases.
More Reasons Why Cardio Exercise Improves Mood
There is more to cardio exercise than serotonin and endorphins. It helps lower adrenaline, a chemical associated with stress to help promote relaxation. And as you become more fit you feel better about how you look and feel. This can give you a positive outlook in general. Try some easy aerobics. You may just cardio dance your troubles away. I make sure I’m exercising aerobically most days of the week, at least for 30-60 minutes. I not only feel my spirits lift while I’m exercising but for many hours afterwards.
Are You Depressed?
The standard symptoms for depression are:
- Persistent feelings of sadness or “emptiness”
- Sense of hopelessness, worthlessness, and guilt
- Inability to enjoy ordinary pleasurable activities, including sex
- Noticeable change of appetite, possibly accompanied by significant weight loss or weight gain
- Shifts in sleeping patterns, such as insomnia or sleeping too much
- Difficulty concentrating, persistent irritability, excessive crying
- Preoccupation with thoughts of death or suicide
- Decreased energy, fatigue
- Persistent aches and pains
Many things can cause depression. They range from some medications to low levels of light during the winter months. Alcohol and a poor diet, as well as inherited predisposition, can lead to the condition as well. Before you decide on asking your doctor for an anti-depressant prescription, adopt the healthy lifestyle habits of a nutritious diet, regular exercise and enough sleep. If things don’t improve, of course, seek medical help.
So try my take on the old Arlen & Koehler song lyric that Judy Garland sang, “forget your troubles, come on get happy” you can exercise your blues away.
For more info on women health and fitness and at home exercise programs for women visit
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Heart Healthy: Flavonoids Plus Cardio
Heart Healthy: Flavonoids Plus Cardio
Since heart disease is the No. 1 killer of men and women in the U.S., I thought I’d focus on prevention.
After all, if you prevent heart disease, you’re very unlikely to die from it.
A Harvard study says women who eat three or more servings of strawberries or blueberries a week can lower their risk of heart attack by 32 percent. The study also said grapes, eggplant and blackberries may work too. It’s those flavonoids again. The antioxidants you find in red wine, dark chocolate, green tea, apple skin, etc. Rule of thumb: The darker the color, the more flavonoid content. They slow down your aging clock and prevent disease by keeping free radicals from damaging cells in your body.
Free radicals are incomplete molecules looking for an electron so they can complete and stabilize themselves. Sounds like something you’d hear in therapy. They steal an electron from a neighboring molecule, turning it into a free radical and setting off a chain reaction. They contribute to the aging process and a wide range of diseases.
We form them naturally when we breathe and metabolize. Free radicals don’t wreak havoc with your body until you have too many of them. They can be formed by oxidative stress, like intense exercise, smoking and exposure to environmental toxins.
Eat Berries, Drink Wine, Stay Fit
Enter the flavonoids. They give the free radicals one of their electrons and stop them in their tracks. They help prevent heart disease by stopping LDLs (bad cholesterol) from breaking down and forming plaque in your arteries.
Nowadays, you can get berries year round, and they are a perfect low-calorie food, alone, in yogurt, or sprinkled on your cereal. So let’s have a few servings of berries, some eggplant, a glass of cabernet and maybe a square of dark chocolate for dessert. Not such a major lifestyle change.
Since we are talking about prevention, how about stress?
A series of studies by Columbia University Medical Center says whether or not we perceive ourselves as stressed can be a measure of whether or not we’ll have a heart attack in the future. So from now on, I’m not going to perceive myself as stressed. Yeah. Good luck with that.
Seriously: My clients who exercise regularly, particularly aerobic exercise, tend to think of themselves as being more relaxed. And they are more relaxed. Aerobic exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural tranquilizer, and they know they’re getting the heart benefits of all that cardio. To get the maximum benefit from cardio exercise, most people should build up to 45 or more minutes at 60 to 80 percent of your max heart rate. If you’re just starting out, you can ease in with a few minutes a day at a comfortable pace and add more as it gets too easy. But here’s the rub: Aerobic exercise, because it requires so much oxygen, is an oxidative stressor. It produces free radicals.
People who exercise once in a while or really hard only on the weekend are more at risk for producing harmful levels of free radicals. But studies have found that people who exercise regularly tend to adapt and produce enzymes that create antioxidants minimizing free radicals’ negative effect.
So here’s the formula: Eat berries, drink wine and get regular cardio so you don’t perceive yourself as stressed. It’s an eclectic concoction, but I think it’s tastier than one of those midnight vegetable smoothies. Don’t you?
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Fashion Flash Monday
Hi, this is Mirabai Holland from Moving Free with Mirabai
It’s Fashion Flash Monday, and I’m happy to be your host this week.
It is my pleasure to welcome two new expert bloggers to our Fashion Flash Consortium: Marcia Friedman from BeautyInfozone and Beth Djalali, from StyleataCertainAge
They have wonderful insights into the world of beauty and style.
As for the rest of us Fashion Flash bloggers we too have been busy finding the most up-to-date trends, info and the finest in Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness and Products
to help you look and feel your best during this Holiday Season.
Holiday party inspiration from Style at a Certain Age.
Subscription boxes come in all sizes and functions. Beauty Info Zone wants to share the newest PopSugar Must Have box with you to see if this is a “must have” for your life.
Are you prepared? Jackie Silver from has tips for staying healthy during flu season.
Now that “turkey eating season” is in full swing, Society Wellness shares two recipes that you can use all winter long: Turkey Meatballs and Turkey Loaf
. If you are looking to refresh your wardrobe or buy gifts for family and friends there are still bargains to be had in the holiday sales.
Now that cold weather is here, Deb of No-Nonsense Beauty Blog explores the most important ingredient to look for in a moisturizer that hydrates without clogging the pores.
Prime Beauty has put together a list of great gift ideas for the beauty obsessed that won’t make your wallet cry! Check out Beauty Gifts under $30!
Inka gets a surprise when she meets the Flintstones, of all places in Thrace/Turkey
When Dr. Francine Kaufman became a caregiver for her ailing mother, it opened up a whole new vista of the medical profession for her. And that was the start of her second life.
Barbara Hannah Grufferman, author of THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AFTER 50 and AARP YouTube Host, knows the secret to sexy, strong arms and wants to share!
Black Cat Plus lists its favorite Cyber Monday Deals for Plus Size Fashions.
As we approach the Holidays I would like to share a video from my NEW YOUTUBE SERIES: TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH NOW! ” HOW MUCH SUGAR IS TOO MUCH?
Please subscribe to my channel for new and archived videos as to HOW YOU CAN TAKE OF YOUR HEALTH
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Certified Health Coach, Certified Exercise Physiologist
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Stress Busters
Stress Busters. We need them now! Isis, Syria, movie theater shootings, floods, fires, honey bee colony collapse disorder, what’s next? Given the current global situation, we should talk a little about Stress.
Feeling stressed? Me too!
Stress has been around since the beginning of time.
It started as the flight-or-fight reflex when early humans confronted a life-threatening situation, and now, stress itself has become a life-threatening situation. We need stress busters.
Obviously we can’t eliminate all causes of stress, so what can we do about it?
Stress Busters
Here are a few quick and easy stress busters.
Relax. No really, conscious relaxation is a form of Yoga or Meditation. Sometimes you only need a few seconds and you feel a lot better.
Try this at home or at work:
Sit down and close your eyes (if you’re on the street, duck into a doorway and keep your eyes open and one hand on your purse)
Let your muscles relax
Concentrate on your breathing
Breathe in and hold your breath for 1 second – 1 one hundred thousand, Breathe out
Breathe in again a little deeper and hold for 2 seconds – 1 one hundred thousand, 2 one hundred thousand – Breathe out
Breathe in deeper and hold for three, then four, then 5 seconds
When you get to around 3 seconds of breath holding your stress level should start to drop and your mind should to clear itself for thoughts.
After 5, you should feel pretty good. This actually works!
Try this short stress buster video.
Eat better. Substituting good food like fruit for sugary snacks and drinking less caffeine and less alcohol can make a big difference
At home, put on some music and dance around for a song or two.
If you have the time keep going. After a few minutes, as your heart rate goes up your mood will improve. This is because you’re now doing aerobic exercise, a great mood elevator, after about 20 minutes you’ll feel even better because the endorphins, your body’s natural anti-depressant drugs will kick in and all will be right with the world for a while.
By the way a half hour brisk walk or putting on an aerobics video works just as well.
Another great stress reducer is getting a massage. Professional massage therapists are great, but for just plain stress, getting your significant other or a close friend to give you a massage works just as well, maybe better. Be sure to return the favor.
Last but not least, snuggle with a dog or cuddle with a cat.
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For more info on health and wellness programs please visit
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Exercise Physiologist:
Vitamin D Benefits
Vitamin D Benefits
- It’s the sunshine vitamin you absorb through your skin when you’re outdoors.
- It helps stabilize our mood. That’s why people in northern climates with less sunlight get SAD, Seasonal Depressive Syndrome, those winter blues.·It works with other chemicals in your body to help keep your immune system healthy.
- Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, and important element in building and maintaining bone mass.
- And preliminary scientific evidence points to Vitamin D as a sports performance aid.
A 2009 study with adolescent girls at the University of Manchester, England found that the girls with higher levels of vitamin D had better muscle performance and speed than those with lower Vitamin D levels. It’s also thought that exercise may increase your body’s ability to absorb Vitamin D.
- Anecdotal evidence shows sports performance appears to improve in the summer when people are exercising in the sun and Vitamin D levels would be highest.
There are 2 types of Vitamin D:
Vitamin D2 –the kind that’s found in fortified food and supplements and Vitamin D3 the kind you absorb from sunlight.
Vitamin D Benefits: The Sports Vitamin?
Conventional wisdom was that Vitamin D3 was more effective, particularly when it came to your bones, than D2. But recent research at Boston University School of Medicine showed that effectiveness is about the same for both types
Because of our lifestyles, most people don’t get enough Vitamin D from sunlight.
Even those who are outdoors a lot use sunscreen to prevent skin cancer and therefore don’t absorb enough Vitamin D.
So, most of us need to eat Vitamin D rich foods like Eggs (particularly yolks), Liver, Mackerel, Tuna and Salmon or fortified foods, like milk, or orange juice, and Cereal, or take Vitamin D supplements to get the daily recommended adult dose. Women 50 and younger should get 1000 IU Daily and Women over 51 should get 1200 IU daily.
These are just general recommendations. Actual requirements vary from person to person. Check with your doctor.
Send your Moving Free® with Mirabai questions to:
Now, just try not to trip on your way up the aisle!
Follow Mirabai Holland:
And for more info visit
Drinking Enough Water While Active Outdoors
Drinking enough water should have been the first thing on my mind because I was shooting an exercise video on the beach in 90-degree heat. I got on a roll and forgot about the time. Less than an hour in I started to swoon. Not a good shot on a fitness video. I realized immediately what had happened; I got so involved I forgot to drink water between takes. Dehydration causes so many summer exercise accidents because it creeps up on you just like it did me. So here’s my take on drinking enough water to keep yourself water safe in summer.
Drinking Enough Water
Our bodies are about 60 % water, and that water plays a role in just about every bodily function. We could go a month without food but we can only live a few days without water.
If you exercise outdoors, you may notice that as the weather gets hotter you have trouble keeping up your usual pace. Actually your body is telling you to slow down and you need to listen! Water helps to deliver oxygen to your muscles and prevents your cardiovascular system from becoming over-taxed.
It takes about 2 weeks to get used to exercising briskly in warmer weather. You need to acclimate slowly to higher temperatures. Here are a few pointers to help you do that.
When you exercise in the heat you can lose up to five cups of water per hour. So it’s important to drink water before, during, and after vigorous exercise. The rule of thumb is to drink 2 cups of water a couple of hours before you start exercising so you are fully hydrated. Then a cup of water every 15 minutes or so while you are exercising. Don’t wait till you’re thirsty. If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. Remember to bring that water bottle with you!
But you’re not done yet. You need to drink another 2 cups over a two-hour period after exercise.
Sounds like a lot of water. It’s not. It’s just making up for the water you lose when you exercise in the heat.
Give yourself a break. Try exercising if you can when it’s cooler, early mornings or late afternoons when the sun is less direct. Try finding shady areas.
Instead of keeping up your brisk pace for the whole workout, break it up. Go at normal pace for a bit, do a short light interval and then pick up your speed again.
Wear light colored, comfortable fitting clothes. Avoid tightly woven fabrics that don’t breathe. And don’t forget the sports sunscreen.
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For more info on health and wellness programs please visit
Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Exercise Physiologist:
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Hi, this is Mirabai Holland from Moving Free with Mirabai
It’s Fashion Flash Monday, and I’m happy to be your host this week.
Our 40+ Fashion Flash Blogger Consortium has been hard at work as usual finding the finest in Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness and Products for discerning 40+ women.
Melanie from Society Wellness has been a healthy vegan for over 20 years. Neither Melanie, nor the Society Wellness blog, preaches any specific diet or lifestyle as a must for everyone. You may have considered the idea of eliminating dairy from your diet, but are not sure if it is right for you. This post addresses some of the most basic questions about going dairy free.
Should we or shouldn’t we wear the new style jeans. How to update your jeans this season.
Deb of No-Nonsense Beauty Blog looks at the natural ingredient that helps both acne and rosacea.
Those quirky British retirees from The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel are back in the sequel The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, a fun movie about when retirement doesn’t turn out as exactly as planned and a testament that love can bloom at any age. Tell Prime Beauty where you would like to retire for a chance to win a $50 VISA gift card and a copy of the The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel!
Barbara Hannah Grufferman, author of The Best of Everything After 50, thinks every woman should do this one exercise . . . every single day. Read this to find out what it is, and how to do it!
Black Cat Plus takes a look at the pros and cons of the increasing popularity of skinny mirrors.
Has winter cold taken its toll on your pout? Jackie Silver from has the best tips for lips.
Christie Brinkley is launching her own skin care line. DivaDebbi wants to know, “Will you have what she’s having”?
Menopause and Weight Gain: What You Can Do About It
A study from the Mayo Clinic has revealed that menopause and weight gain are linked because proteins that store fat do it better when estrogen is lost after menopause. They also cause fat to be burned by the body more slowly so weight gain after menopause is hard to fight. Something else happens too. A study in the Journal of Obesity points out that post menopausal women gain about 12 pounds following menopause. And even women that don’t see weight gain after menopause experience a shift in body shape that expands their waistline.
That’s because lower estrogen levels cause fat to shift from hips and thighs to the belly. Belly fat has been linked to higher incidence of heart disease. So menopause and weight gain is a serious health issue, not just a cosmetic one.
So what does one do about menopause and weight gain?
The only way to get rid of that belly fat is to lose weight everywhere and sculpt your body with exercise. Let’s talk calories. 1lb of weight equals 3500 calories. So to lose 1lb a week exercise 200 calories off with about a half hour of moderate cardio a day and eat 300 calories less every day. That 500 hundred multiple by 7 days will get you on the track to lose one pound per week. What can make this process easier is combine cardio with strength exercises. Try this anti menopause and weight gain routine.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday do 30-60 minutes of moderate cardio exercises like Brisk walking, swimming, biking jogging, or dance exercise videos.
EASE IN, BECOME MOBILE, GET STRONG, LIVE LONG! Visit me at www.mirabaiholland,com
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Sneaker Shopping
As for me, I’ve been shopping, sneaker shopping, after a couple of emails asking me how to pick out athletic shoes. I’ve responded to sneaker stimuli, bought myself some new ones and shared my formula for sneaker shopping and how to pick yours. I believe in specialty stores. The stock is more current, the staff is more knowledgeable and the overall experience makes you want to strap them on and move. The only thing that urks me a little is once in awhile I get hooked with a my way or the highway salesperson. Don’t listen to those people unless you REALLY agree with them. It’s all about the fit and the feel. If that don’t fit great, feel great and look great in the store instantly, keep looking.
Sneaker Shopping
I went into the store looking for cross training shoes. They had lots but none that felt good on me. While waiting for the salesperson to come back out,
I wandered around the store and spotted these adorable blue runners. I have a lot of running shoes but these appealed to my inner fashionista. I picked one up and it weighed nothing. I ran it through the twist and squeeze test hoping it would give me good support. It’s scary how well they can make lightweight runners these days. I asked to try them on. As I waited for my pair I couldn’t help thinking please let them fit. Please let them feel good. They’re so cute, please let them be functional. They go so well with my new outfit. When they came out, I admonished my fashionista self. “If they’re not perfect, don’t buy them. You’ll never wear them.” As fate would have it, they fit like a glove and I whipped out my credit card.
“I’ll wear them”, I told the clerk. For more info on sneaker shopping and how to select yours check out my post
Here’s hoping you have the same experience soon so you won’t have to sneak around in those old grubbies.
Get more women health and fitness info here
Stay Active Indoors
Stay Active Indoors
Well it’s still February and probably the colder weather is making it harder to get outside and exercise. Instead you may just want to curl up and sip something warm.
Here are some exercise tips to help you stay active indoors on those days when the weather doesn’t cooperate.
· Exercise with a friend or family member. Supporting each other’s efforts helps keep you on track. One of my students loves to go mall walking with her friend in the early morning at speed and then coming back later for some retail therapy.
· Exercise Videos. Not free, but affordable, I suggest you get at least one Video for each of the major components of fitness, aerobic/cardio, strength training, and stretching/flexibility. You can buy them online as DVD’s or download them on sites like Amazon’s Instant Video and play them on your computer, I-Pad or Smart TV. There are literally thousands to choose from and you can buy conveniently online.
· Make sure your instructor is certified by a nationally recognized certifying body like ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine), ACE (American Council on Exercise), or AFAA, (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America) Try to find an instructor that shares your approach to fitness. Many websites offer free clips so you can get an idea of what you’re getting before you buy. Often the best deals are 3 or 4 packs. So shop around.
· Local health clubs and community centers are offering great specials these days. Check out monthly, seasonal and yearly memberships. Or, you might want to sign up for a class or two a week.
If nothing else, exercise will lift your spirits and keep you active so when the weather gets warmer you will be in better shape to take advantage of the great outdoors.
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Fashion Flash is hosted this week by me, Mirabai Holland, creator of the Health & Fitness Blog Moving Free With Mirabai
February is Heart Month, and one of the most important things you can do for your heart is reduce stress. What better way to reduce your stress and improve your body image at the same time than to click-in to Fashion Flash. Spend a little ME TIME with us Fashion Flash Bloggers. Reduce your stress, and get the latest in Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness straight from the Heart!
It’s well known that a glass or two of red wine can be good for your heart….but what about your face? DivaDebbi found a red wine mask that delivers a gorgeous glow.
Melanie loves to post about vitamins and supplements on Society Wellness, it is one of her favorite topics. In this post she wants to know, have you taken the love pill? Hint: The color of it is not blue. Find out what this is all about in this Valentines post.
Love is in the air. Can we keep romance alive at any age?
Plus Size Model and healthy eating and image advocate, Robyn Lawley is the first plus size model to appear in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.
Barbara Hannah Grufferman, author of The Best of Everything After 50, wants every woman to love her heart — and every part of her body — this Valentine’s Day, and all year long. Here are her best tips to get started
Want to stay young? Jackie Silver from asks, “Could this be the fountain of youth?”
Drugstore cosmetics have come a long way in recent years. Find out what Prime Beauty’s favorite drugstore brand is and why.
Deb of No-Nonsense Beauty Blog looks at the French paradox during heart health month

According to the National Institutes of Health a half hour of moderate aerobic exercise a day can reduce risk of heart attack by 50% and have a positive effect on most of the problems associated with aging.
Cardio energizes your body from the inside out. Your heart is pumping like mad. Your lungs and arteries are hard at work delivering the oxygen that you need to keep going.
Your muscles are getting a great workout carrying your body around. You’re burning a bunch of calories and if you keep it up for 30 minutes or more your natural mood enhancers the endorphins kick in and you get the exerciser’s high.
In case you forgot, aerobics is any exercise using your large muscle groups to increase the body’s need for oxygen over an extended period of time. Low impact Cardio Dance, Brisk Walking, Jogging, Biking and Swimming, are all good forms of aerobic exercise.
You can see why you’d want to get a daily dose of aerobic exercise.
It goes a long way toward reducing our risk for disease, managing our weight, and lightening our mood to help us stay fabulous forever.
So dust off your sneakers and have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
VALENTINE SPECIAL! Put LOVE in at Checkout and Get 15% Off All Mirabai Holland Exercise Videos! Good Until February 14, 2015
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Fashion Flash is hosted this week by Deb Chase, creator of NoNonsenseBeautyBlog your authoritative source for beauty, skin care, diet and health minus the nonsense.
She and the rest of us Fashion Flash Bloggers are just a click away. Come get your insider’s look at the latest info and greatest deals in 40+ Fashion, Beauty, Health and Fitness
The Joy of Movement
Expressive movement comes from a natural place within us. We’re all born knowing how to move. It’s innate, part of our humanity. As kids, we stamp our feet when angry, flail our bodies when frustrated and jump for joy. Humans have been expressing themselves through movement since the beginning of time. That movement has a purpose. It was never suppose to go away. But somehow, our so-called modern culture saw that release of tension, that form of human expression as primitive. So we have been repressing it for hundreds of years.
Our technology has brought us some great things. But it negates that part of who we are. We hardly have to move anymore and so we don’t-until we see ourselves falling apart at middle age. Turns out, movement was never primitive at all!
It’s primal! Primal is natural. Primal is good. It’s part of who we are, what we’re meant to be.
Studies show that expressive movement can help heal physical ailments and relieve psychological trauma. It can also get you fit, and Fitness=Longevity.
Get back in touch with that part of yourself that knows how to move, and feel better because of it. Tap into that mind-body connection that’s been there waiting for you. Release yourself from the conventional hard-body exercise experience.
Get back to your roots at this important time in your life. It’s as simple as turning on some music and dancing to the beat. Go ahead. Dance yourself fit.
VALENTINE SPECIAL! Put LOVE in at Checkout and Get 15% Off All Mirabai Holland Exercise Videos! Good Until February 14, 2015
It’s Fashion Flash For Women 40+
Fashion Flash is hosted today by Cindy creator of Prime Beauty blog with the latest tips and info on everything beauty for women 40+ and in their prime.
The rest of us Fashion Flash bloggers give you the best and most current tips and deals on Beauty, Fitness, Fashion and Skincare. Check us out!
Did you know Fitness equals Longevity
Research shows even moderate fitness can greatly increase your longevity.
*(See study below)
Where to begin?
If you haven’t been physically active or done regular exercise for a while, it may be hard to know what to do.
Switching suddenly from a sedentary lifestyle to joining a gym in pursuit of the “hard body” fitness model is not only unrealistic for most people — it could result in injury when your body is not used to any exercise at all.
There’s a better option – one without stress, one without pressure.
It’s Moving Free® – a time each day you give yourself to rediscover the kind of movement that makes you feel good – that nurtures you, bringing warmth to your muscles and better circulation for a clearer mind. Without forcing yourself to fit some ideal image, you can move in your own way, spontaneously and naturally.
Physical fitness and all-cause mortality. A prospective study of healthy men and women.
Blair SN, Kohl HW 3rd, Paffenbarger RS Jr, Clark DG, Cooper KH, Gibbons LW.
Institute for Aerobics Research, Dallas, Tex 75230.
We studied physical fitness and risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality in 10,224 men and 3120 women who were given a preventive medical examination. Physical fitness was measured by a maximal treadmill exercise test. Average follow-up was slightly more than 8 years, for a total of 110,482 person-years of observation. There were 240 deaths in men and 43 deaths in women. Age-adjusted all-cause mortality rates declined across physical fitness quintiles from 64.0 per 10,000 person-years in the least-fit men to 18.6 per 10,000 person-years in the most-fit men (slope, -4.5). Corresponding values for women were 39.5 per 10,000 person-years to 8.5 per 10,000 person-years (slope, -5.5). These trends remained after statistical adjustment for age, smoking habit, cholesterol level, systolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose level, parental history of coronary heart disease, and follow-up interval. Lower mortality rates in higher fitness categories also were seen for cardiovascular disease and cancer of combined sites. Attributable risk estimates for all-cause mortality indicated that low physical fitness was an important risk factor in both men and women. Higher levels of physical fitness appear to delay all-cause mortality primarily due to lowered rates of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Check out my New Year, New You Specials at
Fitness Myths: Why We Success or Fail
Fitness Myths: Why We Success or Fail.
Before you make your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions, here’s some food for thought.
Many of today’s fitness programs are all about the quick sell and even quicker results. Many are based on dangerous fitness myths.
Here are 5 fitness myths to steer away from:
Fitness Myths # 1: No Pain No Gain:
It is a popular misconception that only when you feel the pain are you gaining anything from your workout.
The “no pain, no gain” mentality contributes to more injuries and more burnout than any other fitness factor, especially among my age group (baby boomers).
It is wiser to exercise sustainably over a longer term, than to push yourself to the breaking point.
Fitness Myths # 2: A Taskmaster Equals the Best Teacher
Reality Exercise Shows that have recently become popular portray drill-sergeant-style trainers as being the most effective fitness mentors.
While leveraging fear and using intimidation techniques may mean instant short-term fitness results, they’re sending the wrong message about how to get and stay fit for a lifetime.
Attainable short-term goals and positive reinforcement are more likely to create good fitness habits that are sustainable for life.
Fitness Myths #3: Pumping up the Volume Equals Pumping up Your Physique
It seems some fitness instructors think screaming louder and blasting the bass is motivational. It’s time to think again.
While high-decibel workouts might be temporarily motivational, over time these techniques become draining and stressful leading to faster fitness burnout.
Look instead for uplifting music and gentle coaching in your workouts.
Fitness Myths # 4: Fitness Equals a Fight Against Your Body
Sales pitches that encourage “shaving off the pounds” and busting your abs or your butt have solidified the image of fitness as a battle against your body.
Fighting is not a sustainable activity or philosophy. Instead, think of partnering with your body. Meet it where it is at right now and provide the environment and tools to reveal your body’s best potential.
When you take this approach you are setting yourself up for success every step of the way.
Fitness Myths #5: Force Equals Fit
Today’s popular exercise routines promote pounding your body into shape. But ancient movement modalities, such as Dance, Yoga and Tai Chi had it right.
Fitness is not about pumping the most iron or performing the most reps, it is about teaching your body how to move efficiently, using all of your muscles groups, and sustaining these movements over time.
Exercise including strength training should be approached as a gradual lifetime process. This way, exercise becomes a pleasure not a chore.
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For more info on women’s fitness and health info visit
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Fashion Flash is hosted today by Caryl & Maryl of Second Lives Club, here to help you plan and execute your next life the one that’s the Real You. Click in for Insight and Inspiration. All of us Fashion Flash Bloggers are here for you with everything Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness, and Retail Therapy. Happy Monday.
Q: l’ve recently hurt my left shoulder. My doctor said it was a rotator cuff injury. I went through physical therapy but my shoulder still hurts me. My doctor wants me to do some post-rehab exercise to continue to rebuild the muscles.
What exercises can I do at home? And are there any exercises I should avoid?
A: Rotator cuff injuries can take a long time to heal. While your shoulder still hurts don’t do any movements with your arms higher than shoulder level. Once you get clearance from your doctor, you can try this classic exercise to help strengthen that area. lt’s called external rotation.
Get a resistance band and sit in a chair with arms. Tie one end of the band to the right arm of the chair. Sit up straight facing forward. Hold your left arm in front of you, bent at 90 a degreeangle, palm up. Grab the band in about the middle. Keep your elbow close to your side but not touching. Pull the band laterally away from your body while exhaling. Hold for 5 seconds and gently release. start with 1 or 2 and build up to 8-12 repetitions over a couple of weeks. If you don’t have a resistance band, use a towel or scarf.
Please send your Health & Fitness Questions to
To View All Products: Click Here
Healthy holiday treats. Really? We all seem to suspend our healthy eating habits during the holidays. Maybe rightly so. There are so many delicious temptations. Go ahead I say. The holidays come but once a year. However, not all treats are created equal. Here are three healthy holiday treats to add to add to your list with a little less guilt.
Great Tasting Honey Champlain Valley Apiaries, Middlebury, Vermont has been producing high quality honey since 1931. Their honey is extracted from blossoms of clover and alfalfa and comes in crystallized and liquid form. Their crystallized honey retains all its vitamins, and nutrients because it is neither heated nor filtered. And the flavor is wonderfully light and delicate making it a perfect ingredient to use in cooking or to simple spread on a piece of whole grain toast. And I like the liquid in my cocoa.
For an extra health boost try Charles’ Royal Blend, a combination of crystallized honey, 10 grams Bee Pollen, and 10 grams of Royal Jelly.
Available online at
Deliciously Pure Handmade Jams & Preserves
Side Hill Farm, Brattleboro, Vermont produces all their jams & preserves with small batches of fruit, sugar and nothing else. There are no preservatives, pectin or other thickeners. There’s just enough sweetness so as not to camouflage the fresh taste of the fruit. It comes through strong and pure whether you put some into your yogurt or just eat it plain for a quick healthy treat. There are many wonderful flavors to tickle your palate. Wild Blueberry, Blackberry, Apricot Orange Marmalade, and Strawberry are available online at
For more exotic flavors like Mango Habanero, Hot Red Pepper or Cinnamon Pear call 1-802-254-2018.
Morse Farm Maple Sugarworks 200 Year Old Maple Syrup? Not exactly. But Morse Farms, Montpelier, Vermont has been making its Maple Syrup for 200 years. They are part of the reason why Vermont Maple Syrup is the standard by which all syrups are judged. “We think you can taste eight generations of experience in our products.” Their 100% pure Maple syrup is rich in calcium, potassium, B vitamins and niacin. It comes in 4 different grades of syrup from light to full body taste: Vermont Fancy Grade, Grade A Medium Amber, Grade A Dark Amber, and Grade B. I dribble it on my cereal in the morning and use it in my baking.
Available online at
BTW I don’t having any stock or financial interest in any of these companies. I just like this stuff.
And, after indulging, burn some of those calories off with one of my workouts. Check them out at
Happy Holidays!
Send YOUR favorites to
Fab Over 40 Hosts Fashion Flash Blog
Fashion Flash is hosted this week by Fab Over Creator Kari gives you the straight skinny on honest 40 plus beauty maintenance options without injectables or surgery.
The rest of our Fashion Flash bloggers are up to our necks in Fashion, Beauty Health & Fitness and Pre-Holiday Deals. Click in, Read up, Find out..
Menopause and Weight Gain: What You Can Do About It
A study from the Mayo Clinic has revealed that menopause and weight gain are linked because proteins that store fat do it better when estrogen is lost after menopause. They also cause fat to be burned by the body more slowly so weight gain after menopause is hard to fight. Something else happens too. A study in the Journal of Obesity points out that post menopausal women gain about 12 pounds following menopause. And even women that don’t see weight gain after menopause experience a shift in body shape that expands their waistline.
That’s because lower estrogen levels cause fat to shift from hips and thighs to the belly. Belly fat has been linked to higher incidence of heart disease. So menopause and weight gain is a serious health issue, not just a cosmetic one.
So what does one do about menopause and weight gain?
The only way to get rid of that belly fat is to lose weight everywhere and sculpt your body with exercise. Let’s talk calories. 1lb of weight equals 3500 calories. So to lose 1lb a week exercise 200 calories off with about a half hour of moderate cardio a day and eat 300 calories less every day. That 500 hundred multiple by 7 days will get you on the track to lose one pound per week. What can make this process easier is combine cardio with strength exercises. Try this anti menopause and weight gain routine.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday do 30-60 minutes of moderate cardio exercises like Brisk walking, swimming, biking jogging, or dance exercise videos.
For more info on at home exercise programs for women over 40 visit
by Putting In the words FAB FALL at checkout
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Fashion Flash is hosted by Prime Beauty, the blog for women 40 and over. Editor Cindy offers you the most up to date information on skincare, makeup, product reviews, bargains, product launches, and makeup tips and tricks. She’s done the homework, so all you need to do is click.
The rest of us Fashion Flash bloggers are bringing it home to you too. We’ve got everything: Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness, and Shopping for us 40 + females.
Come on in.
A study at the University of Alabama with older women concluded that the exercise sweet spot is about 40 minutes of cardio twice week and a full body strength workout on 2 alternate days.
The group that exercised more, up to 6 times a week did not achieve better results, and reported less energy for daily activities.
So more is not always better!
But doing enough on a regular basis is what counts!
For more info on at home exercise programs for women over 40 visit
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
This week’s Fashion Flash host is the No Nonsense Beauty Blog by Deb Chase. We all want to look and feel beautiful. But there’s more beauty nonsense flying around than there is polin in the air. Deb cuts through the beauty blah blah and offers you real solutions to real beauty issues.
The rest of us Fashion Flash bloggers are no slouches either. We’ve got the real deal in 40 + Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness, and Real Deals for the Personal Shopper in all of us.
Menopause and Weight Gain: What You Can Do About It
A study from the Mayo Clinic has revealed that menopause and weight gain are linked because proteins that store fat do it better when estrogen is lost after menopause. They also cause fat to be burned by the body more slowly so weight gain after menopause is hard to fight. Something else happens too. A study in the Journal of Obesity points out that post menopausal women gain about 12 pounds following menopause. And even women that don’t see weight gain after menopause experience a shift in body shape that expands their waistline.
That’s because lower estrogen levels cause fat to shift from hips and thighs to the belly. Belly fat has been linked to higher incidence of heart disease. So menopause and weight gain is a serious health issue, not just a cosmetic one.
The only way to get rid of that belly fat is to lose weight everywhere and sculpt your body with exercise. Let’s talk calories. 1lb of weight equals 3500 calories. So to lose 1lb a week exercise 200 calories off with about a half hour of moderate cardio a day and eat 300 calories less every day. That 500 hundred multiple by 7 days will get you on the track to lose one pound per week. What can make this process easier is combine cardio with strength exercises. Try this anti menopause and weight gain routine. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday do 30-60 minutes of moderate cardio exercises like brisk walking, swimming, biking jogging, or dance exercise videos.
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I’d like to offer you a 15% discount on any of MY DVDs. FAB FALL is the coupon code at checkout!Enjoy the intelligent way to get and stay in shape! Check out
Yours In Health, Offer Good Until December 1, 2014 |
![]() Save 15% on Mirabai Holland EXERCISE DVDs ![]() |
I’d like to offer you a 15% discount on any of MY DVDs. FAB FALL is the coupon code at checkout! Enjoy the intelligent way to get and stay in shape! Check out
Yours In Health, Offer Good Until December 1, 2014 |
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday! Today’s host is Deb Chase from No Nonsense Beauty Blog. Deb combines her experience and latest research in both science and beauty to develop a no-nonsense anti-aging beauty plan for all women over 40. The rest of us Fashion Flash Bloggers give you the latest in fab fashion, beauty, and fitness info and deals so you can look and feel your best for Fall.
Here is a Fabulous Forever Q & A:
Q: Is exercise just as effective for depression as Zoloft? Is this real?
A: It’s real all right. The study, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, comes from Duke University. Professor of medical psychology, Dr. James Blumenthal led the research. 153 women and 49 men, suffering from depression were divided into four groups. The first did aerobic exercise in a group setting. The second got an actual antidepressant drug. The third group did aerobics at home. And the fourth group got a placebo that looked just like a Zoloft pill.
After 16 weeks everybody did better than the placebo group but here’s the kicker. While 47% of the real Zoloft group no longer had depression, 45 % of the group exercisers were also no longer depressed. Almost dead even!
It was found that aerobic exercise is the type that works best. It seems to affect the body’s levels of mood lifting neurochemicals like norepinephrine and serotonin.
So if you’d rather exercise your depression away, it’s worth a try. You may get fit in more ways than one.
For more info on at home exercise programs please visit
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday and our host today is Cindy from Prime Beauty. Cindy’s beauty blog is filled with the latest info on skincare, make-up, and product reviews geared specially for women over 40! The rest of us Fashion Flash Bloggers keep you looking and feeling your best with our latest posts on style, beauty, fitness and health.
Click in and tell us what you think!
A study at the University of Alabama with older women concluded that the exercise sweet spot is about 40 minutes of cardio twice week and a full body strength workout on 2 alternate days. Read more
For more about at home exercise programs please visit
Fashion Flash Monday!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday! I’m Mirabai Holland of Moving Free with Mirabai, your host this week. Our team of Fashion Flash Bloggers have a passion for Flashing the latest and greatest in 40+ Fashion, Beauty, Health, Inside Info and SHOPPING. All for your immediate consumption! You’re invited to the party right here, right now.
Don’t forget to share your thoughts.
With makeup collections coming out all the time there are some that are more suited to women over 40. Fab Over Forty feels this Tom Ford Fall Collection is one women over 40 can easily wear any time of the year.
As we age our skin loses elasticity. Prime Beauty has discovered Reviva Labs High Potency Elastin Serum to help prevent those dreaded jowls!
Hints and tips on make-up for special occasions from a renowned make-up artist.
Fashion blogger, Pamela Lutrell, reminds us about the importance inspiration plays in stepping up our personal style! Let’s see how she gained inspiration for her fall wardrobe last year.
Positive Living Advocate Barbara Hannah Grufferman wants women to have a more balanced life . . . starting with this simple exercise!
If you looked in the mirror this morning and said to yourself “I need a face lift”, Society Wellness shares how to get a healthy, holistic, non-surgical face lift.
Joan Rivers reinvented herself and her look many times. I’m certain she had more lives to live; her own cut short at 81!
DivaDebbi’s favorite Spring 2015 collection was designed by Joseph Altazurra. Is it nice that it coincided with the launch of the 48 piece Altazurra collection for Target?
Fall marks the start of flu season – don’t “fall” into the flu trap. Jackie Silver from has tips to avoid the flu.
More and more brands are working with top designers to increase offerings for plus size women
Fashion Flash Fitness
As for me I’m enjoying the last few weeks of fall fitness outdoors; and I suggest you do the same.
But if you haven’t been exercising in a while, and you know you have to do something, but you hate the thought of it, I’ve got the solution. Ease-in! Getting fit shouldn’t feel like getting your teeth drilled.
It should be pleasant today so you’ll come back and do it again tomorrow.
My Ease-in DVD gives you a chance to Ease-in to the best shape of your life starting with just 5 minutes a day. And get 15% off by using this CODE: AUTUMNFAB at Checkout! BTW and it will work on all of my other videos too! Come and visit me at
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday! This week’s host, Josephine started her blog ChicAtAnyAge to remind us all that beauty, fashion, and fabulous style have no expiration date.
The rest of us Fashion Flash Bloggers agree. Every week we bring you the last word in 40+ Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness and of course Retail Therapy.
Click in to check it out!
Weight Management Through Thick Or Thin
Summer into Fall is when many of us have a problem with weight management.
The key elements of weight management are learning to control portion size, eating a balanced diet, getting in touch with your hunger and exercising on a regular basis. Though exercise has always helped to burn calories, lose body fat and keep muscle tone, exercise alone will not keep your weight in check. Eating only when you are truly hungry can help you stay on track. Many of us engage in emotional eating: we eat when bored, depressed angry or even happy. To curb this tendency we must reckon with our inner selves. This can be getting on a scale, putting on a pair of pants that used to fit, and writing down what we are putting into our mouths.
For me, weight management is a constant struggle but it is one I embrace and so can you. Remember, the real reason for food is to keep us alive and well.
Weight Management Techniques
Choosing healthful foods is integral to feeling good and possibly preventing diabetes, cancer and heart disease and numerous other health problems. Between fast food and vending machines, it’s often a challenge to eat basic foods that are not prepared or processed with too much salt, sugar and preservatives. Yet a wealth of fresh vegetables, fruits, dried beans, whole grains and nuts are available if you just know what to look for and make time to prepare nutritious meals.
As we age, our immune systems become more vulnerable – especially if we are recovering from illness. The food and agriculture industries are allowed by the FDA to use a multitude of pesticides, antibiotics, hormones and even insect-based dyes to produce as much food as cheaply, and therefore profitably, as possible.
The movement toward organic foods and support for local farming in the U.S. has grown as more people become aware and concerned about the untested and unlabeled additives in our food supply. Although organic foods are often more expensive, the cost can be balanced by avoiding non-nutritious prepared foods – such as snack items, candy, sugary sodas and frozen meals – while choosing fresh produce, dried beans, whole grains and a limited amount of low fat dairy and lean meat and poultry.
Here is an important meal tip; eat a healthy breakfast. Why? Because it will give you energy to last through the morning so that you are not ravenous and prone to overeating at lunch. For the longest-lasting energy, balance three types of food in your breakfast: A serving of whole grains (a piece of whole wheat toast, a half-cup of oatmeal or a serving of whole-grain cereal per size listed on the package); two servings of fruits (which can include a glass of 100 percent juice) and a bit of low fat protein – such as yogurt, an egg, reduced-fat cheese, or skim milk on whole grain cereal. In calories and nutrition, it will beat a sugary, fatty pastry any day. Studies show that women who eat a healthy breakfast each day have an easier time maintaining a healthy weight.
Informative food-related web sites are:
Center for Science in the Public Interest (
American Institute for Cancer Research (
USDA Food and Drug Administration (
Organic Consumers Association (
For more info on at home exercise programs for women visit
Women Over 40 News: Fashion Flash
Women Over 40 News: It’s Fashion Flash Monday! Our host today is Jodell from BlackCatPlus. Her site is a real find for plus size women for fabulous fashion, beauty and more.
The rest of us Fashion Flashers give you the latest and greatest in women over 40 news for end of summer fashion, beauty, health & fitness to help you feel and look your best! Check us out.
Women Over 40 News
Are you stressed? You might relate to this Fabulous Forever Q & A.
Dear Mirabai,
I am in a high stress job. I exercise at the gym at work at least 3 times a week. I try not to bring work home with me but I am always tense and I have trouble sleeping at night. My mind is racing. Warm milk hasn’t worked, bubble baths make me more tense and I don’t want to take drugs. Any ideas?
Dear Stressed,
You are not alone. Stress is one of the main contributors to aging and disease.
It sounds like you have a build-up of stress so it’s important to relieve tension at work as well as when you are trying to fall asleep.
Try this breathing exercise at work and then again as you are lying in bed. It should help relax you and slow down your thoughts. Start with taking a breath and holding it for three seconds and then exhaling. Repeat and hold for 4 seconds and continue each time holding a second longer until you get to ten seconds. After the last breath, keep your eyes closed and focus on a peaceful memory. A place or time when you felt most relaxed. Stay there as long as you can or at night until you fall asleep.
Send your Fabulous Forever questions to:
For at home exercise programs for women over 40 visit
Fabulous Forever: A State Of Mind Not Connected To Youth
Fabulous Forever, a state of mind.
Fabulous Forever is the underlying goal of all the fitness classes I teach. Fabulous Forever is not connected to youth. It’s that peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are doing the best you can with what you’ve got; and moving toward the ultimate you.
I’ve been working out of town lately so I had to take a hiatus from my regular teaching schedule. But I really miss my ladies.
So when I got back, I invited a bunch of them out for a fabulous forever tea party. I thought for a minute the dessert part was a bad idea when a couple of them wouldn’t eat a piece of cake in front of me. But when I dug in, moderately of course, the fabulous forever party got started in earnest.
Ever the moderator, I asked them each to share things that were important in their lives over the past year and were they still feeling fabulous forever?
As we went around the circle, they spoke of getting pregnant, daughter’s weddings, losing your job, becoming a gym rat, outliving heart disease, surviving menopause, the joy of grandchildren, and a trip to China.
Maybe because I was their host, the conversation drifted toward how getting fit had changed their lives and had been their key to feeling fabulous forever.
They shared stories about feeling invisible, not sexy, not pretty, having no energy and feeling like a lump. One remembered showing up in my office, tearing her hair out saying my doctor told me I need to do something, I’ve got serious health issues, but I hate to exercise. What do I do?
She said, I told her “I’m going to give you exercise you can look forward to instead of dread.”
Most of my work is done with women who haven’t been active in a while. My coaching style is to start people wherever they may be physically and emotionally and get them moving, gently, and pleasantly. If the first experience is pleasant, you’ll want a second and the third and so on. Sustainability is the key to fitness success. And that’s what happened with these ladies. But something else remarkable happened too.
Here’s the Fabulous Forever Part
They told me getting fit had given them the self confidence to pursue things they would never have dared to try; that the change in their bodies had kindled a change in the way they saw themselves. Instead of feeling invisible they felt fabulous, and it had spilled over into the rest of their lives. As much as I would love to take all the credit for this transformation, I think that it boils down to healthy body, healthy mind;
Getting fit was the key that unlocked the door to their potential.
Now they can be Fabulous Forever!
For more about Fabulous Forever visit
Pretty cool huh?
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Fashion Flash this week is hosted this week by Pam Lutrell. Her Over 50 Feeling 40 Blog inspires confidence and cultivates a joyous stylish self image. Strength, positive body image and Fashion are just a click away.
Just a click away too are all our Fashion Flash Bloggers.
We’re here for you with everything Fashion, Beauty, Health and of cours Shopping.
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday and our host today is Jackie from AgingBackwards.
Jackie emanates beauty and vitality. She shares her anti-aging natural secrets and tips with all of us women over 40. She is the real deal when it comes to fabulous!
This week the rest of us Fashion Flash bloggers give you a variety of ways to stay cool, be beautiful, healthy and on trend. Check us out!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Today’s Fashion Flash host is Josephine from ChicAtAnyAge.
Josephine is committed to providing the best fashion and style info for women over 40. She says “Beauty starts from the inside and is expressed in the way we dress. Dress with passion and originality”. We are thrilled to have her as part of our Fashion flash Consortium.
Click here to get all the best Fashion Flash advice, deals and info!
I’ve been getting those emails for a month or so asking for advice on how to get on and stay on an exercise program. I get questions about commitment, pushing one’s limits, pain, and quick results. I go a little crazy at this time of year because I’m at odds with a very vocal segment of my industry about how get started on exercise program. They’re sincere, well-educated trainers but I don’t think they remember what it felt like to be de-conditioned. They expect beginners to do too much too soon. I’m beginning to think that years of over-vigorous exercise dulls one’s sense of empathy
I’ve seen it time and time again: determined beginners pushing so hard and either getting hurt and quitting or just quitting because they couldn’t take it any more.
If this sounds like you, don’t feel bad. It’s not your fault. We’ve heard no pain no gain all our lives. We’ve watched contestants push themselves to the brink of disaster on television. We’re inundated with infomercial promises of big results in no time.
It’s enough to make anyone think “ I’ve got to beat myself senseless immediately so I can hurry up, get fit, have the body of my dreams and live happily ever-after.”
By the way, I’m not against vigorous exercise. On the contrary, I love vigorous exercise. But I wouldn’t have loved it nor would I have been safe doing it as a beginner.
In my experience, that approach only works for a few stoic types and sets the rest of us up to fail. So how DO you get started?
I suggest starting by standing up and doing about 5 minutes of gentle limbering movements. Do the same for a few days in a row. You may be surprised at how good this feels and what a wonderful state of mind these simple natural movements put you in.
You may find yourself exercising longer than 5 minutes after a few days because you LIKE it. You may want to go for a little walk, then a brisk walk, then a half hour brisk walk. Don’t rush it. It doesn’t matter if it takes a couple of weeks, a couple of months, or a year. Once you’re enjoying a half hour brisk walk most days of the week, try a little light weight training for your major muscle groups a couple of times a week. Increase the weight, number of reps and number of exercise days only when it feels too easy. Build up slowly to weight training about 3 days a week keeping a day off in between sessions. Remember to keep it pleasant. If it’s too intense, it ceases to be fun and there’s a good chance you’ll quit.
This approach takes longer. But it works, and I’ve found it to be much more sustainable than those quick fix pump you up methods.
Those intense emersion exercise programs remind me of the guy who beats his head against a brick wall. When asked why on earth he does that, he says: “because it feels so good when I stop” Ease in and invest in your body. It will pay you back in quality of life.
For more on at home exercise programs please visit
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday and our host is Cindy from Prime Beauty. Get the latest and best beauty advice for women 40 & over. Great deals on skincare, makeup products and more! The rest of us Fashion Flashers have solid info on beauty, fashion and fitness to help you look and feel fab inside and out.
How much exercise do you need?
The American Heart Association and American College of Sports Medicine recommend that Even moderately intense physical activity such as brisk walking is beneficial when done regularly for a total of 30 minutes or longer on most or all days.
- You don’t have to do a ½ hour all at once.
- Every exercise minute counts.
- Get a pedometer, (you can get one for under 10 bucks) and count your steps throughout the day. It’s a great incentive to keep walking, and those steps really add up.
- Walking to your favorite music adds Rocky-like inspiration.
- With the dog days of summer upon us, it can also be a good time to get your fitness wet.
- Yep, nowadays you can get in a pool or a lake, stay cool, have fun, and get as challenging a workout as you want.
- We all know swimming is great aerobic exercise and a superb muscle toner, but that’s just a beginning.
- Water has 12 times the resistance of air yet aqua exercise is easy and fun to do. There are lots of ways you can jump in and get an impact free cardio and strength workout that rivals the gym without breaking a sweat.
Getting fit doesn’t have to feel like getting your teeth drilled.
My Ease-in system disconnects the pain from the gain by starting even easier than easy and breaks it up into small digestible bites. Starting with as little as 5 minutes a day you can ease into the best shape of your life. Quick and Convenient: On Your COMPUTER
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24/7 online access to Six, Ease-in Exercise Videos ranging from 5 minutes – 30 minute plus a 7 minute information video. Start with just 5 minutes – when it feels too easy click on 10 minutes, then 15, then 20, and so on until you’re comfortable doing 30 minutes. NO EQUIPMENT NECESSARY! – You’ll do the exercises in the Strength Segments with a pair of cans from your pantry.
PLUS: 4 Bonus Segments to add variety and spice to your program
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Break that cycle of fitness failure. Also available, “FREE” Social Membership! Receive Mirabai’s Newsletter and Access to Special Discounts. Click Here to Sign Up!
Osteoporosis Prevention Workout
An Osteoporosis Prevention Workout can go a long way towards protecting bone mass and preventing falls that can cause a fracture. 44 million of us are at risk for Osteoporosis. The vast majority are women. Women often develop Osteopenia (low bone mass that can lead to Osteoporosis) in the first few years after menopause because they lose bone-protecting estrogen. One of the symptoms of menopause is bone loss.
The good news is bones are living tissue. They can become denser with weight bearing and resistance exercise.
When working out your bones it’s important to load the areas most at risk for fracture: the spine, the hip, and the wrist. Here are 3 easy Bone Loading exercises, one for each of those areas, you can do using a pair of hand weights or a couple of soup cans. Use a weight that makes the exercise feel somewhat hard after 8 reps. Remember to always exhale on the exertion. Do 8-15 reps of each of these exercises. Start where you’re comfortable and build up.
Osteoporosis Prevention Workout
And of course always consult your doctor before beginning this or any exercise program.
Start with arms in front of you, weights together.
Slowly row arms back, bending elbows bringing weights to chest height.
Squeeze shoulder blades together, without shrugging your shoulders.
Lunge – Loads Hip and Femur (thigh bone)
Stand tall, feet about shoulder width apart, hands and weights at your sides.
Keep body erect and lunge forward with left foot, bending both knees to help facilitate the move. (Right heel comes off the floor). Your front knee should be aligned over the second toe of that foot and your weight should be centered between your front and back foot.
Hold for 8 seconds, (remember to breathe) return to starting position and repeat lunging with right foot.
Hold arms in front of you palms up.
Using only your wrists, curl weights toward your body until knuckles are facing the ceiling.
Slowly lower and repeat.
Remember, it’s never too early or too late to start working out your bones!
For more information on Mirabai’s Skeletal Fitness Workouts please visit
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Our Fashion Flash host is Kari from
Kari gives women a more natural beauty solution that is effective and an alternative to more radical options. The rest of us Fashion Flash Bloggers have the latest Spring trends, products and info including diet, exercise, clothing, style, and skin care. Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us.
It’s Fashion Flash Monday
This week’s Fashion Flash host is Jodell from Black Cat Plus. Jodell’s sense of style and flashion flair provides a wonderful collection of fab clothes for Plus Size Women. Please check her out.
The rest of us Fashion Flashers bring you the latest Spring updates in Fashion, Fitness, Beauty and Style.
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday! Please welcome our newest member, fashion and beauty blogger, Debbi O’Shea, from DivaDebbi.
Debbi gives us all the best tips and info for women over 40 so we can be fabulous! Thank you Debbi!
The rest of us share the latest in style, fitness, skincare and more. Get ready to look and feel your best ever!
Spring Into Shape With My Online Ease-in Club: Check it out!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday
This week’s Fashion Flash host is Black Cat Plus, the Fashion resource for Fab Plus Size women. Editor and fashion expert Jodell Raymond, also provides a Personal Shopping Service so you can look and feel your best.
Spring is on its way so the rest of us Fashion Flashers have an eclectic mix of the latest in fashion, beauty and health. Check us out and let us know what you think!
Getting Ready to Spring Into Action? Visit
for at home exercise videos for women over 40!
Weight Loss Apps
Want to lose weight? Me too. Whether it’s 5 pounds, or more than 50, losing weight is a constant struggle for most of us. We’re all looking for anything we can find to keeps us on track. One of the most effective, tried and true, weight loss aids is keeping a diary,
You eat something, you write it down. You do a half hour of cardio exercise, you write it down. You want to know how many calories in a handful of peanuts, dig out your calorie book, look up “handful of peanuts and write it down. It works, but it’s colossal pain in the neck!
Well, now there’s an app for that. Using weight loss apps will put all the info you’d be struggling to write down at your fingertips. And the better weight loss apps make it really easy. They’re not scary at all!
You put in your email and your password, tell it whether you are male of female, and enter your height, your age, how much exercise you do, your current weight and your goal weight. Then, you set your weight loss plan. You tell the app how much weight per week you want to lose. The app tells you how many calories you’re allowed to eat each day.
You can log in and find out how many calories in that handful of peanuts, that piece of cake, that glass of wine. You list everything you eat during the day and any exercise you do. The app keeps a running tally and tells you how many calories you have left that day. It really helps to know that you can have either a chocolate moose or turkey sandwich. It helps you choose the turkey sandwich by giving you the nutrients in various foods. You can also pick portion size and store your favorite foods so you can log them in quickly.
There are dozens of apps available for your computer, tablet and smart phone. Some cost a few bucks, but many are free. Here are a couple of apps that I particularly like. The basic apps are free. You can pay for premium versions but I’m using the free versions and they’re enough for me. The functions of both of these are similar but some people prefer one layout or the other.
Check them out and take your weight loss high tech.
And of course it helps to add regular exercise to the weight loss mix. Get at home exercise videos for women at
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Our Fashion Flash host this week is Cindy, editor of Prime Beauty, a beauty blog for women 40 & over addressing their unique beauty needs. She reports on vital issues and products to help women look and feel their best. As for the rest of us Fashion Flashers we give you the latest Fab beauty, fashion, health & fitness info and tips
Spring is around the corner so if you would like to Spring Into Action check out my FABULOUS FOREVER 7 DVD Set KIT:: Takes You from Beginner To Advanced! Comes With Three Exercise Bands: Light, Medium & Strong $49.95 CLICK HERE
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Today’s Fashion Flash is hosted by nationally recognized author and positive aging expert Barbara Hannah Grufferman. Her website The Best of Everything After 50 is filled with insightful info to help us women over 50 continue to live a joyous, healthy and vital life.
This week’s Fashion Flash will give you the latest in beauty, fashion, well-being and fitness for women over 40. Let us know what you think!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
This week’s Fashion Flash host is No-Nonsense Beauty Blog and beauty expert Deborah Chase who brings the best of research and beauty together to develop an effective anti-aging beauty plan. She has assembled a wonderful assortment of Fab Fashion, Beauty & Fitness info from our Fashion Flash bloggers. Click in!
Our Fashion Flash host this week is Deborah Boland from Fabulous After 40. Deborah has put together one of the most comprehensive fashion and beauty women’s site on the web. Check out the latest tips this week on beauty, fashion, fitness & health from the rest of our Fabulous Fashion Flashers!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Time to Age Backwards with this weeks Fashion Flash Host, Anti-aging expert Jackie Silver from,of course, Aging Backwards – where Jackie shares her 40 plus “secrets, tips and shortcuts for staying young and gorgeous.”
The rest of us 40 plus Fashion Flash Bloggers have a potpourri of information on over 40 Fashion, Health, Beauty and, oh yes, deals! Just click to partake.
It’s Fashion Flash Monday
It’s Fashion Flash Monday! Our host is Nononsense Beauty Blogger, Deb Chase. Hard at work as usual, bringing us the best in skin care, beauty and more for women over 40.
The rest of us bloggers have been busy
flashing fashion, health, fitness, beauty and bargains.
Fall Prevention: Keep An Eye On Falls
Fall Prevention: Keep An Eye On Falls! Is your vision putting you at risk for a deadly fall? The answer may surprise you. Falls are a leading cause of death in older adults.
Do you really want to go out with that kind of a bang? Not being able to distinguish, or maybe just being less likely to notice a hazard that causes a fall, is a problem that sneaks up on you.
The quality of our vision diminishes with age slowly, and often goes unnoticed; or we may just rationalize symptoms away.
Starting at around 40 the lenses in our eyes become less elastic making it hard to focus up close. We eventually admit it and fix the problem with reading glasses. But that’s just the beginning. By around 50 we may think there’s not enough light in a room, or daylight conditions are immediately too bright when we go outside. In fact our pupils have gotten smaller, and our ability to adjust to changing light has slowed with age. So we require more light indoors, and transitions from dim to bright conditions become more difficult. We don’t usually think of aging eyesight as the cause. It’s easy to shrug off.
As we get older and contrast perception diminishes, making it harder to perceive stairs, curbs and other dangers, we blame shadows or glare. And worsening vision throws off our balance and proprioception (knowing where our bodies are in space). Combine imperfect vision with age related orthopedic issues and we’re set up for a life altering or life-ending event.
Fall Prevention: Get Regular Eye Check-ups
Most of the time, the vision problem is easily corrected with a visit to an ophthalmologist and prescription for glasses. And if you do have a more serious issue, it can be detected and treated before vision loss occurs or gets worse. But remember, it sneaks up on you. So get a checkup even if you don’t think you need one.
For More Health and Fitness Information For Women Over 40 visit
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Today’s Fashion Flash host is Staness from Menopausemakeover.comStaness is the author of The Menopause Makeover to help women 40 plus balance their hormones, stay healthy and reclaim beauty.
The rest of us Fashion Flash bloggers
bring the latest fashion, beauty and health and fitness news and deals.
Check us out and let us know what you think!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Today’s Fashion Flash host is Kari from FabOverForty, your one click stop for everything 40plus beauty, skincare, fashion, fitness and lifestyle. The rest of us Fashion Flashistas have been hard at work digging up cutting edge tips, trends, deals, and most-haves for women over 40.
Check us out and tell your friends.
![]() Most of my work is done with women who haven’t been active in a while. My coaching style is to start you wherever you may be physically and emotionally and get you moving, gently and pleasantly. If the first experience is pleasant, you’ll want a second and a third and so on. Sustainability is the key to fitness success. My clients tell me that getting fit has given them the self-confidence to pursue things they would never have dared to try, that the change in their bodies had kindled a change in the way they saw themselves. Instead of feeling invisible, they felt fabulous and that “fabulosity” had spilled over into the rest of their lives. As much as I would love to take all the credit for this transformation, I think that it boils down to healthy body, healthy mind. Getting fit was the key that unlocked the door to their potential. Pretty cool, huh? And because you deserve it, we’re offering a 15% off coupon on DVDs & T-Shirts just for our loyal newsletter subscribers.NEWYOUT2014 |
Your Target Heart Rate Zone
I just started teaching exercise classes in the resort town I live. People from around the world take my classes while vacationing here. I was teaching a cardio dance class and said something like “ ok it’s time for us to get into your target heart rate zone”. To my great surprise, this comment was returned with a lot of blank faces and questions.
It seems that target heart rate; the very thing that makes cardio exercise so effective has been lost over recent years of emphasis on Strength training, Yoga and Pilates. Everyone used to know that in order to protect and build your heart muscle you need at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a day in your target heart zone.
But, how do I know I’m in my target heart zone? Well there’s a quick way, and a more accurate way. The quick way is to exercise just hard enough to be barely able to carry on a conversation while you work out. It’s easy and it works okay.
But wouldn’t you like to know once and for all how to find YOUR actual target heart rate zone? Good, because I’m going to show you how to calculate it according to your age and your resting heart rate. This is called the Karvonen formula named after its inventor, Dr. MJ Karvonen.
Based on his research, incorporating your individual resting heart rate, gives a more accurate target heart rate zone. Generally the lower the RHR the more fit the individual.
So tomorrow, when you wake up in the morning, before you get out of bed, find you pulse at the base of your wrist or side of your neck. Count your pulse for 30 seconds and multiply that number by 2.
Once you have your RHR, you are set. Get your calculator out and do the rest.
Karvonen Formula
220– Your Age =Your Max Heart Rate (Max HR)
Max HR– Your Resting Heart Rate (RHR) =Your Heart Rate Reserve (HRR)
HRR X 60% +RHR = Low End of Your Target HR zone
HRR X 80% +RHR = High End of Your Target HR zone
Example: 50 Year old person
220 – 50 =170 Max HR
170 Max HR-60 RHR=110 HRR
110 HRR X 60%(66) + RHR (60) = 126 BPM Low End Target HR Zone
110 HRR X 80%(88) + RHR (60) = 148 BPM High End Target HR Zone
Target Heart Rate Zone 126 to 148 BPM
Once you work out your target heart rate zone, it’s easy to know if you are exercising within it. One quick way is to take your pulse for 6 seconds and multiple that number by 10. That’s how many beats per minute your heart is beating. Compare that to the range of your target heart zone and you’ll know if you’re over, under or in the right place.
The 21st century approach is to exercise with a heart rate monitor. A good basic one costs about $50. You’ll have the high tech assurance you’re exercising in your target heart rate zone.
In either case, you’ll learn what it feels like when you’re in and when you’re out, and its fun to know you’re in control.
For more info on at home exercise programs for women visit
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday! I’m delighted to be hosting our 40+ women’s Fashion Flash this week. We, Fashion Flashers give you the latest, and greatest fashion, beauty, health, and fitness info, tips and deals. Check us out and let us know what you think!
One of the best way to achieve health goals is to track your progress. Menopause has free essential planner downloads so you can start the new year with tools that support your success!
Did you watch the Golden Globes and have a favorite beauty look worn by the celebrities over 40? Check out Fab Over Forty and many of the celebrity beauty looks you can recreate at home
In the winter we have to work hard to keep skin soft and moisturized. A good exfoliator is a must and Fab Over Forty found a great one for the body..
Elle sparks body image debate with Mindy Kalig’s February 2014 Head Shot for Cover.
Positive Aging Expert Barbara Hannah Grufferman thinks we should all be doing this ONE THING every single day for overall fitness. What do you think it is?
Do you think the fashion police take things too far sometimes? Deborah Boland wants you to weigh in on the latest Carole Middleton fashion controversy.
Prime Beauty is celebrating her 4th year of blogging but YOU are getting all the presents! Stop by to wish her a happy birthday and enter to win a fabulous surprise beauty gift pack worth over $100!
You think you know your best colors? Jackie Silver from uncovers some tips that could surprise you.
Deb of No-Nonsense Beauty Blog compares cell growth factors and Retin A.
Staying on track with your New Year Fitness Resolutions can be challenging. So, if you need a little help please feel free to use this coupon code FABEXERCISEDVDS and save on any of my exercise videos at
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday and our host today is Jodell from Blackcatplus the go to site for the latest and best in plus size fashions. There are plenty of choices to help you look your best in 2014!
As for the rest of us Fashion Flash bloggers we committed to giving you the most current info, tips and trends on fashion, fitness and beauty for women 40+.
Check out my New Year, New You Specials
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Today’s Fashion Flash host is Barbara Grufferman from TheBestofEverythingAfter50.
Barbara puts her heart and soul into healthy and positive aging. She lives and breathes it herself. As a matter of fact, she is the author of “The Best of Everything After 50: The Experts’ Guide to Style, Sex, Health, Money and More”
the best-selling health guide for women over 50.
Check out her popular “The Best of Everything After 50″ video series on the AARP YouTube Channel.
And the rest of us Fashion Flash bloggers give you the best health, fitness, beauty and fashion advice, tips and trends so you can look and feel your best for 2014!
For more info on women’s fitness and health info visit
Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Yours in health,
Mirabai Holland
It’s Fashion Flash Monday
Today’s Fashion Flash host is Deb from the No Nonsense Beauty Blog. She’s here sans nonsense on the cutting edge of 40 plus beauty to bring it on home to you. The rest of us Fashion Flash Bloggers have been edge cutting too; and we’ve got everything Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness and of course Shopping to show you. So make a cup of tea, take a break from the madness, and click in. Happy Holidays!
It’s Fashion Flash Monday!
Our Fashion Flash host for this Monday is Jackie Silver from
Just when all of us got to resigned to aging forward, Jackie has come up with the best of the best solutions for reversing the process and staying young and vital.
For the rest of us Fashion Flash bloggers click in to the latest in fashion, beauty, health & fitness, and more for women over 40. Love your feedback.
It’s Fashion Flash Monday
Today’s Fashion Flash host is Cindy from Prime Beauty, the beauty blog for women 40 plus, your choice for everything skincare, make-up and beauty. Cindy is always ahead of the curve, scoping out the beauty’s best products and deals.
The rest of us Fashion Flash bloggers have been on the case seeking info, tips and bargains in fashion, fitness and beauty. Stay in touch; we love your feedback.
Need help burning some of those extra holiday calories? USE THIS HOLIDAY COUPON CODE: FABEXERCISEDVDS 15% OFF ALL OF Mirabai Holland Videos at
Fashion Flash For Women 40+
It’s my privilege to be hosting our 40+ women’s Fashion Flash this Thanksgiving week. Before trotting out to turkeyville, we Fashion Flashers talk turkey on the latest, and greatest fashion, beauty, health, fitness and oh yes holiday food!! We’re thankful to be able to share with you every week. Thanks for YOU!
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy this roasted turkey recipe by Staness, author of The Menopause Makeover. Add wild rice and baked acorn squash with baked apples for dessert and you have a yummy balanced meal that is healthy and not too high in calories!
In the winter we have to work hard to keep skin soft and moisturized. A good exfoliator is a must and Fab Over Forty found a great one for the body..
Plus size women are encouraged to pose in sexy clothes and lingerie to celebrate their bodies and promote self-acceptance at every size.
Positive Aging Expert Barbara Hannah Grufferman thinks that this “liquid
gold” might be the answer to . . . just about everything! Watch this to
get the scoop!
The right bootie at work will complete your sophisticated, chic office look. Deborah Boland shares some fab examples of how to rock fall booties at work.
We all know that big, full Angelina Jolie lips are fashionable, but what if your kisser is not so endowed? Cindy from Prime Beauty found a great product to plump aging lips and even minimize upper lip lines in EnvyDerm Intensive Lip Renewal Therapy!
Are you getting ready for the holiday season? Here are some of 40+Style’s ideas for unique and stylish gifts for women over 40!
Warm up winter and chase away seasonal affective disorder (SAD)! Jackie Silver from shares a great secret.

Food Label Reading Lesson
Food label reading can help you make healthy food choices.
For instance, last weekend I went hiking and the Fall color was astonishing.
I went along for about two hours at a brisk pace enjoying the fresh air.
Much of my exercise is teaching fitness classes and creating new routines for exercise DVDs. So, it was refreshing to just free my mind, move my body and drink in all those trees dressed in red, yellow, orange mixed with green. Sometimes its good to mix up your exercise routine. I felt renewed breathing in all that fresh air and being surrounded by fabulous color.
When I finished my hike we went into a little country food market because we were starting to get thirsty and hungry.
So cute with all those red and white checkered tabletops filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, homemade jams, honey, maple syrup and cider. I spotted a bottle that said “Fresh Apple Cider” thinking how fresh it would taste, this being apple season and all. I continued my walk and I’d gotten a considerable distance from the store when I decided it was time for swig of cider. As I was about to sip, I glanced on the back of the bottle to read the food label expecting to see APPLES. But instead it read
Food Label Reading
APPLES, and Potassium sorbate, a preservative.
I wanted to throw that cider against a wall!
I was thirty so I drank a little and whether it was in my mind or not, it seemed to taste not as fresh as I imagined it would. So the lesson here, is just because you are in an adorable country market, don’t take for granted that all the foods will be fresh and adorable too.
So caveat emptor: let the buyer beware!
Becoming Flexible
Muscle fibers can become misaligned during normal movement. Our muscles produce chemical waste products when they work. These chemicals need to be eliminated so they don’t build up and cause aches and soreness. Also, as we age, are connective tissues; tendons and ligaments tend to shorten and become stiffer. That’s why we become shorter and less flexible as we grow older. These connective tissues require as much maintenance as our muscles do. Stretching helps maintain them.
Muscles can’t stretch themselves; they only know how to contract and relax.
In a perfect world that would be enough but the fact is relaxed muscles never completely relax because there are neurological receptors in our muscles and connective tissues that keep them poised for action like a race car at the starting line.
This is a good thing because it keeps us upright while standing and our heads from falling into our plates when we eat our dinner.
Muscles are bundles of protein fibers sort of like bunches of elastic celery. They are attached to bones on both ends by a network of tough connective tissues called tendons. Tendons are neither bone nor muscle. Although tendons are somewhat elastic, they can only be stretched about 4%. Muscles on the other hand are capable of stretching over 50% of their normal length.
When we stretch a muscle and deliberately hold it for a few seconds, proprioceptors in the tendons, called gogi tendon organs, tell the muscle to relax, not contract and we are able to hold the stretch and even stretch out a little further.
So try becoming flexible with a little Tai Chi –like movement to lubricate your joints and raise your core body temperature then do static stretches. Hold the stretch for a few seconds to allow those gogi tendon organs to kick in and then try to stretch and hold a bit further.
Becoming Flexible Can Help Reduce Stress
There’s more to stretching than just flexibility. Stretching is a form of meditation that creates a sense of well-being and promotes peace of mind. One finishes a routine with a more positive outlook as well as the feeling that your body is more alive, more accessible to you.
Stretching can slow down your aging clock and help you stay fabulous forever.
For more info on home exercise programs for women visit
Aerobic Exercise Improves Mood ©2013
Now that the weather is getting colder and the days are getting shorter, I find myself as you may too, for no apparent reason, feeling a little blue. So I dust off my sneakers and get ready to move because I know aerobic exercise improves mood.
I make sure I’m exercising aerobically most days of the week, at least for 30-60 minutes. I not only feel my spirits lift while I’m exercising but for many hours afterwards.
Research shows that aerobic exercise improves mood because it increases levels of serotonin and endorphins in the brain. These are important neurochemical transmitters, which help to elevate and stabilize your mood.
In fact one of the known causes of depression is a lowered level of serotonin. Aerobic exercise can be as effective as medication for relieving mild to moderate depression in many cases.
More Reasons Why Aerobic Exercise Improves Mood
There is more to aerobic exercise than serotonin and endorphins. It helps lower adrenaline, a chemical associated with stress to help promote relaxation. And as you become more fit you feel better about how you look and feel. This can give you a positive outlook in general. Try some easy aerobics. You may just cardio dance your troubles away.
Are You Depressed?
The standard symptoms for depression are:
- Persistent feelings of sadness or “emptiness”
- Sense of hopelessness, worthlessness, and guilt
- Inability to enjoy ordinary pleasurable activities, including sex
- Noticeable change of appetite, possibly accompanied by significant weight loss or weight gain
- Shifts in sleeping patterns, such as insomnia or sleeping too much
- Difficulty concentrating, persistent irritability, excessive crying
- Preoccupation with thoughts of death or suicide
- Decreased energy, fatigue
- Persistent aches and pains
Many things can cause depression. They range from some medications to low levels of light during the winter months. Alcohol and a poor diet, as well as inherited predisposition, can lead to the condition as well. Before you decide on asking your doctor for an anti-depressant prescription, adopt the healthy lifestyle habits of a nutritious diet, regular exercise and enough sleep. If things don’t improve, of course, seek medical help.
So try my take on the old Arlen & Koehler song lyric that Judy Garland sang, “forget your troubles, come on get happy” you can exercise your blues away.
For more info on women health and fitness and at home exercise programs for women visit
Women Health and Fitness Quiz
Here is a women health and fitness quiz to test your health and fitness IQ.
As we come to the end of summer, it’s time to remind ourselves to be vigilant about our health and fitness. Answers are at the end. Good luck in taking this Women Health and Fitness Quiz.
For more info on women health and fitness and at home exercise programs come and visit me at
Women Health and Fitness Quiz
1. What is the number one killer disease of women?
a. Osteoporosis
b. Breast Cancer
c. Heart Disease
d. Diabetes
2. What does osteopenia mean?
a. Low muscle mass
b. Low bone mass
c. Another word for osteoporosis
d. Strong bones
3. What is the normal % of body fat?
a. 15-20%
b. 22-30%
c. 25-35%
d. 30-35%
4. Which one of the following blood pressure readings is considered a risk factor for heart disease?
a. 110/70
b. 115/80
c. 120/80
d. 140/90
5.What helps to pick up metabolism?
a. Lean muscle mass
b. 1000 calorie a day diet
c. Sleeping 8 hours a night
d. Meditation
6. How much body fat does the average 65 year old woman have?
a. 30%
b. 37%
c. 43%
d. 50%
7. What is sarcopenia?
a. high muscle mass
b. low bone mass
c. high bone mass
d. low muscle mass
8. What is interval training best for:
a. Picking up the metabolic rate
b. Adding variety to your routine
c. Making it easy to get a drink of water
d. Both a & b
9. An optimal program for older people would include activities to improve:
a. strength, flexibility and coordination
b. eyesight
c. digestion
d. jogging
10. What body shape is the one that puts you at less risk for both heart disease and breast cancer?
a. apple
b. pear
c. banana
d. pineapple
11. To be at less risk for heart disease your total cholesterol should be:
a. Above 200
b. Below 200
c. Between 200-220
d. Between 220-225
12. Which is the “good” cholesterol
a. HDL
b. LDL
c. NDL
d. Margarine
13. How much exercise should you do?
a. At least 3-4 times a week, 30 minutes at 60-90% max heart rate.
b. At least twice a week, 60 minutes at 70-90% max heart rate
c. At least once a week, 60 minutes at 80-85% max heart rate
d. At least twice a week, 30 minutes at 70-90% max heart rate
14. What is the equation of finding your target heart rate?
a. 220-age x %
b. 200-age x %
c. 220 x age – %
d. 200 x age – %
15. What does aerobic exercise do?
a. Helps to stimulate metabolism and reduce LDL
b. Helps to develop stronger abdominals and back muscles
c. Helps to build a stronger heart muscle
d. a & c
16. What are the risk factors for heart disease that you can control:
a. Family history, age, menopause
b. Inactivity, excessive alcohol, and high blood pressure
c. Smoking, high cholesterol and triglycerides
d. b & c
17. How often should you weight train?
a. Every day
b. 3 days in a row, 2 days rest
c. 2-3 times a week, alternating days
d. None of the above.
18. How often should you perform a Breast Self-Examination?
a. every other week
b. Once a month (if still menstruating best time a week after the start of your period)
c. Once every week
d. None of the above.
19. When should you start getting annual mammograms?
a. After age 40
b. After age 45
c. After age 50
d. After age 55
20. What are the best types of exercise if you have had breast cancer?
a. Light strengthening and stretching exercises.
b. Walking and swimming.
c. High intensity strength training
d. a & b
21. 44 million Americans at risk for Osteoporosis; what % are women?
a. 60%
b. 70%
c. 80%
d. 90%
22. By the time women are 70 they can lose up to
a.15% bone mass
b. 20% bone mass
c. 30 % bone mass
d. 45% bone mass
23. As a woman goes through menopause what is the main factor that causes bone loss?
a. loss of estrogen
b. fatigue
c. hot flashes
d. lightheadedness
24.What are the 3 areas at most risk for osteoporotic fracture?
a. Spine, neck, foot
b. Hip, shoulder, foot
c. Spine, hip, wrist
d. None of the above.
25. What type of exercise is not particularly effective for loading your bones
a. Weight training
b. Walking
c. Swimming
d. Jogging
ANSWERS: 1. c, 2. b, 3. b, 4. d, 5. a, 6. c, 7. d, 8. d, 9. a, 10. a,11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. d, 16. d, 17. c, 18. b, 19. a, 20. d, 21. c, 22. c, 23. a, 24. c, 25. c
Fashion Flash Blog: Women 40+
Today’s Fashion Flash blog host is Staness from Menopausemakeover, the place to go to take charge of the second half of your life.
Our Fashion Flash blog:
This week Fashion Flash Blog has a plethora of pertinent possibilities for health, fitness, beauty and fashion. Please check us out.
As we come to the end of summer, it’s time to remind ourselves to be vigilant about our health and fitness. Test your health and fitness IQ with this at home quiz. Answers are at the end. Enjoy your week.
For more info on women health and fitness and at home exercise programs come and visit me at
Test your health and fitness I.Q. today.
(answers at end)
1. What is the number one killer disease of women?
a. Osteoporosis
b. Breast Cancer
c. Heart Disease
d. Diabetes
2. What does osteopenia mean?
a. Low muscle mass
b. Low bone mass
c. Another word for osteoporosis
d. Strong bones
3. What is the normal % of body fat?
a. 15-20%
b. 22-30%
c. 25-35%
d. 30-35%
4. Which one of the following blood pressure readings is considered a risk factor for heart disease?
a. 110/70
b. 115/80
c. 120/80
d. 140/90
5.What helps to pick up metabolism?
a. Lean muscle mass
b. 1000 calorie a day diet
c. Sleeping 8 hours a night
d. Meditation
6. How much body fat does the average 65 year old woman have?
a. 30%
b. 37%
c. 43%
d. 50%
7. What is sarcopenia?
a. high muscle mass
b. low bone mass
c. high bone mass
d. low muscle mass
8. What is interval training best for:
a. Picking up the metabolic rate
b. Adding variety to your routine
c. Making it easy to get a drink of water
d. Both a & b
9. An optimal program for older people would include activities to improve:
a. strength, flexibility and coordination
b. eyesight
c. digestion
d. jogging
10. What body shape is the one that puts you at less risk for both heart disease and breast cancer?
a. apple
b. pear
c. banana
d. pineapple
11. To be at less risk for heart disease your total cholesterol should be:
a. Above 200
b. Below 200
c. Between 200-220
d. Between 220-225
12. Which is the “good” cholesterol
a. HDL
b. LDL
c. NDL
d. Margarine
13. How much exercise should you do?
a. At least 3-4 times a week, 30 minutes at 60-90% max heart rate.
b. At least twice a week, 60 minutes at 70-90% max heart rate
c. At least once a week, 60 minutes at 80-85% max heart rate
d. At least twice a week, 30 minutes at 70-90% max heart rate
14. What is the equation of finding your target heart rate?
a. 220-age x %
b. 200-age x %
c. 220 x age – %
d. 200 x age – %
15. What does aerobic exercise do?
a. Helps to stimulate metabolism and reduce LDL
b. Helps to develop stronger abdominals and back muscles
c. Helps to build a stronger heart muscle
d. a & c
16. What are the risk factors for heart disease that you can control:
a. Family history, age, menopause
b. Inactivity, excessive alcohol, and high blood pressure
c. Smoking, high cholesterol and triglycerides
d. b & c
17. How often should you weight train?
a. Every day
b. 3 days in a row, 2 days rest
c. 2-3 times a week, alternating days
d. None of the above.
18. How often should you perform a Breast Self-Examination?
a. every other week
b. Once a month (if still menstruating best time a week after the start of your period)
c. Once every week
d. None of the above.
19. When should you start getting annual mammograms?
a. After age 40
b. After age 45
c. After age 50
d. After age 55
20. What are the best types of exercise if you have had breast cancer?
a. Light strengthening and stretching exercises.
b. Walking and swimming.
c. High intensity strength training
d. a & b
21. 44 million Americans at risk for Osteoporosis; what % are women?
a. 60%
b. 70%
c. 80%
d. 90%
22. By the time women are 70 they can lose up to
a.15% bone mass
b. 20% bone mass
c. 30 % bone mass
d. 45% bone mass
23. As a woman goes through menopause what is the main factor that causes bone loss?
a. loss of estrogen
b. fatigue
c. hot flashes
d. lightheadedness
24.What are the 3 areas at most risk for osteoporotic fracture?
a. Spine, neck, foot
b. Hip, shoulder, foot
c. Spine, hip, wrist
d. None of the above.
25. What type of exercise is not particularly effective for loading your bones
a. Weight training
b. Walking
c. Swimming
d. Jogging
ANSWERS: 1. c, 2. b, 3. b, 4. d, 5. a, 6. c, 7. d, 8. d, 9. a, 10. a,11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. d, 16. d, 17. c, 18. b, 19. a, 20. d, 21. c, 22. c, 23. a, 24. c, 25. c
In Home Exercise Program For Women Over 40
Looking for an in home exercise program? If you’re 40, or even 50 plus, you CAN get really fit. But your body is not the same as it was when you were 30. You need to slow down and build up gently over time. You can get really strong but it takes a progressive approach. Those beat-yourself-up workouts are simply not a sustainable lifestyle choice. Try this 5-minute Ease-in video to set the tone for your at home exercise routine. Getting fit shouldn’t feel like getting your teeth drilled.
For more info on in home workouts for women 40 plus visit