It’s Fashion Flash Monday

Fashion FlashToday’s Fashion Flash host is Cindy from Prime Beauty, the beauty blog for women 40 plus, your choice for everything skincare, make-up and beauty. Cindy is always ahead of the curve, scoping out the beauty’s best products and deals.

The rest of us Fashion Flash bloggers have been on the case seeking info, tips and bargains in fashion, fitness and beauty. Stay in touch; we love your feedback.

Need help burning some of those extra holiday calories? USE THIS HOLIDAY COUPON CODE: FABEXERCISEDVDS 15% OFF ALL OF Mirabai Holland Videos at




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It’s Fashion Flash Monday!

Fashion FlashThis week’s Fashion Flash host is Shelley from Still Blonde After All These Years, Giveaway-Central for the best in Fashion & Beauty products for women 40 plus.

And over at Black Cat Plus, we have a Fall Sale Going On!! Check it out!! – See more at:
And over at Black Cat Plus, we have a Fall Sale Going On!! Check it out!! – See more at:

And over at Black Cat Plus, we have a Fall Sale Going On!! Check it out!! – See more at:
And over at Black Cat Plus, we have a Fall Sale Going On!! Check it out!! – See more at:
And over at Black Cat Plus, we have a Fall Sale Going On!! Check it out!! – See more at:
And over at Black Cat Plus, we have a Fall Sale Going On!! Check it out!! – See more at:

The rest of us brilliant Fashion Flashers have an ecclectic mix of essential information for you. Tune in to the latest in fashion, beauty and health for women over 40.

Check us out and let us know what you think!


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Food Label Reading Lesson

Food Label ReadingFood label reading can help you make healthy food choices.

For instance, last weekend I went hiking and the Fall color was astonishing.

I went along for about two hours at a brisk pace enjoying the fresh air.

Much of my exercise is teaching fitness classes and creating new routines for exercise DVDs. So, it was refreshing to just free my mind, move my body and drink in all those trees dressed in red, yellow, orange mixed with green. Sometimes its good to mix up your exercise routine. I felt renewed breathing in all that fresh air and being surrounded by fabulous color.

When I finished my hike we went into a little country food market because we were starting to get thirsty and hungry.

So cute with all those red and white checkered tabletops filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, homemade jams, honey, maple syrup and cider. I spotted a bottle that said “Fresh Apple Cider” thinking how fresh it would taste, this being apple season and all. I continued my walk and I’d gotten a considerable distance from the store when I decided it was time for swig of cider. As I was about to sip, I glanced on the back of the bottle to read the food label expecting to see APPLES. But instead it read

Food Label Reading

APPLES, and Potassium sorbate, a preservative.

I wanted to throw that cider against a wall!

I was thirty so I drank a little and whether it was in my mind or not, it seemed to taste not as fresh as I imagined it would. So the lesson here, is just because you are in an adorable country market, don’t take for granted that all the foods will be fresh and adorable too.

So caveat emptor: let the buyer beware!

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Fashion Flash! Women 40+ Beauty, Fashion, Fitness

Fashion FlashToday’s Fashion Flash host is Cindy from PrimeBeauty, a fab beauty blog for women 40+. Get the latest tips and insights on skincare and makeup plus reviews on new products particularly designed to empower women in their prime to look their very best.

The rest of us, Fashion Flash Bloggers are always on the pulse on the new and now in beauty, fashion, fitness and more….






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It’s Fashion Flash Monday Best Blog For Women Over 40

Fashion FlashIt’s Fashion Flash Monday for women over 40 and our host this week is Deborah Boland from Fabulous After 40.

Deborah provides the very best info and advice on style, beauty, trends, shopping, deals and finds for women over 40. She generously shares her own brilliant insights based on credible sources and research to help all of us stay Fabulous! And don’t forget  your chance to win a fabulous faux fur coat from Donna Salyers this month, by clicking here.

This week our Fashion Flash Blog for women over 40 is full of great topics: Fab affordable moisturizers, combining art and fashion for a stunning look,  an easy Pumpkin Goat Cheese Risotto Recipe, New Fall Plus Size fashions, current Menopause news, and more….

OrangeDressCourtyard-2342_RSince September is Menopause Month I’d like to share this new exercise study that showed that regular exercise did not reduce the intensity or amount of hot flashes in post menopausal women. However, those women that exercised on a regular basis slept better and were less depressed. Guess what? Many of my clients (myself included) who were avid exercisers also said their hot flashes did not diminish. But they experienced less mood swings and had more energy than others who exercised less or not at all.

For more info on women health and fitness and at home exercise programs for women please visit my website


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Fashion Flash Blog: Women 40+

Fashion Flash Blog

Today’s Fashion Flash blog host is Staness from Menopausemakeover, the place to go to take charge of the second half of your life.

Our Fashion Flash blog:

This week Fashion Flash Blog has a plethora of pertinent possibilities for health, fitness, beauty and fashion. Please check us out.

Fashion Flash Blog MbaiCBpasse_HPIM0861As we come to the end of summer, it’s time to remind ourselves to be vigilant about our health and fitness.  Test your health and fitness IQ with this at home quiz. Answers are at the end. Enjoy your week.

For more info on women health and fitness and at home exercise programs come and visit me at

Test your health and fitness I.Q. today.

Health and Fitness Self-Quiz
(answers at end)

1. What is the number one killer disease of women?
a. Osteoporosis
b. Breast Cancer
c. Heart Disease
d. Diabetes

2. What does osteopenia mean?
a. Low muscle mass
b. Low bone mass
c. Another word for osteoporosis
d. Strong bones

3. What is the normal % of body fat?
a. 15-20%
b. 22-30%
c. 25-35%
d. 30-35%

4. Which one of the following blood pressure readings is considered a risk factor for heart disease?
a. 110/70
b. 115/80
c. 120/80
d. 140/90

5.What helps to pick up metabolism?
a. Lean muscle mass
b. 1000 calorie a day diet
c. Sleeping 8 hours a night
d. Meditation

6. How much body fat does the average 65 year old woman have?
a. 30%
b. 37%
c. 43%
d. 50%

7. What is sarcopenia?
a. high muscle mass
b. low bone mass
c. high bone mass
d. low muscle mass

8. What is interval training best for:
a. Picking up the metabolic rate
b. Adding variety to your routine
c. Making it easy to get a drink of water
d. Both a & b

9. An optimal program for older people would include activities to improve:
a. strength, flexibility and coordination
b. eyesight
c. digestion
d. jogging

10. What body shape is the one that puts you at less risk for both heart disease and breast cancer?
a. apple
b. pear
c. banana
d. pineapple

11. To be at less risk for heart disease your total cholesterol should be:
a. Above 200
b. Below 200
c. Between 200-220
d. Between 220-225
12. Which is the “good” cholesterol
a. HDL
b. LDL
c. NDL
d. Margarine

13. How much exercise should you do?
a. At least 3-4 times a week, 30 minutes at 60-90% max heart rate.
b. At least twice a week, 60 minutes at 70-90% max heart rate
c. At least once a week, 60 minutes at 80-85% max heart rate
d. At least twice a week, 30 minutes at 70-90% max heart rate

14. What is the equation of finding your target heart rate?
a. 220-age x %
b. 200-age x %
c. 220 x age – %
d. 200 x age – %

15. What does aerobic exercise do?
a. Helps to stimulate metabolism and reduce LDL
b. Helps to develop stronger abdominals and back muscles
c. Helps to build a stronger heart muscle
d. a & c

16. What are the risk factors for heart disease that you can control:
a. Family history, age, menopause
b. Inactivity, excessive alcohol, and high blood pressure
c. Smoking, high cholesterol and triglycerides
d. b & c

17. How often should you weight train?
a. Every day
b. 3 days in a row, 2 days rest
c. 2-3 times a week, alternating days
d. None of the above.

18. How often should you perform a Breast Self-Examination?
a. every other week
b. Once a month (if still menstruating best time a week after the start of your period)
c. Once every week
d. None of the above.
19. When should you start getting annual mammograms?
a. After age 40
b. After age 45
c. After age 50
d. After age 55

20. What are the best types of exercise if you have had breast cancer?
a. Light strengthening and stretching exercises.
b. Walking and swimming.
c. High intensity strength training
d. a & b

21. 44 million Americans at risk for Osteoporosis; what % are women?
a. 60%
b. 70%
c. 80%
d. 90%

22. By the time women are 70 they can lose up to
a.15% bone mass
b. 20% bone mass
c. 30 % bone mass
d. 45% bone mass

23. As a woman goes through menopause what is the main factor that causes bone loss?
a. loss of estrogen
b. fatigue
c. hot flashes
d. lightheadedness

24.What are the 3 areas at most risk for osteoporotic fracture?
a. Spine, neck, foot
b. Hip, shoulder, foot
c. Spine, hip, wrist
d. None of the above.

25. What type of exercise is not particularly effective for loading your bones
a. Weight training
b. Walking
c. Swimming
d. Jogging
ANSWERS: 1. c, 2. b, 3. b, 4. d, 5. a, 6. c, 7. d, 8. d, 9. a, 10. a,11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. d, 16. d, 17. c, 18. b, 19. a, 20. d, 21. c, 22. c, 23. a, 24. c, 25. c






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Fashion Flash Women Over 40 Blog

Fashion FlashOur Fashion Flash host for this Labor Day 2013, is Kari from
Kari’s leading the way to nature beauty for women over 40. Her research and insights give you a fab alternative to more radical options.  The rest of us Fashion Flash Bloggers have the end of summer skinny including diet, exercise, clothing style and color and skin care. Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us. All of us at Fashion Flash would  love to hear from you!

While toning up for my walking workout this September I remembered making this short outdoor no equipment necessary workout video. It’s just right addition to the walking workout. It will turn your walking workout into a full body exercise program just perfect for us 40 plus Women looking to stay Fabulous Forever!

Stop at a wall, a tree or a fence, and do these five exercises: two for your upper body and three for your lower. Standing Push-ups:

Stand facing a surface, with legs hip width apart and place hands shoulder width apart. Keeping your body straight, lower yourself down to the surface and then push back upright again.  Muscles Worked: Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders

Calf Raises:
Face surface and hold on for balance. With feet together pointing straight ahead, slowly lift your body up on to your toes, while tightening calf, abs and buttocks muscles. Then slowly lower yourself back down again.  Muscles worked: calves, abs, and buttocks.
Face surface, legs hip with apart. Hold on for balance. Shift weight back into heels. Keeping back straight, abs pulled in; gently bend at the knees and squat to about a 90-degree angle. Hold for a moment, then, using just your leg muscles, return to an upright position.  Muscles worked: Front of thigh (Quads), Back of thigh, (Hamstrings) Buttocks, Abs
Wall Sit:
Stand against surface for back support. Holding on as needed for balance, slide down to a sitting position against wall, knees at about a 90-degree angle. Pull your abs in and hold for 10 to 30 seconds.  Muscles worked: Thighs and Abs
Upper Back Squeeze:
Stand with your back to the surface, feet shoulder width apart. Place hands behind you on surface. Straighten your arms behind you and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds.  Muscles worked: Back, Shoulders, Back of arms (Triceps)


For more info women’s fitness and wellness info please visit



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It’s Fashion Flash Monday For Women Over 40

Fashion Flash

Hi ladies! It’s Mirabai from I’m your host this week for Fashion Flash Monday August 26, 2013. We’ve put together a 40 plus women’s ePotpouri of information for you. We’ve got it all, essential oils, recipes, exercise, grooming, beauty secrets, health and plus size news. It’s all here today, just a quick click away.





AgingBackwardsNEWABwithRlogoAromatherapy goes back to ancient times. Jackie Silver from sniffs out the benefits of essential oils.




stillblonde2fashionflashbannerStill Blonde after all these Years shares her recipe for Baked Asiago Chicken.   A quick easy recipe sure to please Women over 45.




Best-of-Everything-50-227x300Positive Aging expert Barbara Hannah Grufferman wrote the book about living your best life after 50 . . . and wants to show you how to get everything “below the belt” back in shape . . . fast.




fab40_-smbanner_11aprThinning hair is a common problem in women over 40, and it can be a real downer. Style expert Deborah Boland shares simple hairstyles that will make your thinning hair look thicker and stylish.




FabOver402Want flawless looking skin and lighten age spots? Fab Over Forty checks out this new product customized to your skin tone.




FFBlackCat-300x96Fashion mega brand Diesel uses plus size models in its newest ad campaign and demonstrates there is real beauty in body diversity.



PRIMEBEAUTYScreen-Shot-2012-05-28-at-6.15.05-AM-300x62Cindy from Prime Beauty was introduced to a Japanese beauty secret that is 1500 years old and she’s sharing her discovery of the Konjac Sponge with us! 


menopause-makeover-300x84Many of us think we are eating healthy, but often unaware of hidden calories and nutritional information.  If you are struggling with weight loss, check out the nutrition in your favorite foods with this FREE nutrition label calculator from  Too much of a good thing isn’t always good.



nononsensebeauty-300x74Deb of No-Nonsense Blog finds out which health news to trust.




Here’s a little Flash that may make a difference in your life.

A study from the Mayo Clinic has revealed that menopause and weight gain are linked because proteins that store fat do a better job of it when estrogen is lost after menopause.  They also cause fat to be burned by the body more slowly. So weight gain after menopause is hard to fight.  A study from University of Pittsburgh points out that postmenopausal women gain about 12 pounds 8 years following menopause. Something else happens too. Even women that don’t see weight gain after menopause experience a shift in body shape that expands their waistline. That’s because lower estrogen levels cause fat to shift from hips and thighs to the belly.

Menopause and weight gain is a serious health issue, not just a cosmetic one. Belly fat has been linked to higher incidence of heart disease, and being overweight in general puts you at greater risk for Diabetes, and some types of Cancer.

So what does one do about menopause and weight gain?

Spot reducing doesn’t really work. The only real way to get rid of that belly fat is to lose weight everywhere and sculpt your body with exercise.

Let’s talk calories.

1lb of weight equals 3500 calories. So to lose 1lb a week, exercise 200 calories off with about a half hour of moderate Cardio a day and eat 300 calories less every day. That’s 500 hundred fewer calories per day. Multiply by 7 days will you’re on track to lose one pound per week. What can make this process easier is combine Cardio with Strength exercises. Cardio burns calories and Strength speeds up your metabolism to keep you burning more calories even after you exercise. Try this anti-menopause-and-weight-gain routine. Of course always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

·        Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, do 30-60 minutes of moderate Cardio exercises like brisk walking, swimming, biking jogging, or dance exercise videos.

·        Tuesday Thursday and Saturday do a full body sculpting strength routine

You’ll need some stick toitiveness, particularly for the first couple of weeks. But, I can tell you from experience, this approach works. Keep me posted on your progress.

For more health and fitness information for women and in home exercise programs visit





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It’s Fashion Flash Monday

Fashion Flash Women Over 40

Fashion Flash Women Over 40

It’s Fashion Flash Monday! Our host is Cindy from Prime Beauty, the beauty resource for women 40+ in the prime of their lives. Her articles give us the latest on new beauty products, skincare and make-up tips. Check out Prime Beauty’s giveaways too.

Here’s the latest info and tips from our Fashion Flash Bloggers this week. Topics include: exercise may reduce breast cancer risk, ancient beauty secrets, ballet barre workout in the water, pros and cons of your favorite American veggie, and how to look fabulous in only 15 minutes.

Recent Study:


Fashion Flash strength-training.jpg

A recent study at the University of Alabama with older women concluded that the exercise sweet spot is about 40 minutes of cardio twice week and a full body strength workout on 2 alternate days.

The group that exercised more, up to 6 times a week did not achieve better results, and reported less energy for daily activities.  So more is not always better!

So many of my clients ask me how much exercise should they do to get the best results.

Many of my clients have gotten effective and sustainable results by exercising 3-5 days a week. They say mixing up their routine also helps them stay on track so they look forward to exercising instead of dreading it. I always say “exercise should be a pleasure not a chore. Getting fit shouldn’t feel like getting your teeth drilled.”

There are those days when you body tells you to take a rest. If you aren’t feeling well or didn’t get enough sleep the night before, you might be better off doing a lighter workout or skipping exercise that day.

For info on in home exercise programs, weight loss, and health topics visit




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