It’s Fashion Flash Monday, by Mirabai Holland © 2013

Our Fashion Flash host for this Memorial Day Monday May 28, 2013 is Cindy and her Prime Beauty Blog dedicated to the unique beauty needs of us 40 plus women. Join her and the rest of us Fashion Flashers in celebrating the service of our men and women in uniform, and learn a thing or two about beauty, health and maybe find a deal on something special.

As for me on this unofficial first day of summer, I’m close to home cooking a healthy meal for a long time friend. Have a happy healthy Memorial Day.

Yours in Health, Mirabai

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Easy Exercise Video by Mirabai Holland Get Started With Just 5 minutes

Get started right now with a 5 minute Easy exercise video for women over 40 looking for a beginner exercise routine.  Based on my Moving Free Technique which combines the joy of dance with the science of exercise. Shape-up, burn calories, build stamina, strength and flexibility. Ease into the best shape of your life.

As a beginner, exercises should be easy. Getting fit doesn’t have to feel like getting your teeth drilled. My easy exercises disconnect the pain from the gain.  If you enjoy exercising today you’ll look forward to doing it tomorrow.

For more information on my Ease-in System please click here

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It’s Fashion Flash Monday, May 20th by Mirabai Holland 2013

Today’s Fashion Flash Host is Barbara Hannah Grufferman author of The Best of Everything After 50. Her website is your source of for all things after 50.

Our Fashion Flash team has been prospecting for nuggets of knowledge and fab deals for women over 40. Check out our finds and let us know what you think.

“Getting fit shouldn’t feel like getting your teeth drilled.” It that statement resonates with you my Ease-in System may be what you are looking for. “You can ease into the best shape of your life!” For more info Click here

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Monitoring Mindless Munching by Mirabai Holland ©2013

We’re turning the corner out of Winter into Spring. Now’s the time to resurrect that New Year’s Resolution to lose weight and get fit. Set yourself up for success. Start today and write down everything you eat for the next 3 days. Knowledge is power. So much of time we do mindless munching and don’t realize how much we ate that day.

Let me know what your lists reveal.

Yours in health,



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Fitness & Wellness Q & A’s by Mirabai Holland, MFA ©2013

Here are three fitness and wellness Q & A’s that I’d like to share with you this week. I’d love to hear your comments and feel free to send me your questions too.

Q: I am in fairly decent shape at 62. I stay active and exercise. What does it mean when I hear my bones sometimes “crack” when I do some movements? I do not ever feel pain. Will the exercise help and maybe stop the popping?

A: Exercise is good for both the body and mind, but it probably won’t stop the popping.  People of all ages and fitness levels experience that popping sound; and it doesn’t necessarily indicate any abnormal condition. Your joints are lubricated with a substance called synovial fluid. It contains nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide gasses. The popping sound is actually bubbles of those gasses escaping when you move your joints. This is normal and nothing to worry about. But people who feel pain at those moments should consult their doctors. They may have arthritic joints due to the loss of cartilage.

 Q: I am in my 40’s with a high stress job. I exercise at the gym at work at least 3 times a week. I try not to bring work home with me but I am always tense and I have trouble sleeping at night. My mind is racing. Warm milk hasn’t worked, bubble baths make me tenser and I don’t want to take drugs. Any ideas?

A: You are not alone. Stress is one of the main contributors to aging and disease. It sounds like you have a build-up of stress so it’s important to relieve tension at work as well as when you are trying to fall asleep. Try this breathing exercise at work and then again as you are lying in bed. It should help relax you and slow down your thoughts. Start with taking a breath and holding it for three seconds and then exhaling. Repeat and hold for 4 seconds and continue each time holding a second longer until you get to ten seconds. After the last breath, keep your eyes closed and focus on a peaceful memory. A place or time when you felt most relaxed. Stay there as long as you can or at night until you fall asleep.

Q: I need to lose 20 pounds. I am doing aerobics three times a week and watching my calories but I am losing so slowly, I was wondering if there is any other type of exercise that could help me lose weight faster? I am really getting frustrated and I am almost ready to just give up.

A: Try adding 2-3 days of weight training to the mix. Studies show the winning formula is a combination of aerobic and weight training exercise. Moderate aerobic exercise burns calories while you are doing it and for a short time afterwards. Weight training burns calories too but it also increases your lean muscle mass. So as you add more muscle, you’ll burn more calories all day long. Research from Tufts University found that after 12 weeks of weight training, total calorie burning increased by about 15 percent which for an average adult, could amount to an extra 240 to 400 calories a day.

For more info about Mirabai and her Moving Free Technique go to


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Keep That Fitness Resolution With My Mini Time Saver Workouts by Mirabai Holland ©2012

The number one New Year’s Resolution is “Get fit and lose weight”. The number one reason for not keeping that resolution is “I don’t have time.” You’re not lying to yourself.

Schedules are tight in the morning but you can get a good workout in only ten minutes a day. What maximizes time and works really well is using an exercise routine that splits the body into major muscle groups, exercises one or two muscle groups per day. What really condenses time is doing each exercise slowly about 8 seconds per movement. For instance 8 counts on the lift and 8 counts on the lowering phase of each movement. You need to use enough weight so you can barely perform the last rep. This gives the muscle group enough of a workout to only be done once a week. Can use own body weight, hand weights, ankle weights, cans, or resistance bands.

Monday: Chest and Back:

Chest Press: Chest, Shoulders

Lie on back with knees bent and feet on the floor. With a weight in each hand, at chest push arms straight up toward ceiling, without locking the elbows. 8-15 reps.

One Arm Dumbbell Row: Upper and Middle Back

Stand with left foot forward, right foot back, knees bent as though walking. With weight in right hand, bend forward, hinging from your hips, back flat, supported by your left hand on left thigh. Let your right arm with weight hang down toward the floor. In one smooth motion, keeping abs pulled in, bring the weight up to your hip. 8-15 reps. Repeat with other arm.

Tuesday:  Outer & Inner Thighs

Outer Thigh Leg Lift: Lie on your side, bottom arm extended for support, bottom leg bent, top leg straight. Lift top leg to hip level with foot flexed hold 1-2 seconds and slowly lower. 8-15 reps. Flip on to your other side and repeat.

Inner Thigh Leg Lift:  Lying on your side, bottom arm extended. Cross top leg over and place foot on floor forming a triangle over the bottom straight leg. Lift bottom leg up to hip height if possible. 8-15 reps. Flip on to your other side and repeat.

Wednesday: Arms

Biceps curls: Stand with legs hip width apart, slightly bending knees, a weight in each hand.  Hands with palms facing away from your body curl both arms towards your shoulders and return back to starting position. 8-15 reps.

Triceps: Stand with legs hip width apart, slightly bending knees, a weight in each hand. Bend elbows with palms facing in and extend arms in back of you. 8-15 reps

Thursday Legs & buttocks:

Front Leg Lift: Using a chair or wall for support, stand tall, shoulders square over your hips, with weight on one leg, abdominals contracted. While exhaling, slowly lift other leg straight out not higher than your hip. Hold 2 seconds and lower. Repeat using other leg. (Ankle weights optional.)

Back Leg Lift/Buttocks: Use the same starting position as front thigh lift. While exhaling lift leg straight outbehind you to about knee height without bending forward. Bend heel to the buttocks while foot is flexed and then extend leg and lift as you tighten your buttock. Repeat with other leg. (Ankle weights are optional.)

Friday: Abs

Modified Bicycle Crunch: Abs and Obliques

Lie on you back knees bent, feet on the floor, hands behind your head, elbow pointing outward. In one motion, bring your torso up, elbow pointed toward ceiling. At the same time bring your right leg up to meet it, until your left elbow is about 8 inches from your right knee. Return to starting position: then bring right elbow toward left knee.

Also, before you even get out of bed, there are stretches you can do. Also in the shower or bath a good place to stretch because the warm water helps to warm muscles allowing them to stretch easier. 10-20 reps.

For aerobics-research says you can break it up into 3 ten-minute periods throughout the day and still get the same benefits.

30 minutes a day can reduce you risk for heart attack by 50%. (National Institutes of Health)

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