Healthy holiday treats. Really? We all seem to suspend our healthy eating habits during the holidays. Maybe rightly so. There are so many delicious temptations. Go ahead I say. The holidays come but once a year. However, not all treats are created equal. Here are three healthy holiday treats to add to add to your list with a little less guilt.


Healthy HolidayTreatsGreat Tasting Honey  Champlain Valley Apiaries, Middlebury, Vermont has been producing high quality honey since 1931. Their honey is extracted from blossoms of clover and alfalfa and comes in crystallized and liquid form. Their crystallized honey retains all its vitamins, and nutrients because it is neither heated nor filtered. And the flavor is wonderfully light and delicate making it a perfect ingredient to use in cooking or to simple spread on a piece of whole grain toast. And I like the liquid in my cocoa.

For an extra health boost try Charles’ Royal Blend, a combination of crystallized honey, 10 grams Bee Pollen, and 10 grams of Royal Jelly.

Available online at


Healthy Holiday TreatsDeliciously Pure Handmade Jams & Preserves

Side Hill Farm, Brattleboro, Vermont produces all their jams & preserves with small batches of fruit, sugar and nothing else. There are no preservatives, pectin or other thickeners.  There’s just enough sweetness so as not to camouflage the fresh taste of the fruit. It comes through strong and pure whether you put some into your yogurt or just eat it plain for a quick healthy treat.  There are many wonderful flavors to tickle your palate. Wild Blueberry, Blackberry, Apricot Orange Marmalade, and Strawberry are available online at

For more exotic flavors like Mango Habanero, Hot Red Pepper or Cinnamon Pear call 1-802-254-2018.

Healthy Holiday TreatsMorse Farm Maple Sugarworks                   200 Year Old Maple Syrup? Not exactly. But Morse Farms, Montpelier, Vermont has been making its Maple Syrup for 200 years. They are part of the reason why Vermont Maple Syrup is the standard by which all syrups are judged. “We think you can taste eight generations of experience in our products.” Their 100% pure Maple syrup is rich in calcium, potassium, B vitamins and niacin. It comes in 4 different grades of syrup from light to full body taste: Vermont Fancy Grade, Grade A Medium Amber, Grade A Dark Amber, and Grade B. I dribble it on my cereal in the morning and use it in my baking.

Available online at 

BTW I don’t having any stock or financial interest in any of these companies. I just like this stuff.

And, after indulging, burn some of  those calories off with one of my workouts. Check them out at 

Happy Holidays!

Send YOUR favorites to



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Fab Over 40 Hosts Fashion Flash Blog

Fashion FlashFashion Flash is hosted this week by Fab Over Creator Kari gives you the straight skinny on honest 40 plus beauty maintenance options without injectables or surgery.

The rest of our Fashion Flash bloggers are up to our necks in Fashion, Beauty Health & Fitness and Pre-Holiday Deals. Click in, Read up, Find out..



Menopause and Weight Gain: What You Can Do About It

hike-2006A study from the Mayo Clinic has revealed that menopause and weight gain are linked because proteins that store fat do it better when estrogen is lost after menopause.  They also cause fat to be burned by the body more slowly so weight gain after menopause is hard to fight. Something else happens too.  A study in the Journal of Obesity points out that post menopausal women gain about 12 pounds following menopause. And even women that don’t see weight gain after menopause experience a shift in body shape that expands their waistline.

That’s because lower estrogen levels cause fat to shift from hips and thighs to the belly. Belly fat has been linked to higher incidence of heart disease. So menopause and weight gain is a serious health issue, not just a cosmetic one.

So what does one do about menopause and weight gain?

The only way to get rid of that belly fat is to lose weight everywhere and sculpt your body with exercise. Let’s talk calories. 1lb of weight equals 3500 calories. So to lose 1lb a week exercise 200 calories off with about a half hour of moderate cardio a day and eat 300 calories less every day. That 500 hundred multiple by 7 days will get you on the track to lose one pound per week. What can make this process easier is combine cardio with strength exercises. Try this anti menopause and weight gain routine.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday do 30-60 minutes of moderate cardio exercises like Brisk walking, swimming, biking jogging, or dance exercise videos.

For more info on at home exercise programs for women over 40 visit


by Putting In the words FAB FALL at checkout



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It’s Fashion Flash Monday!

Fashion FlashFashion Flash is hosted by Prime Beauty, the blog for women 40 and over. Editor Cindy offers you the most up to date information on skincare, makeup, product reviews, bargains, product launches, and makeup tips and tricks. She’s done the homework, so all you need to do is click.

The rest of us Fashion Flash bloggers are bringing it home to you too. We’ve got everything: Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness, and Shopping for us 40 + females.

Come on in.


strength-training.jpgA study at the University of Alabama with older women concluded that the exercise sweet spot is about 40 minutes of cardio twice week and a full body strength workout on 2 alternate days.

The group that exercised more, up to 6 times a week did not achieve better results, and reported less energy for daily activities.

So more is not always better!

But doing enough on a regular basis is what counts!

For more info on at home exercise programs for women over 40 visit


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It’s Fashion Flash Monday!

Fashion FlashThis week’s Fashion Flash host is the No Nonsense Beauty Blog by Deb Chase. We all want to look and feel beautiful. But there’s more beauty nonsense flying around than there is polin in  the air. Deb cuts through the beauty blah blah and offers you real solutions to real beauty issues.

The rest of us Fashion Flash bloggers are no slouches either. We’ve got the real deal in 40 + Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness, and Real Deals for the Personal Shopper in all of us.

Menopause and Weight Gain: What You Can Do About It 

A study from the Mayo Clinic has revealed that menopause and weight gain are linked because proteins that store fat do it better when estrogen is lost after menopause.  They also cause fat to be burned by the body more slowly so weight gain after menopause is hard to fight. Something else happens too.  A study in the Journal of Obesity points out that post menopausal women gain about 12 pounds following menopause. And even women that don’t see weight gain after menopause experience a shift in body shape that expands their waistline.

That’s because lower estrogen levels cause fat to shift from hips and thighs to the belly. Belly fat has been linked to higher incidence of heart disease. So menopause and weight gain is a serious health issue, not just a cosmetic one.

The only way to get rid of that belly fat is to lose weight everywhere and sculpt your body with exercise. Let’s talk calories. 1lb of weight equals 3500 calories. So to lose 1lb a week exercise 200 calories off with about a half hour of moderate cardio a day and eat 300 calories less every day. That 500 hundred multiple by 7 days will get you on the track to lose one pound per week. What can make this process easier is combine cardio with strength exercises. Try this anti menopause and weight gain routine. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday do 30-60 minutes of moderate cardio exercises like brisk walking, swimming, biking jogging, or dance exercise videos.

FAB LOGO 8qpNwg64_bigger
Save 15% on Mirabai Holland EXERCISE DVDs
I’d like to offer you a 15% discount on any of MY DVDs. FAB FALL is the coupon code at checkout!Enjoy the intelligent way to get and stay in shape! Check out

Yours In Health,

Offer Good Until December 1, 2014



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FAB LOGO 8qpNwg64_bigger
Save 15% on Mirabai Holland EXERCISE DVDs
I’d like to offer you a 15% discount on any of MY DVDs. FAB FALL is the coupon code at checkout! Enjoy the intelligent way to get and stay in shape! Check out

Yours In Health,

Offer Good Until December 1, 2014

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It’s Fashion Flash Monday!

Fashion FlashIt’s Fashion Flash Monday! Today’s host is Deb Chase from No Nonsense Beauty Blog. Deb combines her experience and latest research in both science and beauty to develop a no-nonsense anti-aging beauty plan for all women over 40. The rest of us Fashion Flash Bloggers give you the latest in fab fashion, beauty, and fitness info and deals so you can look and feel your best for Fall.


FAB LOGO 8qpNwg64_biggerHere is a Fabulous Forever Q & A:


Q: Is exercise just as effective for depression as Zoloft? Is this real?

A: It’s real all right. The study, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, comes from Duke University. Professor of medical psychology, Dr. James Blumenthal led the research. 153 women and 49 men, suffering from depression were divided into four groups. The first did aerobic exercise in a group setting. The second got an actual antidepressant drug. The third group did aerobics at home. And the fourth group got a placebo that looked just like a Zoloft pill.

After 16 weeks everybody did better than the placebo group but here’s the kicker. While 47% of the real Zoloft group no longer had depression, 45 % of the group exercisers were also no longer depressed. Almost dead even!

It was found that aerobic exercise is the type that works best. It seems to affect the body’s levels of mood lifting neurochemicals like norepinephrine and serotonin.

So if you’d rather exercise your depression away, it’s worth a try. You may get fit in more ways than one.

For more info on at home exercise programs please visit



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It’s Fashion Flash Monday!

Fashion FlashIt’s Fashion Flash Monday and our host today is Cindy from Prime Beauty. Cindy’s beauty blog is filled with the latest info on skincare, make-up, and product reviews geared specially for women over 40! The rest of us Fashion Flash Bloggers keep you looking and feeling your best with our latest posts on style, beauty, fitness and health.

Click in and tell us what you think!


strength-training.jpgA study at the University of Alabama with older women concluded that the exercise sweet spot is about 40 minutes of cardio twice week and a full body strength workout on 2 alternate days. Read more



For more about at home exercise programs please visit



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Fashion Flash Monday!

Fashion FlashIt’s Fashion Flash Monday! I’m Mirabai Holland of Moving Free with Mirabai, your host this week. Our team of Fashion Flash Bloggers have a passion for Flashing the latest and greatest in 40+ Fashion, Beauty, Health, Inside Info and SHOPPING. All for your immediate consumption! You’re invited to the party right here, right now.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts.



WebFabOVER forty-large2With makeup collections coming out all the time there are some that are more suited to women over 40. Fab Over Forty feels this Tom Ford Fall Collection is one women over 40 can easily wear any time of the year.



PRIMEBEAUTYScreen-Shot-2012-05-28-at-6.15.05-AM-300x62As we age our skin loses elasticity. Prime Beauty has discovered Reviva Labs High Potency Elastin Serum to help prevent those dreaded jowls!



CHIC AT ANY AGE LOGO_Fachion FlashHints and tips on make-up for special occasions from a renowned make-up artist.






OVER50FEELING40 bannerFashion blogger, Pamela Lutrell, reminds us about the importance inspiration plays in stepping up our personal style!  Let’s see how she gained inspiration for her fall wardrobe last year.








Best-of-Everything-After-50-logo-for-FF-groupPositive Living Advocate Barbara Hannah Grufferman wants women to have a more balanced life . . . starting with this simple exercise! 






society-wellness BANNER_FASHION FLASHIf you looked in the mirror this morning and said to yourself “I need a face lift”, Society Wellness shares how to get a healthy, holistic, non-surgical face lift.






second lives club_Fashion Flash copyJoan Rivers reinvented herself and her look many times.  I’m certain she had more lives to live; her own cut short at 81!





DivaDebbi LOGODivaDebbi’s favorite Spring 2015 collection was designed by Joseph Altazurra. Is it nice that it coincided with the launch of the 48 piece Altazurra collection for Target?




JPG_Aging BackwardshRlogo-_4-14Fall marks the start of flu season – don’t “fall” into the flu trap. Jackie Silver from has tips to avoid the flu.




www.blackcatplus.com_-300x99More and more brands are working with top designers to increase offerings for plus size women



Fashion Flash Fitness

As for me I’m enjoying the last few weeks of fall fitness outdoors; and I suggest you do the same.

But if you haven’t been exercising in a while, and you know you have to do something, but you hate the thought of it, I’ve got the solution. Ease-in! Getting fit shouldn’t feel like getting your teeth drilled.

It should be pleasant today so you’ll come back and do it again tomorrow.

MyFashion Flash Ease-in DVD gives you a chance to Ease-in to the best shape of your life starting with just 5 minutes a day. And get 15% off by using this CODE: AUTUMNFAB at Checkout! BTW and it will work on all of my other videos too! Come and visit me at


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It’s Fashion Flash Monday!

Fashion FlashIt’s Fashion Flash Monday! This week’s host, Josephine started her blog ChicAtAnyAge to remind us all that beauty, fashion, and fabulous style have no expiration date.

The rest of us Fashion Flash Bloggers agree. Every week we bring you the last word in 40+ Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness and of course Retail Therapy.

Click in to check it out!










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Women Over 40 News: Fashion Flash

Women Over 40 News

Fashion Flash

Women Over 40 News: It’s Fashion Flash Monday! Our host today is Jodell from BlackCatPlus. Her site is a real find for plus size women for fabulous fashion, beauty and more.

The rest of us Fashion Flashers give you the latest and greatest in women over 40 news for end of summer fashion, beauty, health & fitness to help you feel and look your best! Check us out.



 Women Over 40 News

Are you stressed? You might relate to this Fabulous Forever Q & A.

Dear Mirabai,
I am in a high stress job. I exercise at the gym at work at least 3 times a week.  I try not to bring work home with me but I am always tense and I have trouble sleeping at night. My mind is racing. Warm milk hasn’t worked, bubble baths make me more tense and I don’t want to take drugs. Any ideas?

Dear Stressed,
You are not alone. Stress is one of the main contributors to aging and disease.
It sounds like you have a build-up of stress so it’s important to relieve tension at work as well as when you are trying to fall asleep.
Try this breathing exercise at work and then again as you are lying in bed. It should help relax you and slow down your thoughts. Start with taking a breath and holding it for three seconds and then exhaling. Repeat and hold for 4 seconds and continue each time holding a second longer until you get to ten seconds. After the last breath, keep your eyes closed and focus on a peaceful memory. A place or time when you felt most relaxed. Stay there as long as you can or at night until you fall asleep.

 Send your Fabulous Forever questions to:

For at home exercise programs for women over 40 visit

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