Stretching, Yoga and Meditation can help relieve stress. Interludes: Take a break every couple of hours to remember and move the rest of your body. It can make a big difference in your health. All it takes is a little effort to get in the habit. Once you do, you’ll discover a wellspring of wellness that you can revisit again and again. Studies have shown interludes can be key to enhanced productivity, alertness and mental stability. Breathing: By the time we reach our 40s and 50s, we have often learned habitual postures and positions that block our ability to breathe fully. These postures might be learned from parents, they might be developed from past injuries or result unconsciously from daily environments like driving or hunching forward to look at a computer at a desk job. How To Fix It: “TAKE 5” RELAXATION EXERCISE Exercise benefits begin when we start to breathe fully. Over the years, we can develop unconscious habits like slouching or muscle tension because of the kind of work we do or even feelings of stress. This kind of muscle tension and mental anxiety can lead to health problems as we age. Start by stopping – and listening to your body. It may be telling you something with minor aches and pains. It may be completely silent, numb and lacking in energy. You may even feel annoyed, or worried about everything and feeling stuck. If you have these feelings, take 5 minutes in your day to stop. Go to a place that is a quiet and private as possible, even if it’s a bathroom. Take a few slow, deep breaths. Close your eyes. Try to clear your mind by only thinking of the sound of your breathing. Then gently let your head nod down, then come level again, a few times. Gently turn your head to the right then back to center; to the left and center, a few times on each side. As you inhale deeply, slowly shrug your shoulders then let them fall naturally. Roll them slowly forward twice, then backward twice. Lift your arms above your head and spread your fingers open By now, you’ve passed 5 minutes with small stretches that can help your circulation and lower your blood pressure. It’s a small but valuable gift of time and movement. Try it once a day, then twice. This is the place – the space – for you to restore and rejuvenate your physical and mental energy. Ease into more movement today.