Sneaker Shopping

Heart-Biceps---Triceps-A--3As for me, I’ve been shopping, sneaker shopping, after a couple of emails asking me how to pick out athletic shoes.  I’ve responded to sneaker stimuli, bought myself some new ones and shared my formula for sneaker shopping and how to pick yours. I believe in specialty stores. The stock is more current, the staff is more knowledgeable and the overall experience makes you want to strap them on and move. The only thing that urks me a little is once in awhile I get hooked with a my way or the highway salesperson. Don’t listen to those people unless you REALLY agree with them. It’s all about the fit and the feel. If that don’t fit great, feel great and look great in the store instantly, keep looking.

Sneaker Shopping

I went into the store looking for cross training shoes. They had lots but none that felt good on me. While waiting for the salesperson to come back out,

Sneaker ShoppingI wandered around the store and spotted these adorable blue runners. I have a lot of running shoes but these appealed to my inner fashionista. I picked one up and it weighed nothing. I ran it through the twist and squeeze test hoping it would give me good support. It’s scary how well they can make lightweight runners these days. I asked to try them on. As I waited for my pair I couldn’t help thinking please let them fit. Please let them feel good. They’re so cute, please let them be functional. They go so well with my new outfit. When they came out, I admonished my fashionista self. “If they’re not perfect, don’t buy them. You’ll never wear them.” As fate would have it, they fit like a glove and I whipped out my credit card.
“I’ll wear them”, I told the clerk. For more info on sneaker shopping and how to select yours check out my post

Here’s hoping you have the same experience soon so you won’t have to sneak around in those old grubbies.

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