Clicking Joints: Should I Worry?

Clicking JointsClicking Joints: Should I worry? What are those clicking, popping and crackling sounds in my joints? Is it Arthritis? Have I overdosed on breakfast cereal? No, it’s probably Crepitus. Sounds like a precursor to decrepitude, but it’s not. Crepitus is just the word used to describe the clicking sounds.

In fact, in most cases, if there’s no pain associated with those sounds, it’s nothing to worry about. Many people live their whole lives with some clicking joints and popping without any ill effects.

 Clicking Joints?

Clicking Joints have closed bags of synovial fluid, called bursa, between them. They cushion joint movement so we can walk and work painlessly. That fluid has a little bit of air or gas dissolved in it. Through our daily movement, that gas can form a bubble or cavity in the bag. The fancy term is Cavitation.

When you move your knee, elbow or shoulder, the bubble bursts and makes a click or popping sound. Cracking your knuckles is a good example of breaking those bubbles on purpose. So, the rule of thumb is: no pain, no problem.

Snapping however is another story. That rubber band-like sound is often accompanied by pain. It’s a sign you have an injury, or that some muscle, nerve or connective tissue is out of place.

In this case you should see your doctor. A good way to promote healthy joints in general is to strengthen the muscles around them. Regular strength training can make a difference at any age. If you haven’t been exercising in a while, start slowly and build up. Last thing you want to do is hurt the joints you’re trying to strengthen.

So, what’s the takeaway here? Well, next time your friends have clicks and pops in their joints, you can tell them they probably have Crepitus!


by Mirabai Holland MFA Certified Health Coach, Certified Exercise Physiologist.


For more health and fitness info, Health coaching  and in home exercise club and videos please visit  

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Ready to test your Fabulous Forever Health IQ?

As we are into a new year, it’s time to remind ourselves to be vigilant about our health and fitness so you can be Fabulous Forever. Test your Fabulous Forever health IQ with this at home quiz. Answers are at the end.

Fabulous Forever Health  I.Q. Test Yourself Now!

Fabulous Forever Health IQ Self-Quiz
(answers at end)

1. What is the number one killer disease of women?
a. Osteoporosis
b. Breast Cancer
c. Heart Disease
d. Diabetes

2. What does osteopenia mean?
a. Low muscle mass
b. Low bone mass
c. Another word for osteoporosis
d. Strong bones

3. What is the normal % of body fat?
a. 15-20%
b. 22-30%
c. 25-35%
d. 30-35%

4. Which one of the following blood pressure readings is considered a risk factor for heart disease?
a. 110/70
b. 115/80
c. 118/75
d. 140/90

5.What helps to pick up metabolism?
a. Lean muscle mass
b. 1000 calorie a day diet
c. Sleeping 8 hours a night
d. Meditation

6. How much body fat does the average 65 year old woman have?
a. 30%
b. 37%
c. 43%
d. 50%

7. What is sarcopenia?
a. high muscle mass
b. low bone mass
c. high bone mass
d. low muscle mass

8. What is interval training best for:
a. Picking up the metabolic rate
b. Adding variety to your routine
c. Making it easy to get a drink of water
d. Both a & b

9. An optimal program for older people would include activities to improve:
a. strength, flexibility and coordination
b. eyesight
c. digestion
d. jogging

10. What body shape is the one that puts you at less risk for both heart disease and breast cancer?
a. apple
b. pear
c. banana
d. pineapple

11. To be at less risk for heart disease your total cholesterol should be:
a. Above 200
b. Below 200
c. Between 200-220
d. Between 220-225

12. Which is the “good” cholesterol
a. HDL
b. LDL
c. NDL
d. Margarine

13. How much exercise should you do?
a. At least 3-4 times a week, 30 minutes at 60-90% max heart rate.
b. At least twice a week, 60 minutes at 70-90% max heart rate
c. At least once a week, 60 minutes at 80-85% max heart rate
d. At least twice a week, 30 minutes at 70-90% max heart rate

14. What is the equation of finding your target heart rate?
a. 220-age x %
b. 200-age x %
c. 220 x age – %
d. 200 x age – %

15. What does aerobic exercise do?
a. Helps to stimulate metabolism and reduce LDL
b. Helps to develop stronger abdominals and back muscles
c. Helps to build a stronger heart muscle
d. a & c

16. What are the risk factors for heart disease that you can control:
a. Family history, age, menopause
b. Inactivity, excessive alcohol, and high blood pressure
c. Smoking, high cholesterol and triglycerides
d. b & c

17. How often should you weight train?
a. Every day
b. 3 days in a row, 2 days rest
c. 2-3 times a week, alternating days
d. None of the above.

18. How often should you perform a Breast Self-Examination?
a. every other week
b. Once a month (if still menstruating best time a week after the start of your period)
c. Once every week
d. None of the above.

19. When should you start getting annual mammograms?
a. After age 40
b. After age 45
c. After age 50
d. After age 55

20. What are the best types of exercise if you have had breast cancer?
a. Light strengthening and stretching exercises.
b. Walking and swimming.
c. High intensity strength training
d. a & b

21. 54 million Americans at risk for Osteoporosis; what % are women?
a. 60%
b. 70%
c. 80%
d. 90%

22. By the time women are 70 they can lose up to
a.15% bone mass
b. 20% bone mass
c. 30 % bone mass
d. 45% bone mass

23. As a woman goes through menopause what is the main factor that causes bone loss?
a. loss of estrogen
b. fatigue
c. hot flashes
d. light headed

24.What are the 3 areas at most risk for osteoporotic fracture?
a. Spine, neck, foot
b. Hip, shoulder, foot
c. Spine, hip, wrist
d. None of the above.

25. What type of exercise is not particularly effective for loading your bones
a. Weight training
b. Walking
c. Swimming
d. Jogging
ANSWERS: 1. c, 2. b, 3. b, 4. d, 5. a, 6. c, 7. d, 8. d, 9. a, 10.b,11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. d, 16. d, 17. c, 18. b, 19. a, 20. d, 21. c, 22. c, 23. a, 24. c, 25. c

Feel free to share  your Fabulous Forever Health IQ.


NEW! Moving Free Ballet Barre Workout With Chair


No need to be a dancer to enjoy Mirabai Holland Moving Free® Ballet Barre Workout with a Chair instead of a barre for support. Get a serious ballet style workout like the pros do daily. Her easy to follow instruction and gentle coaching takes a Yin-Yang approach. Dance is Work-Dance is Play. She ends with a short routine  based on the moves you just learned so you can free your inner dancer.

For more info on women health coaching and fitness at home exercise programs come and visit me at and be Fabulous Forever!

Follow Mirabai Holland on 









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Covid Reduce Your Risk!

I’m sure you see a pattern here. Metabolic Syndrome can often be managed with lifestyle changes. Easier said than done? Yep. But it IS doable, and it does not have to feel like you’re in jail either. With a little help from your friendly Health Coach you can make your changes your way. We’ll work together to find a formula you can live with. Together we’ll find the way and your body will thank you for it.

There are a number of reasons for this. One big one is that Metabolic Syndrome messes up your immune system big time.

60% of Americans are overweight or obese according to research from Columbia University. Having a waist more than 40 inches in men and 35 in women encourages inflammation and blood clotting, 2 of the problems associated with severe Covid 19 cases.

Also, doctors have found that hospitalized Covid patients do better lying face down. Excess belly fat prevents the diaphragm from working properly, making it harder for the patient to breath in that position. Losing that belly fat and maintaining a healthy weight can virtually eliminate this problem, according to a British Public Health Report. A healthy diet you can actually live with, and getting on an exercise program, will help you meet this goal.

Over 100 million people in the US are living with high blood sugar. People with Diabetes generally experience more severe Covid symptoms, complications and are more likely to be admitted to the ICU. However, the American Diabetes Association says, well controlled diabetes, reduces risk of severe outcomes. Blood sugar can be regulated with a low carb diet, exercise, maintaining a healthy weight and meds as needed.

If your blood pressure is greater than 130/80 (AHA guidlines) you have hypertension. Nearly half of Americans have high blood pressure and only 25% of us have it under control.

Uncontrolled high blood pressure can put more strain on your heart during Covid, and it weakens the immune system and makes it harder to recover from the virus. Research at the Sharp Medical Center in Chula Vista, California suggests that Covid infects the cells that help regulate blood pressure and that there may be link between hypertension and severe Covid infection. So, it’s important to keep your blood pressure under control with a low-sodium diet, regular exercise, reducing stress and meds if necessary.

In these times of social distancing and sheltering in place is a perfect time to focus on your health and well-being. It can make a big difference to keep your immune system strong. If you need some help, I have your back! Here’s a short video about my Health Coaching Technique how I have helped my clients achieve a balanced and Healthy Life. If you are ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results or have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!



FREE 7 DAY TRIAL! NEW! MEMBERSHIP ON-DEMAND WORKOUT CLUB CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE & JOIN by Mirabai Holland MFA Certified Health Coach, Certified Exercise Physiologist.

Follow Mirabai Holland on 


For more health and fitness info and in home exercise videos please visit 




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Triglycerides: Skinny On Your Hidden Fat

TriglyceridesTriglycerides Your Hidden Fat:

Triglycerides:  A too-thick waistline, plus high levels of a fat called triglycerides in the blood can greatly increase risk of coronary artery disease. Triglycerides are both produced by the body and ingested through the food you eat.

High triglyceride levels can increase your risk for heart disease and are more common among inactive people with larger waistlines. Normal triglyceride levels are below 150 mg/dL. The risk of developing coronary artery disease doubles when triglyceride levels are above 200 mg/dL.

Triglycerides are called the hidden fat because they are too often overshadowed by the highly publicized LDL bad cholesterol.

However triglycerides are above 200 mg/dL and “good” (HDL) cholesterol is below 40 mg/dL, a person is at four times the risk.

Triglycerides: How Aerobic Exercise Helps

Moderate aerobic exercise like walking a half hour at least five days a week can signicantly reduce the triglyceride levels in the blood as well as boost your HDL (good cholesterol). Burning 200 calories or so on that half hour walk doesn’t hurt either.

The study also showed that more intense exercise did help with belly fat but produced only half the triglyceride lowering results.

So my recommendation is: consult your doctor, find your triglycerides level and get clearance to exercise.

If it is elevated and belly fat is not an issue do moderate aerobic exercise like brisk walking or cardio dance. If you also have extra belly fat, consider adding strength training exercise every other day to raise your metabolism and help your body burn more fat.

Don’t over do it. Ease-in. Start with a few minutes a day of something fun. Pleasure is the key to sustainability.

Couple this with a low fat diet and moderate alcohol consumption and you’ve got a recipe for better quality of life and maybe even a longer one.

If you need some help, I have your back! Health Coaching For Women Can Help! Get 50% OFF Your First Session: Put COACH AT CHECKOUT: CLICK HERE: 

NEW! Moving Free Ballet Barre Workout With Chair


No need to be a dancer to enjoy Mirabai Holland Moving Free®Ballet Barre Workout with a Chair instead of a barre for support. Get a serious ballet style workout like the pros do daily. Her easy to follow instruction and gentle coaching takes a Yin-Yang approach. Dance is Work-Dance is Play. She ends with a short routine  based on the moves you just learned so you can free your inner dancer.

For more info on women health coaching and fitness at home exercise programs come and visit me at and be Fabulous Forever!

Follow Mirabai Holland on 







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Fashion Flash Halloween Edition

Fashion FlashToday’s Fashion Flash host is Barbara from

Barbara Hannah Grufferman, lives and breathes the positive living lifestyle.

She is the author of “The Best of Everything After 50: The Experts’ Guide to Style, Sex, Health, Money and More” And her blog is full of relevant info as well as beauty products to make us look and feel our best.

We Fashion Flash Bloggers as always give you our best tips and deals in beauty, fashion, health, fitness and retail therapy. Click in, check us out.

TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH!  If you are  ready to break the cycle of failed diets, exercise programs with no results. Do you have low energy, high stress or persistent health issues. Are you peri or post menopausal and struggling: YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE! GET 50% OFF YOUR FIRST HEALTH COACHING SESSION  FOR WOMEN: CONTACT MIRABAI AT
For at home exercise programs check out my sit

Follow Mirabai Holland, Certified Health Coach & Certified Exercise Physiologist:








25% OFF ALL DVD PRODUCTS UNTIL 11-30-17 Put in coupon code FABFALL at Checkout! PLUS Free USA Shipping at


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It’s Fashion Flash Monday

Fashion FlashThis week’s Fashion Flash host is Jodell from Black Cat Plus. Jodell’s sense of style and flashion flair provides a wonderful collection of fab clothes for Plus Size Women. Please check her out.

The rest of us Fashion Flashers bring you the latest Spring updates in Fashion, Fitness, Beauty and Style.

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Fashion Flash For Women 40+

Fashion FlashToday’s Fashion Flash Host is Staness from Menopausemakeover. Staness’s advice has helped thousands of women over 40 enjoy a more comfortable, and vital life while transitioning through pre and post menopause. Click for the real deal on beauty, health and aging for women over 40.
While you’re at it, have a look at the latest Autumn ideas we Fashion Flashers have put together for you.



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